#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
"""XML file reader and stored lists for FRGC database
import xml.sax
import os
import numpy
import bob.db.base
class File (bob.db.base.File):
"""This class is just the File object that is returned by the objects function.
It will be created on need and is not stored anywhere."""
def __init__(self, signature, presentation, path):
# just call the base class constructor
bob.db.base.File.__init__(self, file_id = presentation, path = path)
self.client_id = signature
# overwrite default make_path behaviour
[docs] def make_path(self, directory=None, extension=None):
"""Wraps the current path so that a complete path is formed.
If directory and extension '.jpg' are specified,
extensions are automatically replaced by '.JPG' if necessary.
Keyword parameters:
An optional directory name that will be prefixed to the returned result.
An optional extension that will be suffixed to the returned filename. The
extension normally includes the leading ``.`` character as in ``.jpg`` or
Returns a string containing the newly generated file path.
if not directory: directory = ''
if not extension: extension = ''
# if extension is '.jpg', we have to check if we need to change it to '.JPG'
full_path = os.path.join(directory, self.path + extension)
if extension == '.jpg' and not os.path.isfile(full_path):
capital_path = os.path.join(directory, self.path + '.JPG')
if os.path.exists(capital_path):
return capital_path
return full_path
class FileSet:
"""This class is just the FileSet object that is returned by the object_sets function.
It will be created on need and is not stored anywhere."""
def __init__(self, frgc_file):
# The id is simply taken from the FRGCFile model id; WARNING: this ID is not stable and should not be stored anywhere.
self.id = frgc_file.m_model
self.client_id = frgc_file.m_signature
self.files = [File(frgc_file.m_signature, presentation, frgc_file.m_files[presentation]) for presentation in frgc_file.m_files]
# the path is simply a concatenation of the file names of all the files in the set; it is not really used anywhere
self.path = self.files[0].path[:3] + self.files[0].path[3:].split('d')[0] + "d" + "+".join([self.files[i].path[3:].split('d')[1] for i in range(len(self.files))])
def __lt__(self, other):
"""Defines an order in the file sets."""
return self.path < other.path
############# Internal IO and represenations of the FRGC files #################
# Global model index. This model index is generated on the fly and should not be stored between sessions.
global model_index
model_index = 1
class FRGCFile:
"""This class holds all desired information about a specific file, or set of files"""
def __init__(self, signature):
# the client id
self.m_signature = signature
# a unique model id, which is generated on the fly
global model_index
self.m_model = model_index
model_index += 1
# the files: map from record id to path (w/o file extension)
self.m_files = {}
def add(self, presentation, path):
# add the path to the list of files for this file (list)
assert presentation not in self.m_files
self.m_files[presentation] = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
class ListFileReader (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
"""Class for reading the FRGC xml image file lists"""
def __init__(self):
self.m_file = None
self.m_file_list = []
def startDocument(self):
def endDocument(self):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'biometric-signature' or name == 'complex-biometric-signature':
self.m_file = FRGCFile(attrs['name'])
elif name == 'presentation':
assert self.m_file
self.m_file.add(attrs['name'], attrs['file-name'])
else: # other name
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'biometric-signature' or name == 'complex-biometric-signature':
# add a file(s) to the list
# new identity
self.m_file = None
else: # other name
class AnnotationFileReader (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
"""Class for reading the FRGC metadata list"""
def __init__(self):
self.m_annotations = {}
self.m_signature = None
self.m_annotation_map = {}
def startDocument(self):
def endDocument(self):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'Recording':
assert self.m_signature is None
self.m_signature = attrs['recording_id']
self.m_annotations = {}
self.m_use_recording = False
elif name == 'LeftEyeCenter':
self.m_annotations['leye'] = (int(attrs['y']), int(attrs['x']))
self.m_use_recording = True
elif name == 'RightEyeCenter':
self.m_annotations['reye'] = (int(attrs['y']), int(attrs['x']))
elif name == 'Nose':
self.m_annotations['nose'] = (int(attrs['y']), int(attrs['x']))
elif name == 'Mouth':
self.m_annotations['mouth'] = (int(attrs['y']), int(attrs['x']))
else: # other name
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'Recording':
assert self.m_signature
assert self.m_signature not in self.m_annotation_map
# add a file(s) to the list
if self.m_use_recording:
assert len(self.m_annotations) == 4
self.m_annotation_map[self.m_signature] = self.m_annotations
# new identity
self.m_signature = None
else: # other name
def read_mask(mask_file):
"""Reads the mask from file"""
# open the file
f = open(mask_file, 'rb')
# read until the phrase "MB" is read
b = None
while b not in ('B', '', b'B', b''):
m = None
while m not in ('M', '', b'M', b''):
m = f.read(1)
b = f.read(1)
if m not in ('M', b'M') or b not in ('B', b'B'):
raise ValueError("The given mask file '" + mask_file + "' is invalid.")
# read the mask size
queries, targets = f.readline().split(b' ')[1:3]
# read mask
mask = numpy.fromfile(f, dtype = numpy.uint8)
mask.shape = (int(queries), int(targets))
return mask
# directories inside the FRGC database
list_dir = "BEE_DIST/%(v)sFRGC2.0/signature_sets/experiments"
mask_dir = "BEE_DIST/%(v)sFRGC2.0/Experiment%(e)s/output"
meta_data_dir = "BEE_DIST/%(v)sFRGC2.0/metadata"
dir_variants = ('linux/FRGC/', '')
##### lists ##########################################
# the xml files for training, target and query
xml_files = {'world':'FRGC_Exp_2.0.1_Training.xml',
# collector for lists that we already read.
known_lists = {'world':None,
'dev':{'2.0.1':None, '2.0.2':None, '2.0.4':{'enroll':None, 'probe':None}}}
# collector for files and models that have been read
file_dict = {}
model_dict = {}
def get_list(base_dir, group, protocol=None, purpose=None):
"""Reads and returns the list of file names for the given group, purpose and protocol."""
def read_if_needed(file, list):
"""Reads the given list (if it has not been read yet) and fills the file and model dictionaries."""
if not list:
files = [file % {'v':v} for v in dir_variants]
found = None
for f in files:
if os.path.exists(f):
found = f
if found is None:
raise xml.sax.SAXException("Could not find the any of the list files '%s'. Your FRGC base directory '%s' seems to be wrong or incomplete."%(files, base_dir))
handler = ListFileReader()
# print "Reading xml list '" + file + "'"
xml.sax.parse(found, handler)
list = handler.m_file_list
# integrate in dicts
for g in list:
for k,v in g.m_files.items():
file_dict[k] = g.m_signature
model_dict[g.m_model] = g.m_signature
return list
if group == 'world':
known_lists[group] = read_if_needed(os.path.join(base_dir, list_dir, xml_files[group]), known_lists[group])
return known_lists[group]
if group == 'dev':
if protocol in ('2.0.1', '2.0.2'):
known_lists[group][protocol] = read_if_needed(os.path.join(base_dir, list_dir, xml_files[group][protocol]), known_lists[group][protocol])
return known_lists[group][protocol]
if protocol == '2.0.4':
known_lists[group][protocol][purpose] = read_if_needed(os.path.join(base_dir, list_dir, xml_files[group][protocol][purpose]), known_lists[group][protocol][purpose])
return known_lists[group][protocol][purpose]
def client_from_file(file_id):
"""Returns the client id attached to the given file id. The file id must be already known (i.e., it must have been read from any list)."""
assert file_id in file_dict
return file_dict[file_id]
def client_from_model(model_id):
"""Returns the client id attached to the given model id. The model id must be already known."""
assert model_id in model_dict
return model_dict[model_id]
##### masks ###################################################
# static collector for the mask files
known_masks = {'2.0.1':{'maskI':None, 'maskII':None, 'maskIII':None},
'2.0.2':{'maskI':None, 'maskII':None, 'maskIII':None},
'2.0.4':{'maskI':None, 'maskII':None, 'maskIII':None}}
def get_mask(base_dir, protocol, mask_type):
"""Returns the mask ([query_index], [target_index]) for the given protocol and mask type."""
if mask_type is None:
return None
if known_masks[protocol][mask_type] is None:
mask_files = [os.path.join(base_dir, mask_dir%{'v':v, 'e':protocol[-1:]}, mask_type + ".mtx") for v in dir_variants]
found = None
for f in mask_files:
if os.path.exists(f):
found = f
if found is None:
raise xml.sax.SAXException("Could not find any of the mask files '%s'. Your FRGC base directory '%s' seems to be wrong or incomplete."%(mask_files, base_dir))
known_masks[protocol][mask_type] = read_mask(found)
return known_masks[protocol][mask_type]
##### annotations ###############################################
# static collector of the annotations
global annotations
annotations = None
def get_annotations(base_dir, file_id):
"""Returns the eye, mouth and nose positions for the given file id."""
global annotations
# check if annotations need to be read
if not annotations:
# read annotations file
metadata_files = [os.path.join(base_dir, meta_data_dir%{'v':v}, "FRGC_2.0_Metadata.xml") for v in dir_variants]
found = None
for f in metadata_files:
if os.path.exists(f):
found = f
if found is None:
raise xml.sax.SAXException("Could not find one of the metadata file '%s'. Your FRGC base directory '%s' seems to be wrong or incomplete."%(metadata_files, base_dir))
# print "Reading positions file '" + metadata_file + "'"
annotation_reader = AnnotationFileReader()
xml.sax.parse(found, annotation_reader)
annotations = annotation_reader.m_annotation_map
return annotations[file_id]