Introduction ============ ``bg.solr`` is a Solr web-frontend integrated with Plone 3/4 for querying a Solr instance filled with content from ``bg.crawler``. Requirements ============ * Solr 3.X * Plone 3 oder Plone 4 Installation ============ * added ``bg.solr`` to the eggs option of your buildout.cfg and re-run buildout. Usage ============ * add ``/@@solr-search`` to the root URL of your Plone site in order to see the search form (http://host:port/path/to/plone/@@solr-search). Sourcecode ========== Bug tracker =========== Solr setup ========== You can use the buildout configuration from as an example how to setup a Solr instance for using ``bg.crawler``. Licence ======= ``bg.solr`` is published under the GNU Public Licence V2 (GPL 2) Credits ======= ``bg.solr`` is sponsored by BG Phoenics Author ====== | ZOPYX Ltd. | Charlottenstr. 37/1 | D-72070 Tuebingen | Germany | |