Source code for audiolazy.lazy_core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of AudioLazy, the signal processing Python package.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Danilo de Jesus da Silva Bellini
# AudioLazy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Core classes module

import sys
import operator
from collections import Iterable
from abc import ABCMeta
import itertools as it

# Audiolazy internal imports
from .lazy_compat import STR_TYPES, HAS_MATMUL, iteritems, itervalues

__all__ = ["OpMethod", "AbstractOperatorOverloaderMeta", "MultiKeyDict",

[docs]class OpMethod(object): """ Internal class to represent an operator method metadata. You can acess operator methods directly by using the OpMethod.get() class method, which always returns a generator from a query. This might be helpful if you need to acess the operator module from symbols. Given an instance "op", it has the following data: ========= =========================================================== Attribute Contents (and an example with OpMethod.get("__radd__")) ========= =========================================================== Operator name string, e.g. ``"radd"``. op.dname Dunder name string, e.g. ``"__radd__"``. op.func Function reference, e.g. ``operator.__add__``. op.symbol Operator symbol if in a code as a string, e.g. ``"+"``. op.rev Boolean telling if the operator is reversed, e.g. ``True``. op.arity Number of operands, e.g. ``2``. ========= =========================================================== See the ``OpMethod.get`` docstring for more information and examples. """ _all = {} @classmethod
[docs] def get(cls, key="all", without=None): """ Returns a list with every OpMethod instance that match the key. The valid values for query parameters are: * Operator method names such as ``add`` or ``radd`` or ``pos``, with or without the double underscores. These would select only one operator; * Strings with the operator symbols such as ``"+"``, ``"&"`` or ``"**"``. These would select all the binary, reversed binary and unary operators when these apply; * ``"all"`` for selecting every operator available; * ``"r"`` gets only the reversed operators; * ``1`` or ``"1"`` for unary operators; * ``2`` or ``"2"`` for binary operators (including reversed binary); * ``None`` for no operators at all; * Operator functions from the ``operator`` module with the double underscores (e.g. ``operator.__add__``), for all the operations that use the operator function (it and the reversed); Parameters ---------- key : A query value, a string with whitespace-separated query names, or an iterable with valid query values (as listed above). This parameter defaults to "all". without : The same as key, but used to tell the query something that shouldn't appear in the result. Defaults to None. Returns ------- Generator with all OpMethod instances that matches the query once, keeping the order in which it is asked for. For a given symbol with 3 operator methods (e.g., "+", which yields __add__, __radd__ and __pos__), the yielding order is <binary>, <reversed binary> and <unary>. Examples -------- >>> list(OpMethod.get("*")) # By symbol [<mul operator method ('*' symbol)>, <rmul operator method ('*' symbol)>] >>> OpMethod.get(">>") <generator object ... at 0x...> >>> len(list(_)) # Found __rshift__ and __rrshift__, as a generator 2 >>> next(OpMethod.get("__add__")).func(2, 3) # By name, finds 2 + 3 5 >>> next(OpMethod.get("rsub")).symbol # Name is without underscores '-' >>> mod = list(OpMethod.get("%%")) >>> mod[0].rev # Is it reversed? The __mod__ isn't. False >>> mod[1].rev # But the __rmod__ is! True >>> mod[1].arity # Number of operands, the __rmod__ is binary 2 >>> add = list(OpMethod.get("+")) >>> add[2].arity # Unary "+" 1 >>> add[2] is next(OpMethod.get("pos")) True >>> import operator >>> next(OpMethod.get(operator.add)).symbol # Using the operator function '+' >>> len(list(OpMethod.get(operator.add))) # __add__ and __radd__ 2 >>> len(list(OpMethod.get("<< >>"))) # Multiple inputs 4 >>> len(list(OpMethod.get("<< >>", without="r"))) # Without reversed 2 >>> list(OpMethod.get(["+", "&"], without=[operator.add, "r"])) [<pos operator method ('+' symbol)>, <and operator method ('&' symbol)>] >>> len(set(OpMethod.get(2, without=["- + *", "%%", "r"]))) %s >>> len(set(OpMethod.get("all"))) # How many operator methods there are? %s """ % (15, 35) if HAS_MATMUL else (14, 33) ignore = set() if without is None else set(cls.get(without)) if key is None: return if isinstance(key, STR_TYPES) or not isinstance(key, Iterable): key = [key] key = it.chain.from_iterable(el.split() if isinstance(el, STR_TYPES) else [el] for el in key) for op_descr in key: try: for op in cls._all[op_descr]: if op not in ignore: yield op except KeyError: if op_descr in ["div", "__div__", "rdiv", "__rdiv__"]: raise ValueError("Use only 'truediv' for division") raise ValueError("Operator '{}' unknown".format(op_descr))
[docs] def _insert(cls, name, symbol): self = cls() = name self.symbol = symbol self.rev = name.startswith("r") and name != "rshift" self.dname = "__{}__".format(name) # Dunder name self.arity = 1 if name in ["pos", "neg", "invert"] else 2 self.func = getattr(operator, "__{}__".format(name[self.rev:])) # Updates the "all" dictionary keys = ["all", self.symbol,, self.dname, self.func, self.arity, str(self.arity)] if self.rev: keys.append("r") for key in keys: if key not in cls._all: cls._all[key] = [self] else: cls._all[key].append(self)
[docs] def _initialize(cls): """ Internal method to initialize the class by creating all the operator metadata to be used afterwards. """ op_symbols = """ + add radd pos - sub rsub neg * mul rmul / truediv rtruediv // floordiv rfloordiv % mod rmod ** pow rpow >> rshift rrshift << lshift rlshift ~ invert & and rand | or ror ^ xor rxor < lt <= le == eq != ne > gt >= ge """.strip().splitlines() if HAS_MATMUL: op_symbols.append("@ matmul rmatmul") for op_line in op_symbols: symbol, names = op_line.split(None, 1) for name in names.split(): cls._insert(name, symbol)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<{} operator method ('{}' symbol)>".format(, self.symbol)
# Creates all operators OpMethod._initialize()
[docs]class AbstractOperatorOverloaderMeta(ABCMeta): """ Abstract metaclass for classes with massively overloaded operators. Dunders dont't appear within "getattr" nor "getattribute", and they should be inside the class dictionary, not the class instance one, otherwise they won't be found by the usual mechanism. That's why we have to be eager here. You need a concrete class inherited from this one, and the "abstract" enforcement and specification is: - Override __operators__ and __without__ with a ``OpMethod.get()`` valid query inputs, see that method docstring for more information and examples. Its a good idea to tell all operators that will be used, including the ones that should be defined in the instance namespace, since the metaclass will enforce their existance without overwriting. These should be overridden by a string or a list with all operator names, symbols or operator functions (from the `operator` module) to be overloaded (or neglect, in the __without__). - When using names, reversed operators should be given explicitly. - When using symbols the reversed operators and the unary are implicit. - When using operator functions, the ooperators and the unary are implicit. By default, __operators__ is "all" and __without__ is None. - All operators should be implemented by the metaclass hierarchy or by the class directly, and the class has priority when both exists, neglecting the method builder in this case. - There are three method builders which should be written in the concrete metaclass: ``__binary__``, ``__rbinary__`` and ``__unary__``. All receives 2 parameters (the class being instantiated and a OpMethod instance) and should return a function for the specific dunder, probably doing so based on general-use templates. Note ---- Don't use "div"! In Python 2.x it'll be a copy of truediv. """ __operators__ = "all" __without__ = None
[docs] def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace): cls = super(AbstractOperatorOverloaderMeta, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace) # Inserts each operator into the class for op in OpMethod.get(mcls.__operators__, without=mcls.__without__): if op.dname not in namespace: # Added manually shouldn't use template # Creates the dunder method dunder = {(False, 1): mcls.__unary__, (False, 2): mcls.__binary__, (True, 2): mcls.__rbinary__, }[op.rev, op.arity](cls, op) # Abstract enforcement if not callable(dunder): msg = "Class '{}' has no builder/template for operator method '{}'" raise TypeError(msg.format(cls.__name__, op.dname)) # Inserts the dunder into the class dunder.__name__ = op.dname setattr(cls, dunder.__name__, dunder) else: dunder = namespace[op.dname] if sys.version_info.major == 2 and in ["truediv", "rtruediv"]: new_name = op.dname.replace("true", "") if new_name not in namespace: # If wasn't insert manually setattr(cls, new_name, dunder) return cls
# The 3 methods below should be overloaded, but they shouldn't be # "abstractmethod" since it's unuseful (and perhaps undesirable) # when there could be only one type of operator being massively overloaded.
[docs] def __binary__(cls, op): """ This method should be overridden to return the dunder for the given operator function. """ return NotImplemented
__unary__ = __rbinary__ = __binary__
[docs]class MultiKeyDict(dict): """ Multiple keys dict. Can be thought as an "inversible" dict where you can ask for the one hashable value from one of the keys. By default it iterates through the values, if you need an iterator for all tuples of keys, use iterkeys method instead. Examples -------- Assignments one by one: >>> mk = MultiKeyDict() >>> mk[1] = 3 >>> mk[2] = 3 >>> mk {(1, 2): 3} >>> mk[4] = 2 >>> mk[1] = 2 >>> len(mk) 2 >>> mk[1] 2 >>> mk[2] 3 >>> mk[4] 2 >>> sorted(mk) [2, 3] >>> sorted(mk.keys()) [(2,), (4, 1)] Casting from another dict: >>> mkd = MultiKeyDict({1:4, 2:5, -7:4}) >>> len(mkd) 2 >>> sorted(mkd) [4, 5] >>> del mkd[2] >>> len(mkd) 1 >>> sorted(list(mkd.keys())[0]) # Sorts the only key tuple [-7, 1] >>> del mkd[-7] >>> len(mkd) # Again, that's the amount of values, not of keys! 1 """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._keys_dict = {} self._inv_dict = {} super(MultiKeyDict, self).__init__() for key, value in iteritems(dict(*args, **kwargs)): self[key] = value
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, tuple): # Avoid errors with IPython return super(MultiKeyDict, self).__getitem__(key) return super(MultiKeyDict, self).__getitem__(self._keys_dict[key])
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # We want only tuples if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) # Finds the full new tuple keys if value in self._inv_dict: key = self._inv_dict[value] + key # Remove duplicated keys (last insertion has priority) key_list = [] for k in reversed(key): if k not in key_list: key_list.append(k) key = tuple(reversed(key_list)) # Remove the overwritten data for k in key: if k in self._keys_dict: MultiKeyDict.__delitem__(self, k) # Do the assignment for k in key: self._keys_dict[k] = key self._inv_dict[value] = key super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key): key_tuple = self._keys_dict[key] value = self[key] new_key = tuple(k for k in key_tuple if k != key) # Remove the old data del self._keys_dict[key] del self._inv_dict[value] super(MultiKeyDict, self).__delitem__(key_tuple) # Do the assignment (when it makes sense) if len(new_key) > 0: for k in new_key: self._keys_dict[k] = new_key self._inv_dict[value] = new_key super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(new_key, value)
[docs] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._inv_dict)
[docs] def key2keys(self, key): """ Tuple with every key that points to the same value. """ return self._keys_dict[key]
[docs] def value2keys(self, value): """ Tuple with every key that points to the given value. Result might be empty. """ return self._inv_dict.get(value, tuple())
[docs]class StrategyDict(MultiKeyDict): """ Strategy dictionary manager creator with default, mainly done for callables and multiple implementation algorithms / models. Each strategy might have multiple names. The names can be any hashable. The "strategy" method creates a decorator for the given strategy names, see its docstrings for more details on this. The default strategy is the attribute StrategyDict.default, and might be anything from outside the dictionary values. The default strategy is the first strategy you insert, unless the instance attribute already exists. The instances iterates through its values (i.e., for each strategy, not its names). You can type something like this to find all StrategyDict instances from the package:: .. code-block:: python import audiolazy sorted(k for k, v in vars(audiolazy).items() if isinstance(v, audiolazy.StrategyDict)) Examples -------- >>> sd = StrategyDict() >>> @sd.strategy("sum") # First strategy is default ... def sd(a, b, c): ... return a + b + c >>> @sd.strategy("min", "m") # Multiple names ... def sd(a, b, c): ... return min(a, b, c) >>> sd(2, 5, 0) 7 >>> sd["min"](2, 5, 0) 0 >>> sd["m"](7, -5, -2) -5 >>> sd.default = sd["min"] >>> sd(-19, 1e18, 0) -19 Note ---- The StrategyDict constructor creates a new class inheriting from StrategyDict, and then instantiates it before returning the requested instance. This singleton subclassing is needed for docstring personalization. """
[docs] def __new__(self, name="strategy_dict_unnamed_instance"): """ Creates a new StrategyDict class and returns an instance of it. The new class is needed to ensure it'll have a personalized docstring. """ class StrategyDictInstance(StrategyDict): def __new__(cls, name=name): del StrategyDictInstance.__new__ # Should be called only once return MultiKeyDict.__new__(StrategyDictInstance) def __init__(self, name=name): self.__name__ = name super(StrategyDict, self).__init__() @property def __doc__(self): from .lazy_text import small_doc docbase = "This is a StrategyDict instance object called\n" \ "``{0}``. Strategies stored: {1}.\n" doc = [docbase.format(self.__name__, len(self))] pairs = sorted(iteritems(self)) if self.default not in list(self.values()): pairs = it.chain(pairs, [(tuple(), self.default)]) for key_tuple, value in pairs: # First find the part of the docstring related to the keys strategies = ["{0}.{1}".format(self.__name__, name) for name in key_tuple] if len(strategies) == 0: doc.extend("\nDefault unnamed strategy") else: if value == self.default: strategies[0] += " (Default)" doc.extend(["\n**Strategy ", strategies[0], "**.\n"]), if len(strategies) == 2: doc.extend(["An alias for it is ``", strategies[1], "``.\n"]) elif len(strategies) > 2: doc.extend(["Aliases available are ``", "``, ``".join(strategies[1:]), "``.\n"]) # Get first description paragraph as the docstring related to value doc.append("Docstring starts with:\n") doc.extend(small_doc(value, indent="\n ")) doc.append("\n") doc.append("\nNote" "\n----\n" "This docstring is self-generated, see the StrategyDict\n" "class and the strategies docs for more details.\n" ) return "".join(doc) return StrategyDictInstance(name)
default = lambda *args, **kwargs: NotImplemented
[docs] def strategy(self, *names, **kwargs): """ StrategyDict wrapping method for adding a new strategy. Parameters ---------- *names : Positional arguments with all names (strings) that could be used to call the strategy to be added, to be used both as key items and as attribute names. keep_name : Boolean keyword-only parameter for choosing whether the ``__name__`` attribute of the decorated/wrapped function should be changed or kept. Defaults to False (i.e., changes the name by default). Returns ------- A decorator/wrapper function to be used once on the new strategy to be added. Example ------- Let's create a StrategyDict that knows its name: >>> txt_proc = StrategyDict("txt_proc") Add a first strategy ``swapcase``, using this method as a decorator factory: >>> @txt_proc.strategy("swapcase") ... def txt_proc(txt): ... return txt.swapcase() Let's do it again, but wrapping the strategy functions inline. First two strategies have multiple names, the last keeps the function name, which would otherwise be replaced by the first given name: >>> txt_proc.strategy("lower", "low")(lambda txt: txt.lower()) {(...): <function ... at 0x...>, (...): <function ... at 0x...>} >>> txt_proc.strategy("upper", "up")(lambda txt: txt.upper()) {...} >>> txt_proc.strategy("keep", keep_name=True)(lambda txt: txt) {...} We can now iterate through the strategies to call them or see their function names >>> sorted(st("Just a Test") for st in txt_proc) ['JUST A TEST', 'Just a Test', 'jUST A tEST', 'just a test'] >>> sorted(st.__name__ for st in txt_proc) # Just the first name ['<lambda>', 'lower', 'swapcase', 'upper'] Calling a single strategy: >>> txt_proc.low("TeStInG") 'testing' >>> txt_proc["upper"]("TeStInG") 'TESTING' >>> txt_proc("TeStInG") # Default is the first: swapcase 'tEsTiNg' >>> txt_proc.default("TeStInG") 'tEsTiNg' >>> txt_proc.default = txt_proc.up # Manually changing the default >>> txt_proc("TeStInG") 'TESTING' Hint ---- Default strategy is the one stored as the ``default`` attribute, you can change or remove it at any time. When removing all keys that are assigned to the default strategy, the default attribute will be removed from the StrategyDict instance as well. The first strategy added afterwards is the one that will become the new default, unless the attribute is created or changed manually. """ def decorator(func): keep_name = kwargs.pop("keep_name", False) if kwargs: key = next(iter(kwargs)) raise TypeError("Unknown keyword argument '{}'".format(key)) if not keep_name: func.__name__ = str(names[0]) self[names] = func return self return decorator
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): keys = key if isinstance(key, tuple) else (key,) for k in keys: try: del self[k] # Also remove self.default if it loses all keys except KeyError: pass # Not found! super(StrategyDict, self).__setitem__(keys, value) for k in keys: setattr(self, k, value) if "default" not in vars(self): self.default = value
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key): keys = self.key2keys(key) value = self[keys] super(StrategyDict, self).__delitem__(key) if hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) == value: super(StrategyDict, self).__delattr__(key) if len(keys) == 1 and value == self.default: super(StrategyDict, self).__delattr__("default")
[docs] def __delattr__(self, attr): try: if self[attr] == getattr(self, attr): # Have both del self[attr] # Removes both else: # Have both but they're different setattr(self, attr, self[attr]) # Put the attribute back except KeyError: # Del a non-strategy attribute super(StrategyDict, self).__delattr__(attr)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.default(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __iter__(self): return itervalues(self)