#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
"""This module provides the Database interface allowing the user to query the
FRGC database in the most obvious ways.
from .models import get_list, get_mask, get_annotations, client_from_file, client_from_model, File, FileSet
from .driver import Interface
interface = Interface()
import bob.db.base
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("bob.db.frgc")
import os
import six
class Database(bob.db.base.Database):
"""The Database class reads the original XML lists and provides access
using the common bob.db API.
def __init__(self, original_directory=interface.frgc_database_directory(), original_extension='.jpg'):
# NOTE: For some images, the image extension is '.JPG' instead.
# this interface will keep track of this automatically and always return
# the correct image name
if not os.path.exists(original_directory):
logger.warn("The database directory '%s' does not exist. Please choose the correct path, or correct the path in the Interface.frgc_database_directory() function of the bob/db/frgc/driver.py file.", original_directory)
# call base class constructor
super(Database, self).__init__(original_directory, original_extension)
self.m_groups = ('world', 'dev')
self.m_purposes = ('enroll', 'probe')
# other protocols might be supported later.
self.m_protocols = ('2.0.1', '2.0.2', '2.0.4')
# usually, only maskIII (the most difficult one) is used.
self.m_mask_types = ('maskI', 'maskII', 'maskIII')
[docs] def groups(self, protocol=None):
"""Returns a list of groups for the given protocol
Keyword Parameters:
One or several of the FRGC protocols ('2.0.1', '2.0.2, '2.0.4'),
Returns: a list of groups
return self.m_groups
[docs] def provides_file_set_for_protocol(self, protocol):
"""Returns True for every protocol for which file sets (instead of single files) are used for enrollment and probing.
Currently, this is only the '2.0.2', protocol."""
protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(
protocol, 'protocol', self.m_protocols)
return protocol == '2.0.2'
[docs] def client_ids(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, mask_type='maskIII'):
"""Returns a list of client ids for the specific query by the user.
Keyword Parameters:
One or several groups to which the models belong ('world', 'dev').
One or several of the FRGC protocols ('2.0.1', '2.0.2, '2.0.4'),
required only if one of the groups is 'dev'.
One or several groups for which files should be retrieved ('enroll', 'probe').
Only used when the group is 'dev'·
For some protocol/mask_type pairs, not all clients are used for enrollment / for probe.
One of the mask types ('maskI', 'maskII', 'maskIII').
Returns: A list containing all the client id's which have the given properties.
groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.m_groups)
retval = set()
if 'world' in groups:
for file in get_list(self.original_directory, 'world'):
if 'dev' in groups:
# validity checks
purposes = self.check_parameters_for_validity(
purposes, "purpose", self.m_purposes)
protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(
protocol, "protocol", self.m_protocols)
if mask_type is not None:
mask_type = self.check_parameter_for_validity(
mask_type, "mask type", self.m_mask_types)
# take only those models/probes that are really required by the current
# mask
mask = get_mask(self.original_directory, protocol, mask_type)
if 'enroll' in purposes:
files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev',
protocol, purpose='enroll')
for index in range(len(files)):
# check if this model is used by the mask
if mask is None or (mask[:, index] > 0).any():
if 'probe' in purposes:
files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev',
protocol, purpose='probe')
for index in range(len(files)):
# check if this probe is used by the mask
if mask is None or (mask[index, :] > 0).any():
return sorted(list(retval))
[docs] def model_ids(self, groups=None, protocol=None, mask_type='maskIII'):
"""Returns a set of model ids for the specific query by the user.
The models are dependent on the protocol and the mask.
Only those FRGC "target" files are returned that are required by the given mask!
.. warning ::
Clients, models, and files are not identical for the FRGC database!
Model ids are neither client nor file id's, so please do not mix that up!
Keyword Parameters:
One or several groups to which the models belong ('world', 'dev').
One or several of the FRGC protocols ('2.0.1', '2.0.2, '2.0.4'),
required only if one of the groups is 'dev'.
One of the mask types ('maskI', 'maskII', 'maskIII').
Returns: A list containing all the model id's belonging to the given group.
groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.m_groups)
# for models, purpose is always 'enroll'
purpose = 'enroll'
retval = set()
if 'world' in groups:
for file in get_list(self.original_directory, 'world'):
if 'dev' in groups:
protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(
protocol, "protocol", self.m_protocols)
if mask_type is not None:
mask_type = self.check_parameter_for_validity(
mask_type, "mask type", self.m_mask_types)
files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev', protocol, purpose)
# take only those models that are really required by the current mask
mask = get_mask(self.original_directory, protocol, mask_type)
for index in range(len(files)):
if mask is None or (mask[:, index] > 0).any():
return sorted(list(retval))
[docs] def get_client_id_from_model_id(self, model_id, **kwargs):
"""Returns the client_id attached to the given model_id.
Keyword Parameters:
The model_id to consider
.. warning ::
The given model_id must have been the result of a previous call to model_ids()
of the **same** database object, otherwise it will not be known or might be corrupted.
Returns: The client_id attached to the given model_id
return client_from_model(model_id)
[docs] def get_client_id_from_file_id(self, file_id, **kwargs):
"""Returns the client_id (real client id) attached to the given file_id
Keyword Parameters:
The file_id to consider
Returns: The client_id attached to the given file_id
return client_from_file(file_id)
[docs] def objects(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, mask_type='maskIII'):
"""Using the specified restrictions, this function returns a list of File objects.
Keyword Parameters:
One or several groups to which the models belong ('world', 'dev').
'world' files are "Training", whereas 'dev' files are "Target" and/or "Query".
One or more of the FRGC protocols ('2.0.1', '2.0.2', '2.0.4').
Only used, if 'dev' is amongst the groups.
If not specified, all FRGC protocols will be taken into account.
One or several groups for which files should be retrieved ('enroll', 'probe').
Only used when the group is 'dev'·
In FRGC terms, 'enroll' is "Target", while 'probe' is "Target" (protocols '2.0.1' and '2.0.2') or "Query" (protocol '2.0.4')
If given (as a list of model id's or a single one), only the files
belonging to the specified model id is returned.
.. warning ::
When querying objects of group 'world', model ids are expected to be client ids (as returned by 'client_ids()'),
whereas for group 'dev' model ids are real model ids (as returned by 'model_ids()')
One of the mask types ('maskI', 'maskII', 'maskIII').
def extend_files(files, frgc_file):
"""Extends the given file list with File's created from the given FRGCFile."""
for presentation in frgc_file.m_files:
files[presentation] = File(
frgc_file.m_signature, presentation, frgc_file.m_files[presentation])
# check that every parameter is as expected
groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.m_groups)
# we allow to specify more protocols here, just
protocols = self.check_parameters_for_validity(
protocol, "protocol", self.m_protocols)
if isinstance(model_ids, six.integer_types):
model_ids = (model_ids,)
files = {}
if 'world' in groups:
# extract training files
for file in get_list(self.original_directory, 'world'):
if not model_ids or file.m_signature in model_ids:
for id, path in list(file.m_files.items()):
extend_files(files, file)
if 'dev' in groups:
# check protocol, mask, and purposes only in group dev
if mask_type is not None:
mask_type = self.check_parameter_for_validity(
mask_type, "mask type", self.m_mask_types)
purposes = self.check_parameters_for_validity(
purposes, "purpose", self.m_purposes)
for p in protocols:
# extract dev files
if 'enroll' in purposes:
model_files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev', p, 'enroll')
# return only those files that are required by the given protocol
mask = get_mask(self.original_directory, p, mask_type)
for model_index in range(len(model_files)):
model = model_files[model_index]
if not model_ids or model.m_model in model_ids:
# test if the model is used by this mask
if mask is None or (mask[:, model_index] > 0).any():
extend_files(files, model)
if 'probe' in purposes:
probe_files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev', p, 'probe')
# assure that every probe file is returned only once
probe_indices = list(range(len(probe_files)))
# select only that files that belong to the models of with the given ids,
# or to any model if no model id is specified
model_files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev', p, 'enroll')
mask = get_mask(self.original_directory, p, mask_type)
for model_index in range(len(model_files)):
model = model_files[model_index]
if not model_ids or model.m_model in model_ids:
probe_indices_for_this_model = probe_indices[:]
for probe_index in probe_indices_for_this_model:
if mask is None or mask[probe_index, model_index]:
extend_files(files, probe_files[probe_index])
return [files[presentation] for presentation in sorted(files.keys())]
[docs] def object_sets(self, groups=None, protocol='2.0.2', purposes=None, model_ids=None, mask_type='maskIII'):
"""Using the specified restrictions, this function returns a list of FileSet objects.
Keyword Parameters:
Here, only the 'dev' group is valid.
Here, only the FRGC protocol '2.0.2' is valid.
Only used, if 'dev' is amongst the groups.
One or several groups for which files should be retrieved ('enroll', 'probe').
In FRGC terms, 'enroll' is "Target", while 'probe' is "Target" (protocols '2.0.1' and '2.0.2') or "Query" (protocol '2.0.4')
If given (as a list of model id's or a single one), only the files
belonging to the specified model id is returned.
One of the mask types ('maskI', 'maskII', 'maskIII').
def extend_files(files, frgc_file):
"""Extends the given file list with the FileSet created from the given FRGCFile."""
files[frgc_file.m_model] = FileSet(frgc_file)
# check that every parameter is as expected
groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", ('dev',))
# we allow to specify more protocols here, just
protocols = self.check_parameters_for_validity(
protocol, "protocol", ('2.0.2',))
if isinstance(model_ids, six.integer_types):
model_ids = (model_ids,)
files = {}
if 'dev' in groups:
# check protocol, mask, and purposes only in group dev
if mask_type is not None:
mask_type = self.check_parameter_for_validity(
mask_type, "mask type", self.m_mask_types)
purposes = self.check_parameters_for_validity(
purposes, "purpose", self.m_purposes)
for p in protocols:
# extract dev files
if 'enroll' in purposes:
model_files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev', p, 'enroll')
# return only those files that are required by the given protocol
mask = get_mask(self.original_directory, p, mask_type)
for model_index in range(len(model_files)):
model = model_files[model_index]
if not model_ids or model.m_model in model_ids:
# test if the model is used by this mask
if mask is None or (mask[:, model_index] > 0).any():
extend_files(files, model)
if 'probe' in purposes:
probe_files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev', p, 'probe')
# assure that every probe file is returned only once
probe_indices = list(range(len(probe_files)))
# select only that files that belong to the models of with the given ids,
# or to any model if no model id is specified
model_files = get_list(self.original_directory, 'dev', p, 'enroll')
mask = get_mask(self.original_directory, p, mask_type)
for model_index in range(len(model_files)):
model = model_files[model_index]
if not model_ids or model.m_model in model_ids:
probe_indices_for_this_model = probe_indices[:]
for probe_index in probe_indices_for_this_model:
if mask is None or mask[probe_index, model_index]:
extend_files(files, probe_files[probe_index])
return [files[file_set_id] for file_set_id in sorted(files.keys())]
[docs] def annotations(self, file):
"""Returns the annotations for the given file as a dictionary {'reye':(y,x), 'leye':(y,x), 'mouth':(y,x), 'nose':(y,x)}."""
return get_annotations(self.original_directory, file.id)