Source code for audiolazy.lazy_itertools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of AudioLazy, the signal processing Python package.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Danilo de Jesus da Silva Bellini
# AudioLazy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Itertools module "decorated" replica, where all outputs are Stream instances

import itertools as it
from collections import Iterator

# Audiolazy internal imports
from .lazy_stream import tostream, Stream
from .lazy_compat import xrange, xzip, PYTHON2
from .lazy_core import StrategyDict
from .lazy_filters import z

# "Decorates" all functions from itertools
__all__ = ["chain", "izip", "tee", "accumulate"]
it_names = set(dir(it)).difference(__all__)
for func in filter(callable, [getattr(it, name) for name in it_names]):
  name = func.__name__
  if name in ["filterfalse", "zip_longest"]: # These were renamed in Python 3
    name = "i" + name # In AudioLazy, keep the Python 2 names
  locals()[name] = tostream(func, module_name=__name__)

# StrategyDict chain, following "from_iterable" from original itertool
chain = StrategyDict("chain")
chain.strategy("chain")(tostream(it.chain, module_name=__name__))
chain.strategy("star", "from_iterable")(tostream(it.chain.from_iterable,

# StrategyDict izip, allowing izip.longest instead of izip_longest
izip = StrategyDict("izip")
izip.strategy("izip", "smallest")(tostream(xzip, module_name=__name__))
izip["longest"] = izip_longest

# Includes the imap and ifilter (they're not from itertools in Python 3)
for name, func in zip(["imap", "ifilter"], [map, filter]):
  if name not in __all__:
    locals()[name] = tostream(func, module_name=__name__)

accumulate = StrategyDict("accumulate")
if not PYTHON2:
  accumulate.strategy("accumulate", "itertools") \
                     (tostream(it.accumulate, module_name=__name__))

@accumulate.strategy("func", "pure_python")
[docs]def accumulate(iterable): " Return series of accumulated sums. " iterator = iter(iterable) sum_data = next(iterator) yield sum_data for el in iterator: sum_data += el yield sum_data
accumulate.strategy("z")(1 / (1 - z ** -1))
[docs]def tee(data, n=2): """ Tee or "T" copy to help working with Stream instances as well as with numbers. Parameters ---------- data : Input to be copied. Can be anything. n : Size of returned tuple. Defaults to 2. Returns ------- Tuple of n independent Stream instances, if the input is a Stream or an iterator, otherwise a tuple with n times the same object. See Also -------- thub : use Stream instances *almost* like constants in your equations. """ if isinstance(data, (Stream, Iterator)): return tuple(Stream(cp) for cp in it.tee(data, n)) else: return tuple(data for unused in xrange(n))