Source code for auromat.mapping.spacecraft

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

from __future__ import division, print_function

from six.moves import zip, map
from six import string_types
import warnings
import os
import sys
import gc
import fnmatch
import time
import json
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict

if sys.version_info.major == 2:
        from numap.NuMap import NuMap
    except ImportError as e:
        print('parallel processing not available (NuMap missing)')
    print('parallel processing not available (NuMap not supported on Python 3 yet)')

import numpy as np

import auromat.fits

from auromat.coordinates.geodesic import wgs84A, wgs84B
from auromat.coordinates.intersection import ellipsoidLineIntersects
from auromat.mapping.mapping import BaseMappingProvider, FileImageMixin,\
    sanitize_data, ArrayImageMixin
from auromat.mapping.astrometry import BaseAstrometryMapping,\
from auromat.util.decorators import lazy_property, inherit_docs
from auromat.coordinates.ephem import EphemerisCalculator

[docs]class SpacecraftMappingProvider(BaseMappingProvider): def __init__(self, imageSequenceFolder, wcsFolder=None, imageFileExtension=None, timeshift=None, noradId=None, tleFolder=None, spacetrack=None, altitude=110, maxTimeOffset=3, sequenceInParallel=False): """ :param imageSequenceFolder: folder path or a list of image file paths :param wcsFolder: folder path or a list of wcs file paths; optional if imageSequenceFolder is a folder path and contains the wcs files """ BaseMappingProvider.__init__(self, maxTimeOffset=maxTimeOffset) if wcsFolder is None: assert not isinstance(imageSequenceFolder, list),\ 'The wcsFolder parameter is required if imageSequenceFolder is a list' wcsFolder = imageSequenceFolder if isinstance(imageSequenceFolder, list) and isinstance(wcsFolder, list): self.imagePaths = imageSequenceFolder self.wcsPaths = wcsFolder self._imageFileExtension = os.path.splitext(self.imagePaths[0])[1][1:] self._checkEachWcsHasOneImage() self._sortByDate() elif not isinstance(imageSequenceFolder, list) and not isinstance(wcsFolder, list): self.imageSequenceFolder = imageSequenceFolder self.wcsFolder = wcsFolder self._imageFileExtension = imageFileExtension self.reload() else: raise ValueError('imageSequenceFolder and wcsFolder must be both path lists or folder paths') self.timeshift = timeshift self.noradId = noradId self.tleFolder = tleFolder self.spacetrack = spacetrack self.altitude = altitude metadataPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.imagePaths[0]), 'metadata.json') if os.path.exists(metadataPath): with open(metadataPath, 'r') as fp: self.metadata = json.load(fp, object_hook=_parseDates) else: self.metadata = None self._sequenceInParallel = sequenceInParallel def __len__(self): return len(self.wcsPaths)
[docs] def reload(self): """ Refresh to current disk state if imageSequenceFolder and wcsFolder are folders instead of file path lists. """ wcsFilenames = os.listdir(self.wcsFolder) wcsPaths = [os.path.join(self.wcsFolder, f) for f in wcsFilenames] self.wcsPaths = fnmatch.filter(wcsPaths, '*.wcs') imageFilenames = os.listdir(self.imageSequenceFolder) imagePaths = [os.path.join(self.imageSequenceFolder, f) for f in imageFilenames] try: self.imagePaths = fnmatch.filter(imagePaths, '*.' + self.imageFileExtension) except ValueError: self.imagePaths = [] self.wcsPaths = [] self._checkEachWcsHasOneImage() self._sortByDate()
def _checkEachWcsHasOneImage(self): wcsFilenames = map(os.path.basename, self.wcsPaths) ids = [os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in wcsFilenames] imageFilenames = list(map(os.path.basename, self.imagePaths)) imageIds = list(filter(lambda id_: id_ + '.' + self.imageFileExtension in imageFilenames, ids)) assert len(imageIds) == len(ids), 'image ids: ' + str(imageIds) + '; wcs ids: ' + str(ids) self.ids = ids def _sortByDate(self): dates = {auromat.fits.getShiftedPhotoTime(auromat.fits.readHeader(p)): (p, id_) for p, id_ in zip(self.wcsPaths, self.ids)} dates = OrderedDict(sorted(dates.items(), key=lambda k_v: k_v[0])) self.dates = dates.keys() self.wcsPaths = [p for p,_ in dates.values()] self.ids = [id_ for _,id_ in dates.values()] @property def imageFileExtension(self): """ e.g. 'jpg' """ if self._imageFileExtension is None: # try to find extension ourselves imageFilenames = os.listdir(self.imageSequenceFolder) wcsFilenames = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(self.wcsFolder), '*.wcs') if self.imageSequenceFolder == self.wcsFolder: imageFilenames = set(imageFilenames) - set(wcsFilenames) for wcsFilename in wcsFilenames: fileBase = os.path.splitext(wcsFilename)[0] matches = fnmatch.filter(imageFilenames, fileBase + '.*') if len(matches) == 1: self._imageFileExtension = os.path.splitext(matches[0])[1][1:] break elif len(matches) > 1: raise ValueError('Image file extension not given but multiple candidates exist: ' + str(matches)) if self._imageFileExtension is None: raise ValueError('Image file extension could not be determined. Make sure that there exists at least ' + 'one .wcs file and a corresponding image with the same filename base.') return self._imageFileExtension @property def range(self): return self.dates[0], self.dates[-1] @property def unsolvedIds(self): imageFilenames = map(os.path.basename, self.imagePaths) imageIds = [os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in imageFilenames] unsolvedIds = filter(lambda id_: id_ not in self.ids, imageIds) return sorted(unsolvedIds) def _getIdxWithOffset(self, date): idx = auromat.utils.findNearest(self.dates, date) offset = abs(self.dates[idx]-date).total_seconds() return idx, offset
[docs] def contains(self, date): _, offset = self._getIdxWithOffset(date) return offset <= self.maxTimeOffset
[docs] def get(self, date): idx, offset = self._getIdxWithOffset(date) if offset > self.maxTimeOffset: raise ValueError('No image found') identifier = self.ids[idx] imagePath = os.path.join(self.imageSequenceFolder, identifier + '.' + self.imageFileExtension) wcsPath = self.wcsPaths[idx] if self.metadata: metadata = dict(list(self.metadata['sequence_metadata'].items()) + list(self.metadata['image_metadata'][identifier].items())) else: metadata = None mapping = getMapping(imagePath, wcsPath, self.timeshift, self.noradId, self.tleFolder, self.spacetrack, altitude=self.altitude, metadata=metadata) return mapping
[docs] def getById(self, identifier): matchedIds = filter(lambda id_: identifier in id_, self.ids) assert len(matchedIds) == 1, 'Ambiguous identifier: ' + str(matchedIds) identifier = matchedIds[0] idx = self.ids.index(identifier) return self.get(self.dates[idx])
[docs] def getSequence(self, dateBegin=None, dateEnd=None): assert dateBegin is None and dateEnd is None, 'Date ranges not supported' try: self.imageFileExtension except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(str(e) + ' Returning empty sequence.') return [] imagePaths = [os.path.join(self.imageSequenceFolder, id_ + '.' + self.imageFileExtension) for id_ in self.ids] if self.metadata: seqmeta = list(self.metadata['sequence_metadata'].items()) metadatas = [dict(seqmeta + list(self.metadata['image_metadata'][k].items())) for k in self.ids] else: metadatas = None return getMappingSequence(imagePaths, self.wcsPaths, metadatas=metadatas, timeshift=self.timeshift, noradId=self.noradId, tleFolder=self.tleFolder, spacetrack=self.spacetrack, altitude=self.altitude, parallel=self._sequenceInParallel)
[docs]class SpacecraftMappingPathProvider(BaseMappingProvider): def __init__(self, imagePaths, wcsPaths, metadataPath=None, timeshift=None, noradId=None, tleFolder=None, spacetrack=None, altitude=110, maxTimeOffset=3, sequenceInParallel=False, fastCenterCalculation=False): BaseMappingProvider.__init__(self, maxTimeOffset=maxTimeOffset) assert len(imagePaths) == len(wcsPaths) self.imagePaths, self.wcsPaths = self._sortByDate(imagePaths, wcsPaths) self.timeshift = timeshift self.noradId = noradId self.tleFolder = tleFolder self.spacetrack = spacetrack self.altitude = altitude self.sequenceInParallel = sequenceInParallel self.fastCenterCalculation = fastCenterCalculation if metadataPath and os.path.exists(metadataPath): with open(metadataPath, 'r') as fp: self.metadata = json.load(fp, object_hook=_parseDates) else: self.metadata = None def __len__(self): return len(self.wcsPaths) @staticmethod def _sortByDate(imagePaths, wcsPaths): def date(wcsPath_imagePath): wcsPath = wcsPath_imagePath[0] wcsHeader = auromat.fits.readHeader(wcsPath) return auromat.fits.getPhotoTime(wcsHeader) paths = sorted(zip(wcsPaths, imagePaths), key=date) wcsPaths = [wcsPath for wcsPath, _ in paths] imagePaths = [imagePath for _, imagePath in paths] return imagePaths, wcsPaths @property def imageFileExtension(self): return os.path.splitext(self.imagePaths[0])[1][1:] @property def range(self): fromDate = getMapping(self.imagePaths[0], self.wcsPaths[0]).photoTime toDate = getMapping(self.imagePaths[-1], self.wcsPaths[-1]).photoTime return fromDate, toDate
[docs] def contains(self, date): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get(self, date): # TODO implement provider access by date raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getById(self, identifier): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getSequence(self, dateBegin=None, dateEnd=None): assert dateBegin is None and dateEnd is None, 'Date ranges not supported' if self.metadata: keys = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0] for p in self.imagePaths] seqmeta = list(self.metadata['sequence_metadata'].items()) metadatas = [dict(seqmeta + list(self.metadata['image_metadata'][k].items())) for k in keys] else: metadatas = None return getMappingSequence(self.imagePaths, self.wcsPaths, timeshift=self.timeshift, noradId=self.noradId, tleFolder=self.tleFolder, spacetrack=self.spacetrack, altitude=self.altitude, parallel=self.sequenceInParallel, fastCenterCalculation=self.fastCenterCalculation, metadatas=metadatas)
def _getMappingSequenceArgs(imagePathsOrArrays, wcsPaths, timeshift=None, noradId=None, tleFolder=None, spacetrack=None, altitude = 110, fastCenterCalculation=False, metadatas=None): if not metadatas: metadatas = [{}] * len(wcsPaths) return (dict(imagePathOrArray=imagePathOrArray, wcsPathOrHeader=wcsPath, timeshift=timeshift, noradId=noradId, tleFolder=tleFolder, spacetrack=spacetrack, altitude=altitude, fastCenterCalculation=fastCenterCalculation, metadata=metadata) for imagePathOrArray, wcsPath, metadata in zip(imagePathsOrArrays, wcsPaths, metadatas))
[docs]def getMappingSequence(imagePathsOrArrays, wcsPaths, metadatas=None, timeshift=None, noradId=None, tleFolder=None, spacetrack=None, altitude = 110, parallel=False, fastCenterCalculation=False): """ Returns a generator of SpacecraftMapping objects for all images in 'imageSequenceFolder' which have a solution in 'wcsFolder'. The order corresponds to the sorted filenames in 'wcsFolder'. :param iterable imagePathsOrArrays: :param list wcsPaths: """ mappingArgsArr = _getMappingSequenceArgs(imagePathsOrArrays, wcsPaths, timeshift, noradId, tleFolder, spacetrack, altitude, fastCenterCalculation, metadatas=metadatas) if parallel: return _getMappingsParallel(mappingArgsArr) else: def mappingFromKw(kw): mapping = getMapping(**kw) # see _getMappingsParallel gc.collect() return mapping return map(mappingFromKw, mappingArgsArr)
def _getMappingsParallel(mappingArgsArr): # Each worker process takes 2-4GiB! # We use only one worker as the main process is usually slower in consuming # the mappings. workerCount = 1 # TODO use iterator class instead of yield to conserve memory # (local variable 'mapping' holds on to reference and is only released on next iteration) mappings = NuMap(_getCalculatedMappingFromArgs, mappingArgsArr, worker_type='process', worker_num=workerCount, buffer=workerCount) try: mappings.start() for mapping in mappings: yield mapping # Due to some reference cycles there are numpy arrays which don't # get freed implicitly. As the arrays we work with are quite huge # this adds up quickly. The problem is that currently the garbage collector # doesn't know about the real size of the numpy arrays (as they are C extension # types and there is no API yet for communicating the real size to the Python # interpreter). Therefore the thresholds for triggering a garbage collection # are seldomly reached and instead we consume more and more memory and eventually # run out of it. To fight against this, we manually run a collection to force # freeing up native memory. gc.collect() finally: mappings.stop(ends=[0]) def _getCalculatedMappingFromArgs(kwargs): """ A helper function which gets a mapping and forces the calculation of its (lazy) properties. See getMappingSequence(). """ try: os.nice(10) # only on UNIX systems except: pass mapping = getMapping(**kwargs) # force calculation within worker process mapping.boundingBox mapping.elevation return mapping
[docs]def getMapping(imagePathOrArray, wcsPathOrHeader, timeshift=None, noradId=None, tleFolder=None, spacetrack=None, altitude=110, fastCenterCalculation=False, metadata=None, nosanitize=False, identifier=None): """ If timeshift is None, then the wcs header is first checked for a shifted timestamp and corresponding spacecraft position. In case no shifted timestamp exists, the wcs header is checked for the original timestamp and spacecraft position. If only the timestamp exists (which may be the case for externally produced wcs files), the spacecraft position is calculated from two-line elements. If the latter applies or 'timeshift' is given, then tleFolder must be given. If the tleFolder doesn't contain a %noradid%.tle file, then spacetrack is used to download the data (or an error is raised if spacetrack is None). The NORAD ID is determined from the noradId parameter, or if that is None from the wcs header. If in the latter case the wcs header doesn't contain the NORAD ID, then the ISS ID (25544) is used as a default and a warning is printed. :param imagePathOrArray: :param wcsPathOrHeader: :param datetime.timedelta timeshift: if set, overrides the shifted timestamp stored in the wcs headers :param noradId: if set, overrides the NORAD ID stored in the wcs headers :param tleFolder: folder containing TLE files named noradid.tle :param spacetrack: a Spacetrack class instance :param altitude: :rtype: BaseSpacecraftMapping """ wcsHeader, photoTime, originalPhotoTime, cameraPosGCRS = \ _prepareMappingParams(wcsPathOrHeader, timeshift, noradId, tleFolder, spacetrack) isImageArray = not isinstance(imagePathOrArray, string_types) isWcsHeader = not isinstance(wcsPathOrHeader, string_types) if identifier is None: if not isImageArray: identifier = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imagePathOrArray))[0] elif not isWcsHeader: identifier = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(wcsPathOrHeader))[0] if isImageArray: cls = ArraySpacecraftMapping else: cls = FileSpacecraftMappingUnsanitized if nosanitize else FileSpacecraftMapping mapping = cls(wcsHeader, altitude, imagePathOrArray, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata, originalPhotoTime=originalPhotoTime, fastCenterCalculation=fastCenterCalculation) return mapping
def _prepareMappingParams(wcsPathOrHeader, timeshift=None, noradId=None, tleFolder=None, spacetrack=None): if noradId is not None: noradId = int(noradId) if isinstance(wcsPathOrHeader, string_types): fitsWcsHeader = auromat.fits.readHeader(wcsPathOrHeader) else: fitsWcsHeader = wcsPathOrHeader originalPhotoTime = auromat.fits.getPhotoTime(fitsWcsHeader) if originalPhotoTime is None: raise ValueError('DATE-OBS missing in FITS header') if timeshift is not None: photoTime = originalPhotoTime + timeshift cameraPosGCRS = None else: cameraPosGCRS, photoTime_, _ = auromat.fits.getShiftedSpacecraftPosition(fitsWcsHeader) if cameraPosGCRS is not None: photoTime = photoTime_ else: photoTime = originalPhotoTime cameraPosGCRS, _ = auromat.fits.getSpacecraftPosition(fitsWcsHeader) if cameraPosGCRS is None: warnings.warn('Spacecraft position is missing in FITS header, will recalculate') if cameraPosGCRS is None: if noradId is None: noradId = auromat.fits.getNoradId(fitsWcsHeader) if noradId is None: warnings.warn('NORAD ID is missing in FITS header, assuming ISS (25544)') noradId = 25544 if tleFolder is None: raise ValueError('You need to specify tleFolder to calculate spacecraft positions') tleFilePath = os.path.join(tleFolder, str(noradId) + '.tle') if os.path.exists(tleFilePath): # the EphemerisCalculator doesn't need to be cached, fast enough (0.007s) ephemCalculator = EphemerisCalculator(tleFilePath) if not ephemCalculator.contains(photoTime): if spacetrack is None: raise ValueError('Please update ' + tleFilePath + ' or ' + 'supply a spacetrack instance for automatic download') spacetrack.updateTLEsFor(noradId, tleFilePath, photoTime) ephemCalculator = EphemerisCalculator(tleFilePath) elif spacetrack is not None: spacetrack.updateTLEsFor(noradId, tleFilePath, photoTime) ephemCalculator = EphemerisCalculator(tleFilePath) else: raise ValueError('Please put ' + str(noradId) + '.tle inside ' + tleFolder + ' or ' + 'supply a spacetrack instance for automatic download') cameraPosGCRS = ephemCalculator(photoTime) return fitsWcsHeader, photoTime, originalPhotoTime, cameraPosGCRS
[docs]class BaseSpacecraftMapping(BaseAstrometryMapping): """ A mapping which is based on having a camera in/on a spacecraft looking both on earth and the stars and where no exact camera pointing is known. The stars were then used to derive a WCS definition with which it is possible to calculate the direction vector of each pixel. """ def __init__(self, wcsHeader, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata=None, originalPhotoTime=None, fastCenterCalculation=False): BaseAstrometryMapping.__init__(self, wcsHeader, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata, fastCenterCalculation=fastCenterCalculation) if originalPhotoTime is None: originalPhotoTime = photoTime self._originalPhotoTime = originalPhotoTime @property def originalPhotoTime(self): return self._originalPhotoTime @lazy_property def intersectsEarth(self): """ Returns a boolean array indicating whether a pixel center intersects with the earth. """ direction = self.cameraToPixelCenterDirection t0 = time.time() intersectsEarth = ellipsoidLineIntersects(wgs84A, wgs84B, self.cameraPosGCRS, direction.reshape(-1,3)) print('intersectsEarth:', time.time()-t0, 's') intersectsEarth = intersectsEarth.reshape(self.cameraToPixelCenterDirection.shape[0], self.cameraToPixelCenterDirection.shape[1]) return intersectsEarth
[docs] def isConsistent(self, starPxCoords=None): """ Checks if the photo timestamp and astrometric solution used for mapping is plausible by analysing the mapping result. Note that in general there are virtually no false solves when using :param starPxCoords: array of shape (n,2) containing x,y pixel coordinates of stars which have been used for obtaining an astrometry solution; for, the quad stars can be used for this purpose, see auromat.solving.readQuadMatch() :rtype: True if consistent, False if not """ if np.all(self.intersectsEarth): # Although we solved the image using stars, every pixel intersects # with the modelled earth. Thus, the camera position is such # that the camera would look directly at the earth, with no starfield in the image. # The timestamp and/or astrometric solution must be wrong. return False elif not np.any(self.intersectsEarth): # No pixel intersects with the modelled earth. As we assume that the images always contain # a part of the earth, this must again be a wrong timestamp and/or astrometric solution. return False if starPxCoords is not None: starCoveredByEarth = self.intersectsEarth[starPxCoords[:,1],starPxCoords[:,0]] if np.any(starCoveredByEarth): # There is at least one star used for the astrometry solution which would # be covered by the modelled earth. Therefore, the timestamp and/or astrometric # solution must be wrong. return False return True
[docs]class FileSpacecraftMappingUnsanitized(ImageMaskAstrometryMixin, FileImageMixin, BaseSpacecraftMapping): """ .. warning:: Consider using FileSpacecraftMapping instead of this class. Masking is not supported here. The purpose of this class is to access certain properties in a very efficient way by skipping any sanitization. See auromat.test.draw_test.testParallelsMeridiansPlotOptimized for an example usage of this behaviour. """ def __init__(self, wcsHeader, alti, imagePath, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata=None, originalPhotoTime=None, fastCenterCalculation=False): ImageMaskAstrometryMixin.__init__(self) FileImageMixin.__init__(self, imagePath) BaseSpacecraftMapping.__init__(self, wcsHeader, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata, originalPhotoTime=originalPhotoTime, fastCenterCalculation=fastCenterCalculation)
[docs] def createMasked(self, centerMask): raise RuntimeError('Masking is not supported for unsanitized mappings, ' + 'please use nosanitize=False in getMapping()')
FileSpacecraftMapping = sanitize_data(FileSpacecraftMappingUnsanitized) @sanitize_data @inherit_docs class ArraySpacecraftMapping(ImageMaskAstrometryMixin, ArrayImageMixin, BaseSpacecraftMapping): """ Like FileSpacecraftMapping but accepts an RGB image array instead of an image file path. """ def __init__(self, wcsHeader, alti, img, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata=None, originalPhotoTime=None, fastCenterCalculation=False): ImageMaskAstrometryMixin.__init__(self) ArrayImageMixin.__init__(self, img) BaseSpacecraftMapping.__init__(self, wcsHeader, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata, originalPhotoTime=originalPhotoTime, fastCenterCalculation=fastCenterCalculation) isoDateFormat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f' def _parseDates(dic): keys = {'date'} & set(dic.keys()) for k in keys: dic[k] = datetime.strptime(dic[k], isoDateFormat) return dic