bard.errors module

exceptions package.

exception AttributeSet[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

attribute is already set.

exception DataNotSet[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

missing argument attribute.

exception Error[source]

Bases: builtins.BaseException

basic Exception used in the program.

exception FileNotFoundError[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

file is not found.

exception NoEvent[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

No event is returned.

exception NoFunction[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

No function could be found.

exception NoJSON[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

no JSON could be decoded/encoded.

exception NoTarget[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

missing argument attribute.

exception NoWorkdirSet[source]

Bases: builtins.BaseException

a working directory is needed.

exception NotImplemented[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

method is not implemented.

exception NotSet[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

attribute is not set.

exception Overload[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

method is trying to be overloaded.

exception RemoteDisconnect[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

Exception thrown when the connection is disconnected.

exception StopIter[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

stop the iteration.

exception TestException[source]

Bases: bard.errors.Error

test exception.