Source code for bob.db.verification.utils.database

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Guenther <>
# @date:   Thu Dec  6 12:28:25 CET 2012
# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
import abc
import six
# Nose is detecting a function as a test function, while it is not...
from numpy.testing.decorators import setastest

from .file import File

[docs]class Database(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """Abstract base class that defines the minimum required API for querying verification databases.""" def __init__(self, original_directory = None, original_extension = None): """**Contructor Documentation** The constructor tests if all implemented functions at least take the desired arguments. When ``original_directory`` and ``original_extension`` are specified, the :py:func:`original_file_name` method will be able to return the full path of the original files. Keyword arguments: original_directory : str or None The base directory, where the original data files can be found original_extension : str or None The file name extension of the original files (e.g., ``'.png'`` or ``'.avi'``) """ # copy original file name and extension self.original_directory = original_directory self.original_extension = original_extension # try if the implemented model_ids() and objects() function have at least the required interface try: # create a value that is very unlikely a valid value for anything test_value = '#6T7+§X' # test if the parameters of the functions apply self.model_ids(groups=test_value, protocol=test_value) self.objects(groups=test_value, protocol=test_value, purposes=test_value, model_ids=(test_value,)) self.annotations(file=File(test_value, test_value, test_value)) except TypeError as e: # type error indicates that the given parameters are not valid. raise NotImplementedError(str(e) + "\nPlease implement:\n - the model_ids(...) function with at least the arguments 'groups' and 'protocol'\n - the objects(...) function with at least the arguments 'groups', 'protocol', 'purposes' and 'model_ids'\n - the annotations() function with at least the arguments 'file_id'.") except: # any other error is fine at this stage. pass ################################################################# ###### Methods to be overwritten by derived classes ############# ################################################################# @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def groups(self, protocol = None, **kwargs): """This function returns the list of groups for this database. protocol : str The protocol for which the groups should be retrieved. The protocol is dependent on your database. If you do not have protocols defined, just ignore this field. Returns: a list of groups """ raise NotImplementedError("This function must be implemented in your derived class.")
[docs] def model_ids(self, groups = None, protocol = None, **kwargs): """This function returns the ids of the models of the given groups for the given protocol. Keyword parameters: groups : str or [str] The groups of which the model ids should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('world', 'dev', 'eval') protocol : str The protocol for which the model ids should be retrieved. The protocol is dependent on your database. If you do not have protocols defined, just ignore this field. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function must be implemented in your derived class.")
[docs] def objects(self, groups = None, protocol = None, purposes = None, model_ids = None, **kwargs): """This function returns lists of File objects, which fulfill the given restrictions. Keyword parameters: groups : str or [str] The groups of which the clients should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('world', 'dev', 'eval') protocol The protocol for which the clients should be retrieved. The protocol is dependent on your database. If you do not have protocols defined, just ignore this field. purposes : str or [str] The purposes for which File objects should be retrieved. Usually, purposes are one of ('enroll', 'probe'). model_ids : [various type] The model ids for which the File objects should be retrieved. What defines a 'model id' is dependent on the database. In cases, where there is only one model per client, model ids and client ids are identical. In cases, where there is one model per file, model ids and file ids are identical. But, there might also be other cases. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function must be implemented in your derived class.")
[docs] def annotations(self, file): """This function returns the annotations for the given file id as a dictionary. Keyword parameters: file : :py:class:`bob.db.verification.utils.File` or one of its derivatives The File object you want to retrieve the annotations for, Return value: A dictionary of annotations, for face images usually something like {'leye':(le_y,le_x), 'reye':(re_y,re_x), ...}, or None if there are no annotations for the given file ID (which is the case in this base class implementation). """ assert isinstance(file, File) return None
################################################################# ######### Methods to be used by derived classes ################# #################################################################
[docs] def provides_file_set_for_protocol(self, protocol = None): """Returns True if the given protocol specifies file sets for probes, instead of a single probe file. In this default implementation, False is returned, throughout. If you need different behavior, please overload this function in your derived class.""" return False
[docs] def uniquify(self, file_list): """Sorts the given list of File objects and removes duplicates from it. Keyword parameters: file_list : [:py:class:`File`] A list of File objects to be handled. Also other objects can be handled, as long as they are sortable. Returns A sorted copy of the given ``file_list`` with the duplicates removed. """ return sorted(set(file_list))
[docs] def check_parameters_for_validity(self, parameters, parameter_description, valid_parameters, default_parameters = None): """Checks the given parameters for validity, i.e., if they are contained in the set of valid parameters. It also assures that the parameters form a tuple or a list. If parameters is 'None' or empty, the default_parameters will be returned (if default_parameters is omitted, all valid_parameters are returned). This function will return a tuple or list of parameters, or raise a ValueError. Keyword parameters: parameters : str, [str] or None The parameters to be checked. Might be a string, a list/tuple of strings, or None. parameter_description : str A short description of the parameter. This will be used to raise an exception in case the parameter is not valid. valid_parameters : [str] A list/tuple of valid values for the parameters. default_parameters : [str] or None The list/tuple of default parameters that will be returned in case parameters is None or empty. If omitted, all valid_parameters are used. """ if parameters is None: # parameters are not specified, i.e., 'None' or empty lists parameters = default_parameters if default_parameters is not None else valid_parameters if not isinstance(parameters, (list, tuple, set)): # parameter is just a single element, not a tuple or list -> transform it into a tuple parameters = (parameters,) # perform the checks for parameter in parameters: if parameter not in valid_parameters: raise ValueError("Invalid %s '%s'. Valid values are %s, or lists/tuples of those" % (parameter_description, parameter, valid_parameters)) # check passed, now return the list/tuple of parameters return parameters
[docs] def check_parameter_for_validity(self, parameter, parameter_description, valid_parameters, default_parameter = None): """Checks the given parameter for validity, i.e., if it is contained in the set of valid parameters. If the parameter is 'None' or empty, the default_parameter will be returned, in case it is specified, otherwise a ValueError will be raised. This function will return the parameter after the check tuple or list of parameters, or raise a ValueError. Keyword parameters: parameter : str The single parameter to be checked. Might be a string or None. parameter_description : str A short description of the parameter. This will be used to raise an exception in case the parameter is not valid. valid_parameters : [str] A list/tuple of valid values for the parameters. default_parameters : [str] or None The default parameter that will be returned in case parameter is None or empty. If omitted and parameter is empty, a ValueError is raised. """ if parameter is None: # parameter not specified ... if default_parameter is not None: # ... -> use default parameter parameter = default_parameter else: # ... -> raise an exception raise ValueError("The %s has to be one of %s, it might not be 'None'." % (parameter_description, valid_parameters)) if isinstance(parameter, (list, tuple, set)): # the parameter is in a list/tuple ... if len(parameter) > 1: raise ValueError("The %s has to be one of %s, it might not be more than one (%s was given)." % (parameter_description, valid_parameters, parameter)) # ... -> we take the first one parameter = parameter[0] # perform the check if parameter not in valid_parameters: raise ValueError("The given %s '%s' is not allowed. Please choose one of %s." % (parameter_description, parameter, valid_parameters)) # tests passed -> return the parameter return parameter
################################################################# ######### Methods to provide common functionality ############### #################################################################
[docs] def original_file_name(self, file, check_existence = True): """This function returns the original file name for the given File object. Keyword parameters: file : :py:class:`File` or a derivative The File objects for which the file name should be retrieved check_existence : bool Check if the original file exists? Return value : str The original file name for the given File object """ # check if directory is set if not self.original_directory or not self.original_extension: raise ValueError("The original_directory and/or the original_extension were not specified in the constructor.") # extract file name file_name = file.make_path(self.original_directory, self.original_extension) if not check_existence or os.path.exists(file_name): return file_name raise ValueError("The file '%s' was not found. Please check the original directory '%s' and extension '%s'?" % (file_name, self.original_directory, self.original_extension))
[docs] def original_file_names(self, files, check_existence = True): """This function returns the list of original file names for the given list of File objects. Keyword parameters: files : [:py:class:`File`] The list of File objects for which the file names should be retrieved check_existence : bool Check if the original files exists? Return value : [str] The original file names for the given File objects, in the same order. """ # extract file names return [self.original_file_name(f, check_existence) for f in files]
[docs] def file_names(self, files, directory, extension): """This function returns the list of original file names for the given list of File objects. Keyword parameters: files : [:py:class:`File`] The list of File objects for which the file names should be retrieved directory : str The base directory where the files are stored extension : str The file name extension of the files Return value : [str] The file names for the given File objects, in the same order. """ # extract file names return [f.make_path(directory, extension) for f in files]
[docs] def all_files(self, **kwargs): """Returns the list of all File objects that satisfy your query. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`objects` function.""" return self.uniquify(self.objects(**kwargs))
[docs] def training_files(self, protocol = None, **kwargs): """Returns the list of all training (world) File objects that satisfy your query. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`objects` function.""" return self.uniquify(self.objects(protocol=protocol, groups='world', **kwargs))
[docs] def test_files(self, protocol = None, groups = 'dev', **kwargs): """Returns the list of all test File objects of the given groups that satisfy your query. Test objects are all File objects that serve either for enrollment or probing. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`objects` function.""" return self.uniquify(self.objects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, **kwargs))
[docs] def enroll_files(self, protocol = None, model_id = None, groups = 'dev', **kwargs): """Returns the list of enrollment File objects from the given model id of the given protocol for the given groups that satisfy your query. If the model_id is None (the default), enrollment files for all models are returned. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`objects` function.""" if model_id: return self.uniquify(self.objects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, model_ids=(model_id,), purposes='enroll', **kwargs)) else: return self.uniquify(self.objects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, purposes='enroll', **kwargs))
[docs] def probe_files(self, protocol = None, model_id = None, groups = 'dev', **kwargs): """Returns the list of probe File objects to probe the model with the given model id of the given protocol for the given groups that satisfy your query. If the model_id is None (the default), all possible probe files are returned. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`objects` function.""" if model_id is not None: return self.uniquify(self.objects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, model_ids=(model_id,), purposes='probe', **kwargs)) else: return self.uniquify(self.objects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, purposes='probe', **kwargs))
[docs] def get_client_id_from_model_id(self, model_id, **kwargs): """Return the client id associated with the given model id. In this base class implementation, it is assumed that only one model is enrolled for each client and, thus, client id and model id are identical. All key word arguments are ignored. Please override this function in derived class implementations to change this behavior.""" return model_id
[docs]class SQLiteDatabase(Database): """This class can be used for handling SQL databases. It opens an SQL database in a read-only mode and keeps it opened during the whole session. Since this class is based on the :py:class:`bob.db.verification.utils.Database` class, it is abstract and you have to implement the abstract methods of that class.""" def __init__(self, sqlite_file, file_class, **kwargs): """**Contructor Documentation** Opens a connection to the given SQLite file and keeps it open through the whole session. Keyword parameters: sqlite_file : str The file name (including full path) of the SQLite file to read or generate. file_class : a class instance The ``File`` class, which needs to be derived from :py:class:`bob.db.verification.utils.File`. This is required to be able to :py:meth:`query` the databases later on. Other keyword arguments passed to the :py:class:`bob.db.verification.utils.Database` constructor. """ self.m_sqlite_file = sqlite_file if not os.path.exists(sqlite_file): self.m_session = None else: import bob.db.base.utils self.m_session = bob.db.base.utils.session_try_readonly('sqlite', sqlite_file) # call base class constructor Database.__init__(self, **kwargs) # also set the File class that is used (needed for a query) from .file import File # assert the given file class is derived from the File class assert issubclass(file_class, File) self.m_file_class = file_class def __del__(self): """Closes the connection to the database when it is not needed any more.""" if self.is_valid(): # do some magic to close the connection to the database file try: # Since the dispose function re-creates a pool # which might fail in some conditions, e.g., when this destructor is called during the exit of the python interpreter self.m_session.close() self.m_session.bind.dispose() except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError): # ... I can just ignore the according exception... pass
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Returns if a valid session has been opened for reading the database.""" return self.m_session is not None
[docs] def assert_validity(self): """Raise a RuntimeError if the database back-end is not available.""" if not self.is_valid(): raise IOError("Database of type 'sqlite' cannot be found at expected location '%s'." % self.m_sqlite_file)
[docs] def query(self, *args): """Creates a query to the database using the given arguments.""" self.assert_validity() return self.m_session.query(*args)
[docs] def files(self, ids, preserve_order = True): """Returns a list of ``File`` objects with the given file ids Keyword Parameters: ids : [various type] The ids of the object in the database table "file". This object should be a python iterable (such as a tuple or list). preserve_order : bool If True (the default) the order of elements is preserved, but the execution time increases. Returns a list (that may be empty) of ``File`` objects. """ file_objects = self.query(self.m_file_class).filter( if not preserve_order: return list(file_objects) else: # path_dict = { : f.make_path(prefix, suffix) for f in file_objects} <<-- works fine with python 2.7, but not in 2.6 path_dict = {} for f in file_objects: path_dict[] = f return [path_dict[id] for id in ids]
[docs] def paths(self, ids, prefix = None, suffix = None, preserve_order = True): """Returns a full file paths considering particular file ids, a given directory and an extension Keyword Parameters: ids : [various type] The ids of the object in the database table "file". This object should be a python iterable (such as a tuple or list). prefix : str or None The bit of path to be prepended to the filename stem suffix : str or None The extension determines the suffix that will be appended to the filename stem. preserve_order : bool If True (the default) the order of elements is preserved, but the execution time increases. Returns a list (that may be empty) of the fully constructed paths given the file ids. """ file_objects = self.files(ids, preserve_order) return [f.make_path(prefix, suffix) for f in file_objects]
[docs] def reverse(self, paths, preserve_order = True): """Reverses the lookup: from certain paths, return a list of File objects Keyword Parameters: paths : [str] The filename stems to query for. This object should be a python iterable (such as a tuple or list) preserve_order : True If True (the default) the order of elements is preserved, but the execution time increases. Returns a list (that may be empty). """ file_objects = self.query(self.m_file_class).filter(self.m_file_class.path.in_(paths)) if not preserve_order: return file_objects else: # path_dict = {f.path : f for f in file_objects} <<-- works fine with python 2.7, but not in 2.6 path_dict = {} for f in file_objects: path_dict[f.path] = f return [path_dict[path] for path in paths]
[docs]class ZTDatabase(Database): """This class defines another set of abstract functions that need to be implemented if your database provides the interface for computing scores used for ZT-normalization.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """**Construtctor Documentation** This constructor tests if all implemented functions take the correct arguments. All keyword parameters will be passed unaltered to the :py:class:`bob.db.verification.utils.Database` constructor. """ # call base class constructor Database.__init__(self, **kwargs) # try if the implemented tmodel_ids(), tobjects() and zobjects() function have at least the required interface try: # create a value that is very unlikely a valid value for anything test_value = '#F9S%3*Y' # test if the parameters of the functions apply self.tmodel_ids(groups=test_value, protocol=test_value) self.tobjects(groups=test_value, protocol=test_value, model_ids=test_value) self.zobjects(groups=test_value, protocol=test_value) except TypeError as e: # type error indicates that the given parameters are not valid. raise NotImplementedError(str(e) + "\nPlease implement:\n - the tmodel_ids(...) function with at least the arguments 'groups' and 'protocol'\n - the tobjects(...) function with at least the arguments 'groups', 'protocol' and 'model_ids'\n - the zobjects(...) function with at least the arguments 'groups' and 'protocol'") except: # any other error is fine at this stage. pass @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def tmodel_ids(self, groups = None, protocol = None, **kwargs): """This function returns the ids of the T-Norm models of the given groups for the given protocol. Keyword parameters: groups : str or [str] The groups of which the model ids should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('dev', 'eval') protocol : str The protocol for which the model ids should be retrieved. The protocol is dependent on your database. If you do not have protocols defined, just ignore this field. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function must be implemented in your derived class.")
[docs] def tobjects(self, groups = None, protocol = None, model_ids = None, **kwargs): """This function returns the File objects of the T-Norm models of the given groups for the given protocol and the given model ids. Keyword parameters: groups : str or [str] The groups of which the model ids should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('dev', 'eval') protocol : str The protocol for which the model ids should be retrieved. The protocol is dependent on your database. If you do not have protocols defined, just ignore this field. model_ids : [various type] The model ids for which the File objects should be retrieved. What defines a 'model id' is dependent on the database. In cases, where there is only one model per client, model ids and client ids are identical. In cases, where there is one model per file, model ids and file ids are identical. But, there might also be other cases. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function must be implemented in your derived class.")
[docs] def zobjects(self, groups = None, protocol = None, **kwargs): """This function returns the File objects of the Z-Norm impostor files of the given groups for the given protocol. Keyword parameters: groups : str or [str] The groups of which the model ids should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('dev', 'eval') protocol : str The protocol for which the model ids should be retrieved. The protocol is dependent on your database. If you do not have protocols defined, just ignore this field. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function must be implemented in your derived class.")
[docs] def t_model_ids(self, protocol, groups = 'dev', **kwargs): """Returns the list of model ids used for T-Norm of the given protocol for the given group that satisfy your query. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`tmodel_ids` function.""" return self.uniquify(self.tmodel_ids(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, **kwargs))
[docs] def t_enroll_files(self, protocol, model_id, groups = 'dev', **kwargs): """Returns the list of T-Norm model enrollment File objects from the given model id of the given protocol for the given group that satisfy your query. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`tobjects` function.""" return self.uniquify(self.tobjects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, model_ids=(model_id,), **kwargs))
[docs] def z_probe_files(self, protocol, groups = 'dev', **kwargs): """Returns the list of Z-Norm probe File objects to probe the model with the given model id of the given protocol for the given group that satisfy your query. For possible keyword arguments, please check the :py:meth:`zobjects` function.""" return self.uniquify(self.zobjects(protocol=protocol, groups=groups, **kwargs))