Avalanche Python Web Framework with a focus on testability and reusability

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Source code for avalanche.router

A request routing system

based on webapp2 with the following differences:
  * endpoint is never used by routing system (just stored as route data)
  * removed adpaters and dispatchers configuration
  * removed support for specifing handlers (endpoints) as string
  * removed support for positional parameter on endpoints
  * many other other internal API and implementation changes

  original webapp2 license:
    :copyright: 2011 by tipfy.org.
    :license: Apache Sotware License, see LICENSE.webapp2 for details.


import re
from urllib.parse import urlunsplit
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote, urlencode

from collections import namedtuple

[docs]class Route: """Route for URL paths A route template to match against the request path. A template can have variables enclosed by ``<>`` that define a name, and and optional regular expression. Examples: ================= ================================== Format Example ================= ================================== ``<name>`` ``'/blog/<year>/<month>'`` ``<name:regex>`` ``'/blog/<year:\d{4}>/<month:\d{2}>'`` ================= ================================== The value of the matched regular expression is passed as keyword argument to the handler. If only the name is set, it will match anything except a slash. So these routes are equivalent:: Route('/<user_id>/settings', handler=SettingsHandler, name='user-settings') Route('/<user_id:[^/]+>/settings', handler=SettingsHandler, name='user-settings') """ # Regex for route definitions. _PATH_ARG_RE = re.compile(r""" \< # The exact character "<" ([a-zA-Z_]\w*) # The variable name (?:\:([^\>]*))? # The optional :regex part \> # The exact character ">" """, re.VERBOSE) _DEFAULT_REGEX = '[^/]+'
[docs] def __init__(self, template, endpoint, name=None): """ :param template: URL template string :param endpoint: reference to request handler (or whatever) :param name: (string) route name """ self.template = template self.endpoint = endpoint self.name = name # attributes from template (lazily) calculated (by _parse_template) self._regex = None # compiled regex for template self._reverse_template = None # used to build urls (uses str.format) self._variables = set() # argument names from template
def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ return ('<%s(%r, %r)>' % (name, self.template, self.endpoint)) def _parse_template(self): """parse template and create regex, reverse_template, ... """ self._reverse_template = '' pattern = '' # str pattern for regex (to be compiled) last = 0 # keeps track of last position processed from template string for match in self._PATH_ARG_RE.finditer(self.template): # part is a string segment that does not belong to any argument part = self.template[last:match.start()] name = match.group(1) regex = match.group(2) or self._DEFAULT_REGEX last = match.end() self._reverse_template += part self._variables.add(name) self._reverse_template += '{%s}' % name pattern += '{}(?P<{}>{})'.format(re.escape(part), name, regex) # add remaining part of the template string part = self.template[last:] self._reverse_template += part pattern += re.escape(part) # save compiled regex self._regex = re.compile('^%s$' % pattern)
[docs] def match(self, request): """Check if request matches this route :param request: A request to be checked if matches the template :returns: A dict ``kwargs`` if route matched, or None. """ if self._regex is None: self._parse_template() match = self._regex.match(unquote(request.path)) if match: return match.groupdict()
[docs] def build(self, **kwargs): """build path for this route. :param kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments to build the URI. :returns: (str) path """ if self._regex is None: self._parse_template() # get other parts of URI scheme = kwargs.pop('_scheme', '') # http:// netloc = kwargs.pop('_netloc', '') # www.example.com fragment = quote(kwargs.pop('_fragment', '')) # #anchor # extract keywords arguments that belongs to path path_kwargs = {} for name in self._variables: value = kwargs.pop(name, None) if value is None: raise Exception('Missing argument "%s" to build URI.' % name) path_kwargs[name] = value _path = self._reverse_template.format(**path_kwargs) path = quote(_path) query_list = [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items())] query = urlencode(query_list) return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)) # result from Router.match
MatchResult = namedtuple('MatchResult', ('route', 'kwargs'))
[docs]class Router: """A URI router used to match and build URIs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *routes): """Initializes the router. :param routes: A sequence of (:class:`Route`, :str:name) instances """ self.routes = [] #: All routes that can be built (must have a name to be build) self.by_name = {} for route in routes: self.add(route)
[docs] def add(self, route): """Adds a route to this router. :param route: A :class:`Route` instance or, for simple routes, a tuple ``(regex, handler)``. """ self.routes.append(route) if route.name: self.by_name[route.name] = route
[docs] def match(self, request): """Matches all routes against a value :returns: MatchResult or None if no route is matched """ for route in self.routes: match = route.match(request) if match is not None: return MatchResult(route, match)
[docs] def build(self, _name, **kwargs): """Returns a URI for a named :class:`Route`. :param _name: The route name. :param kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments to build the URI. All variables values must be passed. Extra keywords are appended as a query string. A few keywords have special meaning: - **_scheme**: URI scheme, e.g., `http` or `https`. If defined, an absolute URI is always returned. - **_netloc**: Network location, e.g., `www.google.com`. If defined, an absolute URI is always returned. - **_fragment**: If set, appends a fragment (or "anchor") to the generated URI. :returns: (string) An absolute or relative URI. """ route = self.by_name.get(_name) if route is None: raise Exception("Route named '%s' is not defined." % _name) return route.build(**kwargs)