Simple Voting

Majority Rule

Simple majority rule voting is mostly useful for binary decisions. Below are some examples involving just two choices:

>>> from ballotbox.ballot import BallotBox
>>> from ballotbox.singlewinner.simple import MajorityRuleVoting

>>> bb = BallotBox(method=MajorityRuleVoting)
>>> bb.batch_votes([("alice", 10000), ("bob", 5000)])
>>> bb.get_winner()
[(10000, 'alice')]

>>> bb = BallotBox(method=MajorityRuleVoting)
>>> bb.batch_votes([("bob", 5000), ("carol", 5001)])
>>> bb.get_winner()
[(5001, 'carol')]

This method breaks down with ties and is not guaranteed to work with more than two choices:

>>> bb = BallotBox(method=MajorityRuleVoting)
>>> bb.batch_votes([("alice", 8000), ("carol", 8000)])
>>> bb.get_winner()

No result is returned. Likewise for edge cases with more than two candidates:

>>> bb = BallotBox(method=MajorityRuleVoting)
>>> bb.batch_votes([("alice", 5000), ("bob", 4000), ("carol", 3000)])
>>> bb.get_winner()

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