PostgreSQL Barman RESTful Api

Build Status

This project convert from BARMAN command to RESTful api. Barman API support full future and all versions of BARMAN.

Before you start

Barman API needs a directory to store data.
* Barman API Server
api@barmanapi$ sudo mkdir /var/lib/barmanapi
api@barmanapi$ sudo chown user:user /var/lib/barmanapi
api@barmanapi$ sudo chown user:user /etc/barmanapi.conf
* Barman Server
barman@backup$ sudo chown barman:barman /etc/barman.conf

Use with the BARMAN server and Barman API Server in the same machine

You don't need anything.

Use with the BARMAN server and Barman API Server in the diffrent machine

Barman API using SSH connection to BARMAN server. You must provide ssh connection BARAMAN Server and Barman API server with trust connection.

If you don't have a ssh keygen

api@barmanapi$ ssh-keygen

Trust connection to BARMAN server

api@barmanapi$ ssh-copy-id barman@backup

System requirements


From pip

api@barmanapi$ sudo pip install barmanapi

From source

api@barmanapi$ git checkout
api@barmanapi$ cd barmanapi
api@barmanapi$ sudo python install

Default User

Basic Auth default user

Username:memin Password:1258

Start Server

api@barmanapi$ barmanapi runserver
Note: First usage, must call http://host:port/barman/reload?token=XX

Basic configuration

Directory List


Store BARMAN API data files.
* archive: All active folder compress by month * active : Async commands and results store in directory * config : Barman commands and config parameter templates store in directory * garbage: Temp directory * logs : All logs store in directory


Store some config files
* client.conf : Store user information. You can change this file location in barmanapi.conf file. * man.conf : Store man parse options. Do not change this file location and content. * template/configchangetemplate : Store code template. Do not change this file location and content.

BARMAN API Config (/etc/barmanapi.conf)

``` #Don't delete any option from this file. All option is using. If you don't need anyone, blank value this option #User store location and pasword hash secret. [user] configfile=/usr/share/barmanapi/client.conf #if change your secret all password is unusable. You must change all of password hash in user configfile secret=89660c74da48ddd4efbe4d3c8f8150de

[application] store_directory=/var/lib/barmanapi/ host= port=1935 #In production, must be False debug parameter. debug=True

#Barman Server Settings [barman] configfile=/etc/barman.conf command=/usr/bin/barman remote=true #If remote is false, you can blank remotessh option. remotessh=ssh barman@backup asynccommand=['backup','cron','recover']

[authtoken] secret=Deneme algorithm=HS256 #Token life time(second). At the end of this time token is unusable. tokenlife=6000

[log] #Stored last x log file backupcount=5 #Log file truncate size(Bytes) maxbytes=20000 ```

Client config file

[memin] password = 26588e932c7ccfa1df309280702fe1b5 access = [] deny = []

Client file is basic conf file. You can store password, access api urls and deny api urls. * Section is a username(Like memin) * Password hash with your secret (described in your barman api config file). * access is an array. * Blank array, user can call all APIS. * Example access['barman','auth/user/list']. This example user access all /barman module api calls and only auth/user/list api call. * deny is an array. * Deny some api calls. Example deny['barman','auth/user/list']. User access out of this apis(All /barman module api calls and only auth/user/list api call).


Authentication & Authorization

Rest: /auth
Auth Model: Basic


Auth: Yes
Parameters: No
Return: token

Get a token for other rest api calls


Auth: Yes
Parameters: No
Return: json list

Current user access and deny parameters


Auth: Yes
Parameters: No
Return: json list

Get rest user list


* username: Required
* password
* access
* deny

Return: updated user properties

Change user properties


* username: Required
* password: Required
* access
* deny

Return: added user properties

Add user


Rest: /config
Auth Model: Token Based
Description: You can change barman or barmanapi config file in rest api. If you want to use this future, you give write access to config files.


* token: Required

Return: Barman configuration list.


* token: Required

Return: Barman configuration paramater list and descriptions.


* token: Required

Return: Get Barman configuration parameters list and make configuration template


* token: Required

Return: Change Barman configuration
* http://host:port/config/barman/change?application.store_directory=/var/lib/barmanapi&token=XX
* http://host:port/config/barman/change?barman.command=/usr/bin/barman&token=XX

Note: Must be restart barman


* token: Required

Return: Barman API configuration list


* token: Required

Return: Change Barman API configuration
* http://host:port/config/barmanapi/change?barman.barman_user=barman&token=XX
* http://host:port/config/barmanapi/change?main.description=blabla&token=XX

Note: Must be restart barmanapi


Rest: /history
Auth Model: Token Based


* token: Required
* past: Optional - YYYYmm (Example : 201602). Get past archive history.

Return: async command result list

In month executed async commands list. If you want to past history, you must be send past parameters.
* http://host:port/history/list?token=XX * http://host:port/history/list?past=201601&token=XX


* token: Required
* ticket: Required

Return: Sync command result

Ticket related async command result.


Rest: /barman
Auth Model: Token Based
Description: Execute barman commands. If you want to see parameter list, you use /barman/command/help url or full api list /barman/help url.

* http://host:port/barman/help?token=XX -> Return all usable commands, descriptions and parameters list
* http://host:port/barman/backup/help?token=XX -> Return backup command description and parameters list
* http://host:port/barman/backup?SERVERNAME=main&token=XX
* http://host:port/barman/list-server?token=XX