You should have completed the steps in Installation and the service sections, that is having the following file(s) reside in the directory for your posts and all Dependencies installed properly.
Let’s create a first post, my-first-post.rst or, whatever markup language floats your boat:
service: blogger
title: My First Post
labels: blogging
Hooray, posting frm commandline!
The first three lines are called Header, when sees !b in the beginning of file, it knows what to do with the header. If you are using WordPress, change service line to:
service: wordpress
After saves the file, run the following command to post it to the service: post my-first-post.rst
If it runs without any problems, then open the file again, the header part should have been edited by and may look like:
.. !b
service: blogger
kind: post
url: http://[...]
labels: blogging
id_affix: 5e5f
blog: <THE BLOG ID>
title: My First Post will insert some data to header and make header into a comment.
See also
For the detail of header, please see Header.
After posting to the service, you spot there is a typo frm and you correct it. To update the post, run the same command as posting: post my-first-post.rst
The post should be updated on the service.
If sees blog and id in header, then it knows that’s a post already published, so it will update it instead of creating a new post.