Source code for

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# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Labéjof <>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
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Library which aims to bind named properties on any element at runtime.

This module can bind a named property on any element but None methods.

In preserving binding from inheritance and automatical mechanisms which prevent
to set any attribute on any elements.

When you are looking for an element bound property, the result is a dictionary
of the shape {element, {property name, property}}.

.. warning:

    - It is adviced to delete properties from cache after deleting them at
        runtime in order to avoid memory leak.

__all__ = [
    'get_first_property', 'get_first_properties',
    'get_local_property', 'get_local_properties',
    'put_properties', 'del_properties',
    'firsts', 'remove_ctx',
    'setdefault', 'free_cache',

from b3j0f.utils.version import PY2
from b3j0f.utils.iterable import ensureiterable

from inspect import ismethod

from collections import Hashable

    from threading import Timer
except ImportError:
    from dummy_threading import Timer

__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__ = '__b3j0f_props'  #: __dict__ properties key

__DICT__ = '__dict__'  #: __dict__ elt attribute name
__CLASS__ = '__class__'  #: __class__ elt attribute name
__SELF__ = '__self__'  #: __self__ class instance attribute name
__BASES__ = '__bases__'  # __bases__ class attribute name

__STATIC_ELEMENTS_CACHE__ = {}  #: dictionary of properties for static objects
__UNHASHABLE_ELTS_CACHE__ = {}  #: dictionary of properties for unhashable obj

[docs]def find_ctx(elt): """Get the right ctx related to input elt. In order to keep safe memory as much as possible, it is important to find the right context element. For example, instead of putting properties on a function at the level of an instance, it is important to save such property on the instance because the function.__dict__ is shared with instance class function, and so, if the instance is deleted from memory, the property is still present in the class memory. And so on, it is impossible to identify the right context in such case if all properties are saved with the same key in the same function which is the function. """ result = elt # by default, result is ctx # if elt is ctx and elt is a method, it is possible to find the best ctx if ismethod(elt): # get instance and class of the elt instance = elt.__self__ # if instance is not None, the right context is the instance if instance is not None: result = instance elif PY2: result = elt.im_class return result
[docs]def free_cache(ctx, *elts): """Free properties bound to input cached elts. If empty, free the whole cache. """ global __STATIC_ELEMENTS_CACHE__, __UNHASHABLE_ELTS_CACHE__ for elt in elts: if isinstance(elt, Hashable): cache = __STATIC_ELEMENTS_CACHE__ else: cache = __UNHASHABLE_ELTS_CACHE__ elt = id(elt) if elt in cache: del cache[elt] if not elts: __STATIC_ELEMENTS_CACHE__ = {} __UNHASHABLE_ELTS_CACHE__ = {}
def _ctx_elt_properties(elt, ctx=None, create=False): """Get elt properties related to a ctx. :param elt: property component elt. Not None methods or unhashable types. :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :param bool create: create ctx elt properties if not exist. :return: dictionary of property by name embedded into ctx __dict__ or in shared __STATIC_ELEMENTS_CACHE__ or else in shared __UNHASHABLE_ELTS_CACHE__. None if no properties exists. :rtype: dict """ result = None if ctx is None: ctx = find_ctx(elt=elt) ctx_properties = None # in case of dynamic object, parse the ctx __dict__ ctx__dict__ = getattr(ctx, __DICT__, None) if ctx__dict__ is not None and isinstance(ctx__dict__, dict): # if properties exist in ctx__dict__ if __B3J0F__PROPERTIES__ in ctx__dict__: ctx_properties = ctx__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__] elif create: # if create in worst case ctx_properties = ctx__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__] = {} else: # in case of static object if isinstance(ctx, Hashable): # search among static elements cache = __STATIC_ELEMENTS_CACHE__ else: # or unhashable elements cache = __UNHASHABLE_ELTS_CACHE__ ctx = id(ctx) if not isinstance(elt, Hashable): elt = id(elt) # if ctx is in cache if ctx in cache: # get its properties ctx_properties = cache[ctx] elif create: # elif create, get an empty dict ctx_properties = cache[ctx] = {} # if ctx_properties is not None if ctx_properties is not None: # check if elt exist in ctx_properties if elt in ctx_properties: result = ctx_properties[elt] elif create: # create the right data if create if create: result = ctx_properties[elt] = {} return result
[docs]def get_properties(elt, keys=None, ctx=None): """Get elt properties. :param elt: properties elt. Not None methods or unhashable types. :param keys: key(s) of properties to get from elt. If None, get all properties. :type keys: list or str :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :return: list of properties by elt and name. :rtype: list """ # initialize keys if str if isinstance(keys, str): keys = (keys,) result = _get_properties(elt, keys=keys, local=False, ctx=ctx) return result
def get_property(elt, key, ctx=None): """Get elt key property. :param elt: property elt. Not None methods. :param key: property key to get from elt. :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :return: list of property values by elt. :rtype: list """ result = [] properties = get_properties(elt=elt, ctx=ctx, keys=key) if key in properties: result = properties[key] return result
[docs]def get_first_properties(elt, keys=None, ctx=None): """Get first properties related to one input key. :param elt: first property elt. Not None methods. :param list keys: property keys to get. :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :return: dict of first values of elt properties. """ # ensure keys is an iterable if not None if isinstance(keys, str): keys = (keys,) result = _get_properties(elt, keys=keys, first=True, ctx=ctx) return result
[docs]def get_first_property(elt, key, default=None, ctx=None): """Get first property related to one input key. :param elt: first property elt. Not None methods. :param str key: property key to get. :param default: default value to return if key does not exist in elt. properties :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. """ result = default properties = _get_properties(elt, keys=(key,), ctx=ctx, first=True) # set value if key exists in properties if key in properties: result = properties[key] return result
[docs]def get_local_properties(elt, keys=None, ctx=None): """Get local elt properties (not defined in elt type or base classes). :param elt: local properties elt. Not None methods. :param keys: keys of properties to get from elt. :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :return: dict of properties by name. :rtype: dict """ if isinstance(keys, str): keys = (keys,) result = _get_properties(elt, keys=keys, local=True, ctx=ctx) return result
[docs]def get_local_property(elt, key, default=None, ctx=None): """Get one local property related to one input key or default value if key is not found. :param elt: local property elt. Not None methods. :param str key: property key to get. :param default: default value to return if key does not exist in elt properties. :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :return: dict of properties by name. :rtype: dict """ result = default local_properties = get_local_properties(elt=elt, keys=(key,), ctx=ctx) if key in local_properties: result = local_properties[key] return result
def _get_properties( elt, keys=None, local=False, exclude=None, first=False, ctx=None, _found_keys=None ): """Get a dictionary of elt properties. Such dictionary is filled related to the elt properties, and from all base elts properties if not local. :param elt: properties elt. Not None methods. :param ctx: elt ctx from where get properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :param keys: keys of properties to get from elt. If None, get all properties. :param bool local: if False, get properties from bases classes and type as well. :param set exclude: elts from where not get properties. :param bool first: get only first property values. :param _found_keys: used such as a cache value for result. :return: dict of properties by name and ...: - if local or first: value. - other cases: [(elt, value)] in order of property definition even if multi inheritance do not ensure to respect inheritance order in a list. :rtype: dict """ result = {} # get the best context if ctx is None: ctx = find_ctx(elt=elt) # initialize found keys if first and _found_keys is None: _found_keys = set() # get elt properties if exist elt_properties = _ctx_elt_properties(elt=elt, ctx=ctx, create=False) # if elt_properties exists if elt_properties is not None: # if elt properties is not empty # try to add property values in result related to input keys properties_to_keep = elt_properties.copy() if keys is None else {} # get key values if keys is not None: for key in keys: if key in elt_properties: if not first or key not in _found_keys: properties_to_keep[key] = elt_properties[key] if first and not key in _found_keys: _found_keys.add(key) if local: # in case of local, use properties_to_keep result = properties_to_keep # if not local and not first and properties to keep elif not first and properties_to_keep: for name in properties_to_keep: property_to_keep = properties_to_keep[name] # add (elt, properties_to_keep) in result if name not in result: result[name] = [(elt, property_to_keep)] else: result[name].append((elt, property_to_keep)) # in case of first, result is properties_to_keep elif properties_to_keep: result = properties_to_keep # check if all keys have been found if first keys_left = not first or keys is None or len(keys) != len(_found_keys) # if not local or keys left if not local and keys_left: # initialize exclude if exclude is None: exclude = set() # add elt in exclude in order to avoid to get elt properties twice if isinstance(elt, Hashable): exclude.add(elt) # and search among bases ctx elements if ctx is not elt: # go to base elts try: elt_name = elt.__name__ except AttributeError: pass else: # if elt is a sub attr of ctx if hasattr(ctx, elt_name): if hasattr(ctx, __BASES__): ctx_bases = ctx.__bases__ elif hasattr(ctx, __CLASS__): ctx_bases = (ctx.__class__,) else: ctx_bases = () for base_ctx in ctx_bases: # get base_elt properties base_elt = getattr(base_ctx, elt_name, None) if base_elt is not None: base_properties = _get_properties( elt=base_elt, keys=keys, local=local, exclude=exclude, ctx=base_ctx, _found_keys=_found_keys ) # update result with base_properties for name in base_properties: properties = base_properties[name] if name not in result: result[name] = properties else: result[name] += properties else: # bases classes if hasattr(elt, __BASES__): for base in elt.__bases__: if base not in exclude: base_result = _get_properties( elt=base, keys=keys, local=local, exclude=exclude, ctx=base, _found_keys=_found_keys ) # update result with base_result for name in base_result: properties = base_result[name] if name not in result: result[name] = properties else: result[name] += properties # search among type definition # class if hasattr(elt, __CLASS__): elt_class = elt.__class__ # get class properties only if elt is not its own class if elt_class is not elt and elt_class not in exclude: elt_class_properties = _get_properties( elt=elt_class, keys=keys, local=local, exclude=exclude, ctx=elt_class, _found_keys=_found_keys ) # update result with class result for name in elt_class_properties: properties = elt_class_properties[name] if name not in result: result[name] = properties else: result[name] += properties # type elt_type = type(elt) # get elt type properties only if elt is not its type if elt_type is not elt and elt_type not in exclude: elt_type_properties = _get_properties( elt=elt_type, keys=keys, local=local, exclude=exclude, ctx=elt_type, _found_keys=_found_keys ) # update result with type properties for name in elt_type_properties: properties = elt_type_properties[name] if name not in result: result[name] = properties else: result[name] += properties return result def put_property(elt, key, value, ttl=None, ctx=None): """Put properties in elt. :param elt: properties elt to put. Not None methods. :param number ttl: If not None, property time to leave. :param ctx: elt ctx from where put properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :param dict properties: properties to put in elt. elt and ttl are exclude. :return: Timer if ttl is not None. :rtype: Timer """ return put_properties(elt=elt, properties={key: value}, ttl=ttl, ctx=ctx)
[docs]def put_properties(elt, properties, ttl=None, ctx=None): """Put properties in elt. :param elt: properties elt to put. Not None methods. :param number ttl: If not None, property time to leave. :param ctx: elt ctx from where put properties. Equals elt if None. It allows to get function properties related to a class or instance if related function is defined in base class. :param dict properties: properties to put in elt. elt and ttl are exclude. :return: Timer if ttl is not None. :rtype: Timer """ result = None if properties: # get the best context if ctx is None: ctx = find_ctx(elt=elt) # get elt properties elt_properties = _ctx_elt_properties(elt=elt, ctx=ctx, create=True) # set properties elt_properties.update(properties) if ttl is not None: kwargs = { 'elt': elt, 'ctx': ctx, 'keys': tuple(properties.keys()) } result = Timer(ttl, del_properties, kwargs=kwargs) result.start() return result
def put(properties, ttl=None, ctx=None): """ Decorator dedicated to put properties on an element. """ def put_on(elt): return put_properties(elt=elt, properties=properties, ttl=ttl, ctx=ctx) return put_on
[docs]def del_properties(elt, keys=None, ctx=None): """ Delete elt property. :param elt: properties elt to del. Not None methods. :param keys: property keys to delete from elt. If empty, delete all properties. """ # get the best context if ctx is None: ctx = find_ctx(elt=elt) elt_properties = _ctx_elt_properties(elt=elt, ctx=ctx, create=False) # if elt properties exist if elt_properties is not None: if keys is None: keys = list(elt_properties.keys()) else: keys = ensureiterable(keys, iterable=tuple, exclude=str) for key in keys: if key in elt_properties: del elt_properties[key] # delete property component if empty if not elt_properties: # case of dynamic object if isinstance(getattr(ctx, '__dict__', None), dict): try: if elt in ctx.__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__]: del ctx.__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__][elt] except TypeError: # if elt is unhashable elt = id(elt) if elt in ctx.__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__]: del ctx.__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__][elt] # if ctx_properties is empty, delete it if not ctx.__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__]: del ctx.__dict__[__B3J0F__PROPERTIES__] # case of static object and hashable else: if isinstance(ctx, Hashable): cache = __STATIC_ELEMENTS_CACHE__ else: # case of static and unhashable object cache = __UNHASHABLE_ELTS_CACHE__ ctx = id(ctx) if not isinstance(elt, Hashable): elt = id(elt) # in case of static object if ctx in cache: del cache[ctx][elt] if not cache[ctx]: del cache[ctx]
[docs]def firsts(properties): """ Transform a dictionary of {name: [(elt, value)+]} (resulting from get_properties) to a dictionary of {name, value} where names are first encountered in input properties. :param dict properties: properties to firsts. :return: dictionary of parameter values by names. :rtype: dict """ result = {} # parse elts for name in properties: elt_properties = properties[name] # add property values in result[name] result[name] = elt_properties[0][1] return result
[docs]def remove_ctx(properties): """ Transform a dictionary of {name: [(elt, value)+]} into a dictionary of {name: [value+]}. :param dict properties: properties from where get only values. :return: dictionary of parameter values by names. :rtype: dict """ result = {} for name in properties: elt_properties = properties[name] result[name] = [] for _, value in elt_properties: result[name].append(value) return result
[docs]def setdefault(elt, key, default, ctx=None): """ Get a local property and create default value if local property does not exist. :param elt: local proprety elt to get/create. Not None methods. :param str key: proprety name. :param default: property value to set if key no in local properties. :return: property value or default if property does not exist. """ result = default # get the best context if ctx is None: ctx = find_ctx(elt=elt) # get elt properties elt_properties = _ctx_elt_properties(elt=elt, ctx=ctx, create=True) # if key exists in elt properties if key in elt_properties: # result is elt_properties[key] result = elt_properties[key] else: # set default property value elt_properties[key] = default return result