.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. @author: Manuel Guenther .. @date: Wed Nov 5 19:56:23 CET 2014 ============== Installation ============== .. note:: To follow these instructions locally you will need a local copy of this package. Please go to the `PyPI page of this package `_ and download the ``.zip`` file using the ``Download`` button in the top-right of the page. Unzip the package in a directory of your choice and open a console window in this directory. You also might want to use the latest version of this package, which you can obtain from GitHub_: .. code-block:: sh $ git clone https://github.com/bioidiap/bob.example.faceverify.git $ cd bob.example.faceverify Installation of this example uses the `buildout `_ building environment. You don't need to understand its inner workings to use this package. Here is a recipe to get you started: .. code-block:: sh $ python bootstrap.py $ ./bin/buildout These 2 commands should download and install all non-installed dependencies and get you a fully operational test and development environment. Particularly, it will download and compile all required packages of Bob_. Please make sure that you have read the `Dependencies `_ of Bob_ for your operating system. .. note:: Compiling the packages of Bob_ might take a while. Download the Test Database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The images that are required to run the test are not included in this package, but they are freely downloadable from http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html Unpack the database in a directory that fits you. The easiest solution is to create a sub-directory ``Database`` in this package. If you decide to put the data somewhere else, please remember the image directory. Verify your Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To verify your installation, you might want to run the unit tests that are provided with this package. For this, the AT&T database is required to be either in the ``Database`` sub-directory of this package (see above), or that the ``ATNT_DATABASE_DIRECTORY`` environment variable points to your database directory. At Idiap, you might want to use: .. code-block:: sh $ export ATNT_DATABASE_DIRECTORY=/YOUR/ATNT/IMAGE/DIRECTORY $ bin/nosetests -v .. _bob: https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob .. _github: https://www.github.com