Travis CI

A Python 3.2+ package for various BlackBerry 10-related functions and scripts.

This can be used either as importing the bbarchivist library, or a variety of command-line scripts.

Packaged Executables

As of version 2.3.0 (18 December 2015), a few scripts are packaged as Windows executables on GitHub.

To use, just download the archive attached to the latest release, unpack somewhere and double click the executable.

Alternatively, if you wish full functionality or Linux/Mac/BSD support, keep reading.


Requires Python >=3.2, with 3.5 or later preferred.

To get this package, install with pip:

$ pip install bbarchivist

For some systems, it may be a different command depending on how your system maintainer has organized pip, perhaps like:

$ pip3 install bbarchivist

Python Libraries

This library requires the Requests and Beautiful Soup 4 libraries. PGP support requires the python-gnupg library.

Python 3.2 further requires shutilwhich. Installation of shutilwhich on Python 3.3+ has no effect, so it’s unnecessary.

External Programs

Copies of cap.exe and cfp.exe are included. CFP usage is Windows-only, though.

7-Zip compression (default) uses p7zip (Linux/Mac/BSD) or 7-Zip (Windows). Zip and compression don’t require external programs.

PGP support also requires some form of GPG client installed:


If you want to run the unit tests yourself, you’ll also need mock, pytest and httmock. Install from the requirements-devel file with pip.

Coverage requires installation of pytest-cov. Docs use Sphinx for automatic generation.

Testing of GnuPG/7-Zip functions requires setting up GnuPG/7-Zip in the first place.


If you wish to contribute to this project, please do the following:

  1. Fork and clone source from GitHub (this requires Git LFS)
  2. Make sure all tests run on your system (requires GPG, 7-Zip)
  3. Make your changes on a new branch without breaking any tests
  4. Open a pull request on GitHub

Credits/Software Used


Copyright 2015 Thurask <> This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the LICENSE file for more details.