Source code for atmdb.client

"""API client wrapper."""
import asyncio
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from http import HTTPStatus
import json
import logging
import random

import aiohttp

from .core import UrlParamMixin, Service
from .models import Movie, Person

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TMDbClient(UrlParamMixin, Service): """Simple wrapper for the `TMDb`_ API. .. _TMDb: """ AUTH_PARAM = 'api_key' ROOT = '' TOKEN_ENV_VAR = 'TMDB_API_TOKEN' def __init__(self, *, api_token=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(api_token=api_token, **kwargs) self.config = dict(data=None, last_update=None) @property def headers(self): return dict(Accept='application/json', **super().headers) @property def config_expired(self): """Whether the configuration data has expired.""" return (self.config['last_update'] + timedelta(days=2)) < async def _update_config(self): """Update configuration data if required. Notes: Per `the documentation`_, this updates the API configuration data *"every few days"*. .. _the documentation: """ if self.config['data'] is None or self.config_expired: data = await self.get_data(self.url_builder('configuration')) self.config = dict(data=data,
[docs] async def get_data(self, url): """Get data from the TMDb API via :py:func:`aiohttp.get`. Notes: Updates configuration (if required) on successful requests. Arguments: url (:py:class:`str`): The endpoint URL and params. Returns: :py:class:`dict`: The parsed JSON result. """ logger.debug('making request to %r', url) with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as response: body = json.loads((await'utf-8')) if response.status == HTTPStatus.OK: if url != self.url_builder('configuration'): await self._update_config() return body elif response.status == HTTPStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: timeout = self.calculate_timeout( response.headers['Retry-After'], ) logger.warning( 'Request limit exceeded, waiting %s seconds', timeout, ) await asyncio.sleep(timeout) return await self.get_data(url) logger.warning( 'request failed %s: %r', response.status, body.get('status_message', '<no message>') )
[docs] async def find_movie(self, query): """Retrieve movie data by search query. Arguments: query (:py:class:`str`): Query to search for. Returns: :py:class:`list`: Possible matches. """ params = OrderedDict([ ('query', query), ('include_adult', False), ]) url = self.url_builder('search/movie', {}, params) data = await self.get_data(url) if data is None: return return [ Movie.from_json(item, self.config['data'].get('images')) for item in data.get('results', []) ]
[docs] async def find_person(self, query): """Retrieve person data by search query. Arguments: query (:py:class:`str`): Query to search for. Returns: :py:class:`list`: Possible matches. """ url = self.url_builder( 'search/person', dict(), url_params=OrderedDict([ ('query', query), ('include_adult', False) ]), ) data = await self.get_data(url) if data is None: return return [ Person.from_json(item, self.config['data'].get('images')) for item in data.get('results', []) ]
[docs] async def get_movie(self, id_): """Retrieve movie data by ID. Arguments: id_ (:py:class:`int`): The movie's TMDb ID. Returns: :py:class:`~.Movie`: The requested movie. """ url = self.url_builder( 'movie/{movie_id}', dict(movie_id=id_), url_params=OrderedDict(append_to_response='credits'), ) data = await self.get_data(url) if data is None: return return Movie.from_json(data, self.config['data'].get('images'))
[docs] async def get_person(self, id_): """Retrieve person data by ID. Arguments: id_ (:py:class:`int`): The person's TMDb ID. Returns: :py:class:`~.Person`: The requested person. """ data = await self._get_person_json( id_, OrderedDict(append_to_response='movie_credits') ) return Person.from_json(data, self.config['data'].get('images'))
async def _get_person_json(self, id_, url_params=None): """Retrieve raw person JSON by ID. Arguments: id_ (:py:class:`int`): The person's TMDb ID. url_params (:py:class:`dict`): Any additional URL parameters. Returns: :py:class:`dict`: The JSON data. """ url = self.url_builder( 'person/{person_id}', dict(person_id=id_), url_params=url_params or OrderedDict(), ) data = await self.get_data(url) return data async def _get_popular_people_page(self, page=1): """Get a specific page of popular person data. Arguments: page (:py:class:`int`, optional): The page to get. Returns: :py:class:`dict`: The page data. """ return await self.get_data(self.url_builder( 'person/popular', url_params=OrderedDict(page=page), )) @staticmethod def _calculate_page_index(index, data): """Determine the location of a given index in paged data. Arguments: index (:py:class:`int`): The overall index. data: (:py:class:`dict`) The first page of data. Returns: :py:class:`tuple`: The location of that index, in the format ``(page, index_in_page)``. """ if index > data['total_results']: raise ValueError('index not in paged data') page_length = len(data['results']) return (index // page_length) + 1, (index % page_length) - 1