Source code for bart.thermal.ThermalAssert

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"""A thermal specific library to assert certain thermal

from bart.common import Utils
from bart.common.Analyzer import Analyzer
import numpy as np

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]class ThermalAssert(object): """A class that accepts a TRAPpy FTrace object and provides assertions for thermal behaviours :param ftrace: A path to the trace file or a TRAPpy FTrace object :type ftrace: str, :mod:`trappy.ftrace.FTrace` """ def __init__(self, ftrace, config=None): self._ftrace = Utils.init_ftrace(ftrace) self._analyzer = Analyzer(self._ftrace, config)
[docs] def getThermalResidency(self, temp_range, window, percent=False): """Return the total time spent in a given temperature range :param temp_range: A tuple of (low_temp, high_temp) which specifies the range of temperature that one intends to calculate the residency for. :type temp_range: tuple :param window: A (start, end) tuple to limit the scope of the residency calculation. :type window: tuple :param percent: Returns the residency as a percentage of the total duration of the trace :type percent: bool .. seealso: :mod:`bart.thermal.ThermalAssert.ThermalAssert.assertThermalResidency` """ # Get a pivoted thermal temperature data using the grammar data = self._analyzer.getStatement("trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp") result = {} for pivot, data_frame in data.groupby(axis=1, level=0): series = data_frame[pivot] series = Utils.select_window(series, window) mask = (series >= temp_range[0]) & (series <= temp_range[1]) index = series.index.values # pylint fails to recognize numpy members. # pylint: disable=no-member shift_index = np.roll(index, 1) # pylint: enable=no-member shift_index[0] = 0 result[pivot] = sum((index - shift_index)[mask.values]) if percent: result[pivot] = ( result[pivot] * 100.0) / self._ftrace.get_duration() return result
[docs] def assertThermalResidency( self, expected_value, operator, temp_range, window, percent=False): """ :param expected_value: The expected value of the residency :type expected_value: double :param operator: A binary operator function that returns a boolean. For example: :: import operator op = assertThermalResidency(temp_range, expected_value, op) Will do the following check: :: getThermalResidency(temp_range) >= expected_value A custom function can also be passed: :: THRESHOLD=5 def between_threshold(a, expected): return abs(a - expected) <= THRESHOLD :param temp_range: A tuple of (low_temp, high_temp) which specifies the range of temperature that one intends to calculate the residency for. :type temp_range: tuple :param window: A (start, end) tuple to limit the scope of the residency calculation. :type window: tuple :param percent: Returns the residency as a percentage of the total duration of the trace :type percent: bool .. seealso: :mod:`bart.thermal.ThermalAssert.ThermalAssert.assertThermalResidency` """ residency = self.getThermalResidency(temp_range, window, percent) return operator(residency, expected_value)