batchOpenMPI requires mpi4py which in turn requires mpi4py. Once these are installed, you are good to go.
The way batchOpenMPI works is as follows
Basic example script (
import batchOpenMPI
def f_inv_org(x) :
"function returns the inverse of a number"
return 1.0/x
f_inv = batchOpenMPI.batchFunction(f_inv_org, permissible_exceptions = [ZeroDivisionError]) #creating function wrapper
batchOpenMPI.begin_MPI_loop() # both the workers and the master process run the same code up until here
print('this example script prints in the inverse of the integers from 0 to 9')
no = range(10) # creates [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
for i in no :# adding all f_inv input and queing them for parallel processing
batchOpenMPI.processBatch() #get the workers to calculate all the inputs
res = [] #used for storing results
for i in no :
try :
except ZeroDivisionError :
print("couldn't inverse " + str(i) + " due to 0 division error")
batchOpenMPI.end_MPI_loop(print_stats=True) #release workers, and print stats
Which is can be run on Linux as follows
$ mpirun -np 4 python
The batchOpenMPI.end_MPI_loop call because of the print_stats=True should produce an output similar to
--------- batchOpenMPI Stats ---------
process jobs completed time: uW/ sR/ wI* (s) utilisation(%)
1 1 0.00/ 0.00/ 0.00 33.88
2 5 0.00/ 0.00/ 0.00 0.78
3 4 0.00/ 0.00/ 0.00 0.56
* time doing; uW - useful work, sR - sending results, wI - waiting for instructions, Total
time running master (s) : 0.003
total CPU time (s) : 0.011
total CPU time actually used (s) : 0.002
overall utilization : 21.85 %
function stats :
- solved on master [0]
- solved on workers [10]
- jobs uncollected [0]
- jobs dropped [0]