
Authors:Michael Griffin
Version:2.0.0 for 2017-06-21
Copyright:2014 - 2017
License:This document may be distributed under the Apache License V2.0.
Language:Python 3.4 or later


The ArrayFunc module provides high speed array processing functions for use with the standard Python array module. These functions are patterned after the functions in the standard Python Itertools module together with some additional ones from other sources.

The purpose of these functions is to perform mathematical calculations on arrays significantly faster than using native Python.



The functions fall into several categories.

Filling Arrays

Function Description
count Fill an array with evenly spaced values using a start and step values.
cycle Fill an array with evenly spaced values using a start, stop, and step values, and repeat until the array is filled.
repeat Fill an array with a specified value.

Filtering Arrays

Function Description
afilter Select values from an array based on a boolean criteria.
compress Select values from an array based on another array of boolean values.
dropwhile Select values from an array starting from where a selected criteria fails and proceding to the end.
takewhile Like dropwhile, but starts from the beginning and stops when the criteria fails.

Examining and Searching Arrays

Function Description
aany Returns True if any element in an array meets the selected criteria.
aall Returns True if all element in an array meet the selected criteria.
amax Returns the maximum value in the array.
amin Returns the minimum value in the array.
findindex Returns the index of the first value in an array to meet the specified criteria.
findindices Searches an array for the array indices which meet the specified criteria and writes the results to a second array. Also returns the number of matches found.

Operating on Arrays

Function Description
amap Apply an operator to each element of an array, together with an optional second parameter (for operators taking two parameters). The results are written to a second array.
amapi Like amap, but the results are written in place to the input array.
starmap Like amap, but where a second array acts as the second parameter. The results are written to an output array.
starmapi Like starmap, but the results are written in place to the first input array.
asum Calculate the arithmetic sum of an array.
acalc Calculate arbitrary equations over an array.

Data Conversion

Function Description
convert Convert arrays between data types. The data will be converted into the form required by the output array.

Array Limit Attributes

In addition to functions, a set of attributes are provided representing the platform specific maximum and minimum numerical values for each array type. These attributes are part of the “arraylimits” module.



Fill an array with evenly spaced values using a start and step values. The function continues until the end of the array. The function does not check for integer overflow.

count(dataarray, start, step)

  • dataarray - The output array.
  • start - The numeric value to start from.
  • step - The value to increment by when creating each element. This parameter is optional. If it is omitted, a value of 1 is assumed. A negative step value will cause the function to count down.


dataarray = array.array('i', [0]*10)
arrayfunc.count(dataarray, 0, 5)
==> array('i', [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45])
arrayfunc.count(dataarray, 99)
==> array('i', [99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108])
arrayfunc.count(dataarray, 29, -8)
==> array('i', [29, 21, 13, 5, -3, -11, -19, -27, -35, -43])
dataarray = array.array('b', [0]*10)
arrayfunc.count(dataarray, 52, 10)
==> array('b', [52, 62, 72, 82, 92, 102, 112, 122, -124, -114])


Fill an array with evenly spaced values using a start, stop, and step values, and repeat until the array is filled.

cycle(dataarray, start, stop, step)

  • dataarray - The output array.
  • start - The numeric value to start from.
  • stop - The value at which to stop incrementing. If stop is less than start, cycle will count down.
  • step - The value to increment by when creating each element. This parameter is optional. If it is omitted, a value of 1 is assumed. The sign is ignored and the absolute value used when incrementing.


dataarray = array.array('i', [0]*100)
arrayfunc.cycle(dataarray, 0, 25, 5)
==> array('i', [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 0, 5, ... , 10, 15])
arrayfunc.cycle(dataarray, 5, 30)
==> array('i', [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ... 28, 29, 30, 5, ... , 24, 25, 26])
dataarray = array.array('i', [0]*10)
arrayfunc.cycle(dataarray, 10, 5, 1)
==> array('i', [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 10, 9, 8, 7])
arrayfunc.cycle(dataarray, -2, 3, 1)
==> array('i', [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, -2, -1, 0, 1])


Fill an array with a specified value.

repeat(dataarray, value)

  • dataarray - The output array.
  • value - The value to use to fill the array.


dataarray = array.array('i', [0]*100)
arrayfunc.repeat(dataarray, 99)
==> array('i', [99, 99, 99, 99, ... , 99, 99])


Select values from an array based on a boolean criteria.

x = afilter(op, inparray, outparray, rparam)

x = afilter(op, inparray, outparray, rparam, maxlen=500)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be filtered.
  • outparray - The output array.
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • x - An integer count of the number of items filtered into outparray.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
x = arrayfunc.afilter(arrayfunc.aops.af_gt, inparray, outparray, 10)
==> array('i', [33, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 2
x = arrayfunc.afilter(arrayfunc.aops.af_gt, inparray, outparray, 10, maxlen=4)
==> array('i', [33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 1


Select values from an array based on another array of integers values. The selector array is interpreted as a set of boolean values, where any value other than 0 causes the value in the input array to be selected and copied to the output array, while a value of 0 causes the value to be ignored.

The input, selector, and output arrays need not be of the same length. The copy operation will be terminated when the end of the input or output array is reached. The selector array will be cycled through repeatedly as many times as necessary until the end of the input or output array is reached.

x = compress(inparray, outparray, selectorarray)

x = compress(inparray, outparray, selectorarray, maxlen=500)

  • inparray - The input data array to be filtered.
  • outparray - The output array.
  • selectorarray - The selector array.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • x - An integer count of the number of items filtered into outparray.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
selectorarray = array.array('i', [0, 1, 0, 1])
x = arrayfunc.compress(inparray, outparray, selectorarray)
==> array('i', [2, 33, -6, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 3
x = arrayfunc.compress(inparray, outparray, selectorarray, maxlen=4)
==> array('i', [2, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 2


Select values from an array starting from where a selected criteria fails and proceeding to the end.

x = dropwhile(op, inparray, outparray, rparam)

x = dropwhile(op, inparray, outparray, rparam, maxlen=500)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be filtered.
  • outparray - The output array.
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • x - An integer count of the number of items filtered into outparray.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
x = arrayfunc.dropwhile(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, outparray, 10)
==> array('i', [33, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 3
x = arrayfunc.dropwhile(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, outparray, 10, maxlen=5)
==> array('i', [33, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 2


Like dropwhile, but starts from the beginning and stops when the criteria fails.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
x = arrayfunc.takewhile(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, outparray, 10)
==> array('i', [1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 3
x = arrayfunc.takewhile(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, outparray, 10, maxlen=2)
==> array('i', [1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 2


Returns True if any element in an array meets the selected criteria.

x = aany(op, inparray, rparam)

x = aany(op, inparray, rparam, maxlen=500, nosimd=True)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • nosimd - If true, use of SIMD is disabled.
  • x - The boolean result.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
x = arrayfunc.aany(arrayfunc.aops.af_eq, inparray, 5)
==> x equals True
x = arrayfunc.aany(arrayfunc.aops.af_eq, inparray, 54, maxlen=5)
==> x equals True
x = arrayfunc.aany(arrayfunc.aops.af_eq, inparray, -6, maxlen=5)
==> x equals False


Returns True if all elements in an array meet the selected criteria.

x = aall(op, inparray, rparam)

x = aall(op, inparray, rparam, maxlen=500, nosimd=True)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • nosimd - If true, use of SIMD is disabled.
  • x - The boolean result.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
x = arrayfunc.aall(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, 66)
==> x equals True
x = arrayfunc.aall(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, 66, maxlen=5)
==> x equals True
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, 66])
x = arrayfunc.aall(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, 66)
==> x equals False
x = arrayfunc.aall(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, 66, maxlen=5)
==> x equals True


Returns the maximum value in the array.

x = amax(inparray)

x = amax(inparray, maxlen=500)

x = amax(inparray, maxlen=500, nosimd=True)

  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • nosimd - If true, use of SIMD is disabled.
  • x - The maximum value.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
x = arrayfunc.amax(inparray)
==> x equals 54
x = arrayfunc.amax(inparray, maxlen=3)
==> x equals 5


Returns the minimum value in the array.

x = amin(inparray)

x = amin(inparray, maxlen=500)

x = amin(inparray, maxlen=500, nosimd=True)

  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • nosimd - If true, use of SIMD is disabled.
  • x - The minimum value.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
x = arrayfunc.amin(inparray)
==> x equals -6
x = arrayfunc.amin(inparray, maxlen=3)
==> x equals 1


Returns the index of the first value in an array to meet the specified criteria.

x = findindex(op, inparray, rparam)

x = findindex(op, inparray, rparam, maxlen=500, nosimd=True)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • nosimd - If true, use of SIMD is disabled.
  • x - The resulting index. This will be negative if no match was found.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
x = arrayfunc.findindex(arrayfunc.aops.af_eq, inparray, 54)
==> x equals 4
x = arrayfunc.findindex(arrayfunc.aops.af_eq, inparray, 54, maxlen=4)
==> x equals -1  (not found)


Searches an array for the array indices which meet the specified criteria and writes the results to a second array. Also returns the number of matches found.

x = findindices(op, inparray, outparray, rparam)

x = findindices(op, inparray, outparray, rparam, maxlen=500)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • outparray - The output array. This must be an integer array of array type ‘q’ (signed long long).
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • x - An integer indicating the number of matches found.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
outparray = array.array('q', [0]*6)
x = arrayfunc.findindices(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, outparray, 5)
==> ('i', [0, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 3
x = arrayfunc.findindices(arrayfunc.aops.af_lt, inparray, outparray, 5, maxlen=4)
==> array('q', [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
==> x equals 2


Apply an operator to each element of an array, together with an optional second parameter (for operators taking two parameters). The results are written to a second array.

amap(op, inparray, outparray, rparam)

amap(op, inparray, outparray, rparam, disovfl=True)

amap(op, inparray, outparray, rparam, disovfl=True, maxlen=500)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • outparray - The output array.
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’. This is an optional parameter.
  • disovfl - If this keyword parameter is True, integer overflow checking will be disabled. This is an optional parameter.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
arrayfunc.amap(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray, outparray, 5)
==> ('i', [6, 7, 10, 38, 59, -1])
arrayfunc.amap(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray, outparray, 5, disovfl=True)
==> ('i', [6, 7, 10, 38, 59, -1])
arrayfunc.amap(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray, outparray, 5, disovfl=False)
==> ('i', [6, 7, 10, 38, 59, -1])
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
arrayfunc.amap(arrayfunc.aops.math_factorial, inparray, outparray)
==> ('i', [1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
arrayfunc.amap(arrayfunc.aops.math_factorial, inparray, outparray, maxlen=5)
==> array('i', [1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 0])


Like amap, but the results are written in place to the input array.

amapi(op, inparray, rparam)

amapi(op, inparray, rparam, disovfl=True)

amapi(op, inparray, rparam, disovfl=True, maxlen=500)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • rparam - The ‘y’ parameter to be applied to ‘op’. This is an optional parameter.
  • disovfl - If this keyword parameter is True, integer overflow checking will be disabled. This is an optional parameter.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
arrayfunc.amapi(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray, 5)
==> ('i', [6, 7, 10, 38, 59, -1])
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
arrayfunc.amapi(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray, 5, disovfl=True)
==> ('i', [6, 7, 10, 38, 59, -1])
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
arrayfunc.amapi(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray, 5, disovfl=False)
==> ('i', [6, 7, 10, 38, 59, -1])
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
arrayfunc.amapi(arrayfunc.aops.math_factorial, inparray)
==> ('i', [1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720])
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
arrayfunc.amapi(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray, 5, disovfl=False, maxlen=5)
==> array('i', [6, 7, 10, 38, 59, -6])


Like amap, but where a second array acts as the second parameter. The results are written to an output array. All valid operators and math functions must take a second parameter (for single parameter operators or math functions, use amap).

starmap(op, inparray1, inparray2, outparray)

starmap(op, inparray1, inparray2, outparray, disovfl=True)

starmap(op, inparray1, inparray2, outparray, disovfl=True, maxlen=500)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray1 - The first input data array to be examined.
  • inparray2 - The second input data array to be examined.
  • outparray - The output array.
  • disovfl - If this keyword parameter is True, integer overflow checking will be disabled. This is an optional parameter.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.


inparray1 = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, 6])
inparray2 = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, -88, -5, 2])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
arrayfunc.starmap(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray1, inparray2, outparray)
==> array('i', [2, 4, 10, -55, 49, 8])
arrayfunc.starmap(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray1, inparray2, outparray, disovfl=True)
==> array('i', [2, 4, 10, -55, 49, 8])
outparray = array.array('i', [0]*6)
arrayfunc.starmap(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray1, inparray2, outparray, maxlen=5)
==> array('i', [2, 4, 10, -55, 49, 0])


Like starmap, but the results are written in place to the first input array.

starmapi(op, inparray1, inparray2)

starmapi(op, inparray1, inparray2, disovfl=True)

starmapi(op, inparray1, inparray2, disovfl=True, maxlen=500)

  • op - The arithmetic comparison operation.
  • inparray1 - The first input data array to be examined.
  • inparray2 - The second input data array to be examined.
  • disovfl - If this keyword parameter is True, integer overflow checking will be disabled. This is an optional parameter.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.


inparray1 = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, 6])
inparray2 = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, -88, -5, 2])
arrayfunc.starmapi(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray1, inparray2)
==> array('i', [2, 4, 10, -55, 49, 8])
inparray1 = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, 6])
arrayfunc.starmapi(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray1, inparray2, disovfl=True)
==> array('i', [2, 4, 10, -55, 49, 8])
inparray1 = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, 6])
arrayfunc.starmapi(arrayfunc.aops.af_add, inparray1, inparray2, disovfl=True, maxlen=5)
==> array('i', [2, 4, 10, -55, 49, 6])


Calculate the arithmetic sum of an array.

For integer arrays, the intermediate sum is accumulated in the largest corresponding integer size. Signed integers are accumulated in the equivalent to an ‘l’ array type, and unsigned integers are accumulated in the equivalent to an ‘L’ array type. This means that integer arrays using smaller integer word sizes cannot overflow unless extremenly large arrays are used (and may be impossible due to limits on array indices in the array module).


asum(inparray, disovfl=True, maxlen=5, nosimd=True)

  • inparray - The array to be summed.
  • disovfl - If this keyword parameter is True, integer overflow checking will be disabled. This is an optional parameter.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.
  • nosimd - If true, use of SIMD is disabled. SIMD will only be enabled if overflow checking is also disabled.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, 6])
==> 101
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, -88, -5, 2])
arrayfunc.asum(inparray, disovfl=True)
==> -83
inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, -88, -5, 2])
arrayfunc.asum(inparray, maxlen=5)
==> -85


Convert arrays between data types. The data will be converted into the form required by the output array. If any values in the input array are outside the range of the output array type, an exception will be raised. When floating point values are converted to integers, the value will be truncated.

convert(inparray, outparray)

convert(inparray, outparray, maxlen=500)

  • inparray - The input data array to be examined.
  • outparray - The output array.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.


inparray = array.array('i', [1, 2, 5, 33, 54, -6])
outparray = array.array('d', [0.0]*6)
arrayfunc.convert(inparray, outparray)
==> ('d', [1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 33.0, 54.0, -6.0])
inparray = array.array('d', [5.7654]*10)
outparray = array.array('h', [0]*10)
arrayfunc.convert(inparray, outparray)
==> array('h', [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5])
inparray = array.array('d', [5.7654]*10)
outparray = array.array('h', [0]*10)
arrayfunc.convert(inparray, outparray, maxlen=5)
==> array('h', [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

arraylimits attributes

A set of attributes are provided representing the platform specific maximum and minimum numerical values for each array type. These attributes are part of the “arraylimits” module.

Array integer sizes may differ on 32 versus 64 bit versions, plus other platform characteristics may also produce differences.

Array Type Code Description Min Value Max Value
b signed char b_min b_max
B unsigned char B_min B_max
h signed short h_min h_max
H unsigned short H_min H_max
i signed int i_min i_max
I unsigned int I_min I_max
l signed long l_min l_max
L unsigned long L_min L_max
q signed long long q_min q_max
Q unsigned long long Q_min Q_max
f float f_min f_max
d double d_min d_max
bytes Python bytes type bytes_min bytes_max


import arrayfunc
from arrayfunc import arraylimits

==> -128
==> 127
==> -3.4028234663852886e+38
==> 3.4028234663852886e+38



Calculate arbitrary equations over an array.

ACalc solves complex equations (expressions) over an array. It accepts a valid Python mathematical expression as a string, compiles it, and executes it. The expression can include constants, variables, and the same functions as defined in the “math” module.

ACalc consists of a class “calc” with two methods, “comp” (compile) and “execute”.

For simple calculations, amap will normally be much, much faster than acalc. However, acalc is useful for equations requiring multiple terms, as it can solve them in a single operation whereas amap (or amapi) would require multiple function calls (once for each term).


The “calc” class is initialised with the input and output arrays. The input and output arrays must be of the same array type. The array type determines the data type of the calculation. That is, an integer array will result in integer math, and a floating point array will result in floating point math.

The first parameter is the input array, and the second parameter is the output array. These arrays remain associated with the equation object.


data = array.array('b', [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
dataout = array.array('b', [0]*len(data))
eqnd = acalc.calc(data, dataout)


The compile method accepts three positional parameters. These are:

  • Equation - This is the equation as a string.
  • Array variable - This defines which variable in the equation represents the current array index value. This must be a string which follows the same rules as valid Python variable names.
  • Other variables - This is a sequence of strings, with each element corresponding to a variable in the equation. The sequence can be a list or a tuple.


eqnd.comp('x + y - z + 5', 'x', ['y', 'z'])


eqnd.comp('-x', 'x', [])


eqnd.comp('abs(x) + y - (z << 2)', 'x', ('y', 'z'))


Once an equation is compiled, it can be executed. A compiled equation can be executed multiple times with different parameter values without recompiling it.

The execute method accepts one positional parameter which represents the additional variables and two keyword parameters which are used to control the execution of the equation.

  • Variable values - This is a list or tuple of of numeric values which corresponds to the additional (non-array) variables in the equation. The order and number of elements must match the sequence of additional variables defined in the compile step.
  • disovfl - If this keyword parameter is True, overflow checking will be disabled. This is an optional parameter.
  • maxlen - Limit the length of the array used. This must be a valid positive integer. If a zero or negative length, or a value which is greater than the actual length of the array is specified, this parameter is ignored.


eqnd.execute([-25, 3])


eqnd.execute([-25, 3], disovfl=True)


eqnd.execute([-25, 3], disovfl=False, maxlen=500)

Complete Example


import array
from arraycalc import acalc
data = array.array('b', [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
dataout = array.array('b', [0]*len(data))
eqnd = acalc.calc(data, dataout)
eqnd.comp('x + y - z + 5', 'x', ['y', 'z'])
eqnd.execute([-25, 3])
array('b', [-23, -22, -21, -20, -19, -18, -17, -16, -15, -14])

Option Flags and Parameters

Arithmetic Overflow Control

Many functions allow integer overflow detection to be turned off if desired. See the list of operators for which operators this applies to.

Integer overflow is when a number becomes too large to fit within the specified word size for that array data type. For example, an unsigned char has a range of 0 to 255. When a calculation overflows, it “wraps around” one or more times and produces an arithmetically invalid result.

If it is known in advance that overflow cannot occur (due to the size of the numbers), or if overflow is a desired side effect, then overflow checking may be disabled via the “disovfl” parameter. Setting “disovfl” to true will disable overflow checking, while setting it to false will enable overflow checking. Checking is enabled by default, including when the “disovfl” parameter is not specified.

Disabling overflow checking can significantly increase the speed of calculation, with the amount of improvement depending on the type of calculation being performed and the data type used.

Using Only Part of an Array

The array math functions only use existing arrays that the user provides and do not create new arrays or resize existing ones. The reason for this is that when very large arrays are being used, continually allocating and de-allocating arrays can take too much time, plus this may result in problems controlling how much memory is used.

Since the filter functions (or other data sources) may not use all of an output array, and the result may vary depending on the data, most functions provide an optional keyword parameter which limits the functions to part of the array. The “maxlen” parameter specifies the maximum number of array elements to use, starting from the beginning of the array.

For example, specifying a “maxlen” of 10 for a 20 element array will limit a function to using only the first 10 array elements and ignoring the rest of the array.

If the array length limit value is zero, negative, or greater than the actual size of the array, the length limit will be ignored and the entire array used. The default is to use the entire array.

SIMD Control

SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) is a set of CPU features which allow multiple operations to take place in parallel. Some, but not all, functions will make use of these instructions to speed up execution.

Those functions which do support SIMD features will automatically make use of them by default unless this feature is disabled. There is normally no reason to disable SIMD, but should there be hardware related problems the function can be forced to fall back to conventional execution mode.

If the optional parameter “nosimd” is set to true (“nosimd=True”), SIMD execution will be disabled. The default is “False”.

To repeat, there is normally no reason to wish to disable SIMD.

See the documentation section on SIMD support has more detail.

Data Types

Array Types

The following array types from the Python standard library are supported.

Array Type Code Description
b signed char
B unsigned char
h signed short
H unsigned short
i signed int
I unsigned int
l signed long
L unsigned long
q signed long long
Q unsigned long long
f float
d double

Bytes Type

The ‘bytes’ array type is also supported, and is treated the same as an unsigned char (array type ‘B’). To conduct operations on a Python ‘bytes’ string, simply pass the bytes string in place of an array. Any integer operations which are valid for an unsigned char array will be valid for a bytes string.

Numeric Parameter Types

Python Type Description
integer Integral values such as 0, 1, 100, -99, etc.
floating point Real numbers such as 0.0, 1.93, 3.1417, -5693.0, etc.

The numeric type must be compatible with the array type code.

The ‘L’ and ‘Q’ type parameters cannot be checked for integer overflow due to a mismatch between Python and ‘C’ language numeric limits.

Maximum Array Size

Arrays are limited to no more than the number of elements defined by the Python C API constant Py_ssize_t. The size of this will depend on your platform characteristics. However, it will normally allow for arrays larger than can be contained in memory for most computers.

When creating very large arrays, it is recommended to consider using itertools.repeat as an initializer or to use array.extend or array.append to add to an array rather than using a list as an intializer. Lists use much more memory than arrays (even for the same data type), and it is easy to run out of memory if you are not careful when creating very large arrays from lists.


The following lists the operators available, together with the types of arrays they are compamtible with.

Some operators are checked for integer overflow or underflow. These are indicated by the “OV” column. An overflow or underflow will generate an error.

In the following, the values in the input data array are represented by ‘x’. The second input array or numerical parameter is represented by ‘y’. Some operators come in two forms, where the second allows the ‘x’ and ‘y’ parameters to be exchanged in cases where this may produce a different result.

The operator categories are used to indicate which functions support which operators.

Python Equivalent Operators and Functions

The following operators and functions are equivalent to ones found in the Python standard library. For explanations of the math functions, see the Python standard documentation for the standard math library.

Name Equivalent to b h i l B H I L f d OV Compare Ops
af_add x + y X X X X  
af_div x / y X X X X  
af_div_r y / x X X X X  
af_floordiv x // y X X X X  
af_floordiv_r y // x X X X X  
af_mod x % y X X X X  
af_mod_r y % x X X X X  
af_mult x * y X X X X  
af_neg -x X   X X  
af_pow x**y X X X X  
af_pow_r y**x X X X X  
af_sub x - y X X X X  
af_sub_r y - x X X X X  
af_and x & y X X      
af_or x | y X X      
af_xor x ^ y X X      
af_invert ~x X X      
af_eq x == y X X X   X
af_gt x > y X X X   X
af_gte x >= y X X X   X
af_lt x < y X X X   X
af_lte x <= y X X X   X
af_ne x != y X X X   X
af_lshift x << y X X      
af_lshift_r y << x X X      
af_rshift x >> y X X      
af_rshift_r y >> x X X      
af_abs abs(x) X   X X  
math_acos math.acos(x)     X    
math_acosh math.acosh(x)     X    
math_asin math.asin(x)     X    
math_asinh math.asinh(x)     X    
math_atan math.atan(x)     X    
math_atan2 math.atan2(x, y)     X    
math_atan2_r math.atan2(y, x)     X    
math_atanh math.atanh(x)     X    
math_ceil math.ceil(x)     X    
math_copysign math.copysign(x, y)     X    
math_cos math.cos(x)     X    
math_cosh math.cosh(x)     X    
math_degrees math.degrees(x)     X    
math_erf math.erf(x)     X    
math_erfc math.erfc(x)     X    
math_exp math.exp(x)     X    
math_expm1 math.expm1(x)     X    
math_fabs math.fabs(x)     X    
math_factorial math.factorial(x) X X   X  
math_floor math.floor(x)     X    
math_fmod math.fmod(x, y)     X    
math_fmod_r math.fmod(y, x)     X    
math_gamma math.gamma(x)     X    
math_hypot math.hypot(x, y)     X    
math_hypot_r math.hypot(y, x)     X    
math_isinf math.isinf(x)     X    
math_isnan math.isnan(x)     X    
math_ldexp math.ldexp(x, y)     X    
math_lgamma math.lgamma(x)     X    
math_log math.log(x)     X    
math_log10 math.log10(x)     X    
math_log1p math.log1p(x)     X    
math_pow math.pow(x, y)     X    
math_pow_r math.pow(y, x)     X    
math_radians math.radians(x)     X    
math_sin math.sin(x)     X    
math_sinh math.sinh(x)     X    
math_sqrt math.sqrt(x)     X    
math_tan math.tan(x)     X    
math_tanh math.tanh(x)     X    
math_trunc math.trunc(x)     X    
aops_subst_gt x > y X X X    
aops_subst_gte x >= y X X X    
aops_subst_lt x < y X X X    
aops_subst_lte x <= y X X X    

Additional Operators

The arrayfuncs module includes operators which are not found in the Python standard library. These are the “substitute” operators. Substitute operators compare the contents of each array element to the parameter (which must be included in the call). If the comparison evaluates to true, the array contents at that index are replaced by (substituted with) the parameter. If the comparison fails, the contents of the input array are used.

Name Equivalent to b h i l B H I L f d OV Compare Ops Win
aops_subst_gt x > y X X X     X
aops_subst_gte x >= y X X X     X
aops_subst_lt x < y X X X     X
aops_subst_lte x <= y X X X     X

For example, and array [1, 2, 3, 4, -2] is evaluated using the “aops_subst_gt” and a parameter of 3. The resulting output is [1, 2, 3, 3, -2]. The effect has been to limit the maximum value to no more than 3.

ACalc Operators and Functions

The following operators and functions are equivalent to ones found in the Python standard library. ACalc uses the representation in the “equivalent to” column to actually specify the equations. The “name” column is only for reference purposes.

For explanations of the math functions, see the Python standard documentation for the standard math library.

Name Equivalent to b h i l B H I L f d OV
add x + y X X X X
sub x - y X X X X
mult x * y X X X X
div x / y X X X X
floordiv x // y X X X X
mod x % y X X X X
uadd +x X X X  
usub -x X X X X
pow x**y X X X X
bitand x & y X X    
bitor x | y X X    
bitxor x ^ y X X    
invert ~x X X    
lshift x << y X X    
rshift x >> y X X    
abs abs(x) X X X X
math.acos math.acos(x)     X  
math.acosh math.acosh(x)     X  
math.asin math.asin(x)     X  
math.asinh math.asinh(x)     X  
math.atan math.atan(x)     X  
math.atan2 math.atan2(x, y)     X  
math.atanh math.atanh(x)     X  
math.ceil math.ceil(x)     X  
math.copysign math.copysign(x, y)     X  
math.cos math.cos(x)     X  
math.cosh math.cosh(x)     X  
math.degrees math.degrees(x)     X  
math.erf math.erf(x)     X  
math.erfc math.erfc(x)     X  
math.exp math.exp(x)     X  
math.expm1 math.expm1(x)     X  
math.fabs math.fabs(x)     X  
math.factorial math.factorial(x) X X   X
math.floor math.floor(x)     X  
math.fmod math.fmod(x, y)     X  
math.gamma math.gamma(x)     X  
math.hypot math.hypot(x, y)     X  
math.ldexp math.ldexp(x, y)     X  
math.lgamma math.lgamma(x)     X  
math.log math.log(x)     X  
math.log10 math.log10(x)     X  
math.log1p math.log1p(x)     X  
math.pow math.pow(x, y)     X  
math.radians math.radians(x)     X  
math.sin math.sin(x)     X  
math.sinh math.sinh(x)     X  
math.sqrt math.sqrt(x)     X  
math.tan math.tan(x)     X  
math.tanh math.tanh(x)     X  
math.trunc math.trunc(x)     X  

Notes on Operators and Functions

  • The regular and floor division operators (/, //) all perform division using the native division instructions. That is, integer division always results in an integer result, and floating point division always results in a floating point result.
  • The math.gamma function (and the Python math.gamma) functions are equivalent to the C library tgamma function. The C library gamma and lgamma functions are equivalent to each other.
  • The raise to power (x**y) operator will not accept a negative exponent for integers, as the result would be a fractional number which is not compatible with an integer array.

ACalc Math Constants

ACalc also supports the following math constants as attributes:

  • math.pi
  • math.e

These are indentical to the “math” module attributes. This allows these mathematical constants to be used in equations. See the Python math module documentation for more information on these constants.

Platform Compiler Support

Beginning with version 2.0 of ArrayFunc, versions compiled with the Microsoft MSVS compiler now has feature parity with the GCC version. This change is due to the Microsoft C compiler now supporting a new enough version of the ‘C’ standard.

Integer Overflow Checking

Overflow checking in integer operators is conducted as follows:

Overflow Categories

Operation Result out of range Divide by zero Negate max. negative signed int Parameter is negative
Addition (+) X      
Subtraction (-) X      
Modulus (%)   X X  
Multiplication (*) X      
Division (/, //)   X X  
Negation (-)     X  
Absolute Value     X  
Factorial X     X
Power (**) X     X
  • Negation of the maximum negative signed in (the most negative integer for that array type) can be caused by negation, absolute value, division, and modulus operations. Since signed integers do not have a symetrical range (e.g. -128 to 127 for 8 bit sizes) anything which attempts to convert -128 to +128 would cause an overflow back to -128.
  • The factorial of negative numbers is undefined.
  • Powers are not calculated for integers raised to negative powers, as integer arrays cannot contain fractional results.

Disabling Integer Division by Zero Checks

Divison by zero cannot be disabled for integer division or modulus operations. Division by zero could cause seg faults (crashes), so this option is ignored for these functions.

Floating Point NaN and Infinity

Floating point numbers include three special values, NaN (Not a Number), and negative and positive infinity. Arrayfunc uses the platform C compiler to create executable code. Some compilers may produce different results than other compilers under certain conditions when operating on NaN and infinity values. In addition, the Arrayfunc results may differ from those in native Python on some platforms when using NaN and infinity as inputs.

However, since using NaN and infinity as numeric inputs is not a commmon operation, this is unlikely to be a serious problem when writing cross platform code in most cases.


Exceptions - General

The following exceptions apply to most functions.

Exception type Text Description
ArithmeticError arithmetic error in calculation. An arithmetic error occured in a calculation.
IndexError array length error. One or more arrays has an invalid length (e.g a length of zero).
IndexError input array length error. The input array has an invalid length.
IndexError output length error. The output array has an invalid length.
IndexError array length mismatch. Two or more arrays which are expected to be of equal length are not.
OverflowError arithmetic overflow in calculation. An arithmetic integer overflow ocurred in a calculation.
OverflowError arithmetic overflow in parameter. The size or range of a non-array parameter was not compatible with the array parameters.
TypeError array and parameter type mismatch. A non-array parameter data type was not compatible with the array parameters.
TypeError array type mismatch. An array parameter is not compatible with another array parameter. For most functions, both arrays must be of the same type.
TypeError unknown array type. The array type is unknown.
TypeError array.array or bytes expected. A non-array parameter was found where an array (or bytes) parameter was expected.
ValueError operator not valid for this function. An operator parameter used was not valid for this function.
ValueError operator not valid for this platform. The operator used is not supported on this platform.
TypeError parameter error. An unspecified error occured when parsing the parameters.
TypeError parameter missing. An expected parameter was missing.
ValueError parameter not valid for this operation. A value is not valid for this operation. E.g. attempting to perform a factorial on a negative number.
IndexError selector length error. The selector array length is incorrect.
ValueError conversion not valid for this type. The conversion attempted was invalid.
ValueError cannot convert float NaN to integer. Cannot convert NaN (Not A Number) floating point value in the input array to integer.
TypeError output array type invalid. The output array type is invalid.

Exceptions - ACalc

ACalc has additional exceptions which are defined here. In addition to these, some of the general exceptions also apply.


This are the exceptions which can occurr during class initialisation.

Exception type Text Description
TypeError first parameter must be an array or bytes in ACalc init. The first parameter is of an incorrect type.
TypeError second parameter must be an array or bytes in ACalc init. The second parameter is of an incorrect type.
TypeError unknown array type in ACalc init. The type of one of the parameters is not recognised.
TypeError data array type mismatch error in ACalc init. The parameters are not of the same array type.


These are the exceptions which can occur during the compile phase.

Exception type Text Description
ValueError unknown call name in ACalc compile. A function call name is not recognised.
OverflowError equation constant ‘x’ is out of range for the selected array type in ACalc compile. The specified constant is not valid for the array type selected.
ValueError Invalid operations in ACalc compile: ‘x’. The specified operators are invalid.
ValueError Unsupported operations in ACalc compile: ‘x’ The specified operators are not supported on the current platform. Some platforms do not support all features.
ValueError array name used in additional parameters in ACalc compile. The variable which specifies the array element was repeated in the additional parameters list.
ValueError undefined variables in ACalc compile: ‘x’. A variable was used in the equation which was not defined in the parameter list.
ValueError unused variables in ACalc compile: ‘x’. A variable was defined in the parameter list but was not used in the equation.
ValueError duplicate parameter names in ACalc compile. One or more variable names were repeated in the parameter list.
ValueError unbalanced parentheses in ACalc compile. The left and right parentheses “(”, ”)”, do not match.
ValueError invalid tokens in ACalc compile: ‘x’. An invalid symbol was present in the equation.
SyntaxError invalid syntax in equation in ACalc compile in position ‘x’ ‘y’. A syntax error was found in the equation.
ValueError unsupported element in equation in ACalc compile. The equation contains one or more elements which are likely valid Python, but are not supported in ACalc.
ValueError unsupported function call in equation in ACalc compile. An unsupported function call was made.
SyntaxError parsing error in ACalc compile: ‘x’ An unspecified parsing error occured.
ValueError unknown compile error in ACalc compile. An unspecified compile error occured.
ValueError stack overflow or underflow in ACalc compile. The equation was checked before execution, and a stack overflow was detected. The equation may be too complex.

Run Time

These are the exceptions which can occur during the execution phase. All errors except for the arithmetic overflow errors should have been detected during the compile phase. These run-time checks are in addition to the compile checks.

Exception type Text Description
ValueError ACalc vm stack overflow or underflow. A stack overflow was detected.
ValueError ACalc vm uknown op code. An unknown opcde was detected.
ValueError ACalc vm variable array overflow. The variable array index overflowed.
ValueError ACalc vm operator is invalid for array type. An operator used was invalid for the array type.

SIMD Support


SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) is a set of CPU features which allow multiple operations to take place in parallel. Some, but not all, functions will make use of these instructions to speed up execution.

Those functions which do support SIMD features will automatically make use of them by default unless this feature is disabled. There is normally no reason to disable SIMD, but should there be hardware related problems the function can be forced to fall back to conventional execution mode.

Platform Support

SIMD instructions are presently supported only on 64 bit x86 (i.e. AMD64) using the GCC compiler. Other compilers or platforms will still run the same functions and should produce the same results, but they will not benefit from SIMD acceleration.

However, non-SIMD functions will still be much faster standard Python code. See the performance benchmarks to see what the relative speed differences are. With wider data types (e.g. double precision floating point) SIMD provides only marginal speed ups anyway.

Data Type Support

The following table shows which array data types are supported by 64 bit x86 SIMD instructions.

function b B h H i I l L q Q f d
aall X   X   X           X X
aany X   X   X           X X
amax X X X X X X         X X
amin X X X X X X         X X
asum                     X X
findindex X   X   X           X X

SIMD Support Attributes

There is a module which can be used to detect if ArrayFunc is compiled with SIMD support and if the current hardware supports the required SIMD level.


The attribute “hassimd” will be True if the module supports SIMD.


import arrayfunc
==> True


The purpose of the Arrayfunc module is to execute common operations faster than native Python. The relative speed will depend upon a number of factors:

  • The function or opcode.
  • The data type of the array.
  • Function options. Turning overflow checking off will result in faster performance.
  • The data in the arrays and the parameters.
  • The size of the array.

The speeds listed below should be used as rough guidelines only. More exact results will require application specific testing. The numbers shown are the execution time of each function relative to native Python. For example, a value of ‘50’ means that the corresponding Arrayfunc operation ran 50 times faster than the closest native Python equivalent. Overflow checking was on in all tests.

Both relative performance (the speed-up as compared to Python) and absolute performance (the actual execution speed of Python and ArrayFunc) will vary significantly depending upon the compiler (which is OS platform dependent) and whether compiled to 32 or 64 bit. If your precise actual benchmark performance results matter, be sure to conduct your testing using the actual OS and compiler your final program will be deployed on. The values listed below were measured on x86-64 Linux compiled with GCC.

Note: Some Arrayfunc functions in the “other functions” table do not work exactly the same way as the built-in or “itertools” Python equivalents. This means that the benchmark results should be taken as general guidelines rather than precise comparisons.


function b B h H i I l L q Q f d
af_add 162 140 164 144 149 126 97 86 128 85 135 93
af_div 78 66 80 77 80 70 84 70 81 69 214 225
af_div_r 72 80 81 85 85 74 87 74 83 75 145 127
af_floordiv 22 32 19 39 35 31 40 30 37 29 108 100
af_floordiv_r 38 38 38 39 40 32 37 32 40 32 88 85
af_mod 29 37 26 41 40 31 40 29 38 30 45 46
af_mod_r 35 32 39 37 38 28 40 28 36 28 32 33
af_mult 101 136 99 118 93 129 85 74 82 68 134 107
af_neg 147   146   157   104   122   119 87
af_pow 61 60 56 54 38 33 21 20 21 19 20 21
af_pow_r 48 53 47 47 35 35 20 18 20 18 2.8 4.9
af_sub 152 163 152 157 145 119 113 85 93 90 104 98
af_sub_r 168 152 159 165 147 127 92 83 109 84 119 100
af_and 259 182 207 185 163 199 117 107 122 90    
af_or 150 258 191 267 181 120 119 93 116 100    
af_xor 314 208 170 296 251 122 142 93 116 87    
af_invert 201 336 225 210 282 261 153 134 148 135    
af_eq 219 236 155 170 128 108 107 77 100 80 160 127
af_gt 158 151 138 137 172 113 100 79 103 77 243 140
af_gte 167 169 178 169 138 129 103 80 119 81 227 149
af_lt 148 141 145 150 159 101 99 75 109 80 216 149
af_lte 197 207 176 182 152 128 100 82 121 88 220 166
af_ne 162 151 149 155 165 109 107 81 110 89 196 162
af_lshift 200 225 165 170 230 201 142 113 114 99    
af_lshift_r 212 253 196 185 244 170 124 112 123 96    
af_rshift 218 190 191 189 189 164 129 90 145 106    
af_rshift_r 212 158 227 190 200 156 119 98 130 97    
af_abs 107   110   130   96   102   99 86
math_acos                     17 14
math_acosh                     8.0 7.5
math_asin                     18 15
math_asinh                     8.7 8.9
math_atan                     17 14
math_atan2                     10 9.4
math_atan2_r                     13 8.2
math_atanh                     8.4 9.4
math_ceil                     122 131
math_copysign                     214 189
math_cos                     24 11
math_cosh                     12 9.2
math_degrees                     169 119
math_erf                     17 16
math_erfc                     9.8 8.5
math_exp                     15 12
math_expm1                     8.2 8.7
math_fabs                     258 141
math_factorial 82 81 73 70 78 84 84 69 76 66    
math_floor                     117 104
math_fmod                     15 15
math_fmod_r                     51 43
math_gamma                     1.5 1.6
math_hypot                     29 16
math_hypot_r                     30 18
math_isinf                     114 103
math_isnan                     260 173
math_ldexp                     65 66
math_lgamma                     8.9 6.4
math_log                     20 13
math_log10                     11 8.7
math_log1p                     9.2 11
math_pow                     34 35
math_pow_r                     4.1 7.0
math_radians                     150 138
math_sin                     20 10
math_sinh                     6.5 6.7
math_sqrt                     72 55
math_tan                     8.2 6.6
math_tanh                     6.3 6.9
math_trunc                     78 77
aops_subst_gt 202 216 189 184 214 139 122 97 120 103 278 124
aops_subst_gte 183 212 210 205 190 170 121 100 128 122 182 125
aops_subst_lt 196 198 229 205 169 161 117 105 123 103 162 151
aops_subst_lte 207 222 181 233 191 152 138 104 126 108 165 129
Stat Value
Average: 108
Maximum: 336
Minimum: 1.5
Array size: 100000


function b B h H i I l L q Q f d
add 21 21 23 22 24 18 24 17 22 18 28 30
sub 21 21 25 25 24 18 22 20 22 19 27 26
mult 11 13 8.2 13 5.3 7.2 3.4 4.4 3.2 4.5 26 27
div 44 40 35 41 44 38 41 28 39 31 50 50
floordiv 19 18 19 20 19 17 17 12 14 12 43 45
mod 17 18 14 20 19 16 19 11 18 12 21 22
uadd 53 46 65 58 62 41 54 39 53 39 32 35
usub 31   35   34   33   32   32 33
pow 35 33 32 31 27 24 17 14 16 15 15 14
bitand 31 30 35 33 31 28 33 26 30 27    
bitor 29 29 33 32 30 27 33 25 30 26    
bitxor 32 35 37 36 34 27 36 25 33 25    
invert 55 48 61 57 60 45 56 50 61 52    
lshift 33 29 31 32 31 27 32 26 30 26    
rshift 30 29 31 33 31 26 31 24 29 25    
abs 39 57 39 67 36 57 38 54 37 52 46 51
math_acos                     13 12
math_acosh                     7.0 6.5
math_asin                     14 12
math_asinh                     7.3 7.8
math_atan                     13 12
math_atan2                     8.7 8.2
math_atanh                     7.3 8.2
math_ceil                     71 70
math_copysign                     49 50
math_cos                     18 9.8
math_cosh                     11 8.3
math_degrees                     48 53
math_erf                     14 14
math_erfc                     9.2 8.1
math_exp                     14 9.5
math_expm1                     7.4 8.0
math_fabs                     63 63
math_factorial 35 33 39 40 39 40 39 31 42 35    
math_floor                     74 64
math_fmod                     13 12
math_gamma                     1.3 1.5
math_hypot                     20 13
math_ldexp                     34 35
math_lgamma                     8.1 6.2
math_log                     16 11
math_log10                     9.7 8.5
math_log1p                     8.5 9.4
math_pow                     22 25
math_radians                     53 55
math_sin                     16 9.3
math_sinh                     5.8 5.6
math_sqrt                     40 34
math_tan                     7.2 6.0
math_tanh                     5.7 6.3
math_trunc                     47 48
Stat Value
Average: 28
Maximum: 74
Minimum: 1.3
Array size: 100000

Other Functions

Asumov in the following indicates asum with overflow checking turned off. This is required to enable SIMD features.

Arrayfunc faster than Python factor.

function b B h H i I l L q Q f d
aall 9.5 9.8 7.6 7.6 8.0 9.2 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.7 14 9.2
aany 7.7 9.9 10 6.0 7.7 7.5 6.1 6.3 6.1 6.2 11 9.8
afilter 279 217 254 247 174 125 104 77 112 83 190 107
amax 36 30 23 23 19 21 14 13 14 14 38 28
amin 24 24 34 32 21 21 14 14 14 14 47 28
asum 7.0 9.8 8.8 9.8 6.9 9.4 6.6 7.1 6.4 7.0 11 10
asumov 14 16 14 17 12 14 7.5 8.5 7.4 7.9 11 11
compress 41 41 40 38 41 21 33 16 32 16 28 32
count 261 221 245 253 132 93 75 52 74 53 129 114
cycle 116 121 109 132 111 65 71 43 75 43 44 47
dropwhile 108 108 106 104 103 75 66 48 65 49 104 69
findindex 13 16 16 12 19 15 11 11 11 11 26 20
findindices 39 31 37 38 34 29 23 26 23 25 40 34
repeat 143 122 124 128 93 23 52 15 53 15 141 78
takewhile 214 208 206 221 186 122 106 80 103 76 196 110
Stat Value
Average: 58
Maximum: 279
Minimum: 6.0
Array size: 1000000

Arrayfunc with SIMD faster than Python factor.

function b B h H i I l L q Q f d
aall 88   33   14           21 12
aany 129   63   19           29 12
amax 571 459 126 129 40 41         69 34
amin 311 306 98 100 35 35         57 33
asumov                     32 14
findindex 245   80   28           52 27
Stat Value
Average: 101
Maximum: 571
Minimum: 11.6
Array size: 1000000

Arrayfunc with SIMD faster than Arrayfunc without SIMD factor. SIMD is not supported for all array types, so some types will not show a speed up.

function b B h H i I l L q Q f d
aall 9.2   4.3   1.8           1.5 1.3
aany 17   6.2   2.4           2.6 1.2
amax 16 16 5.4 5.5 2.1 2.0         1.8 1.2
amin 13 13 2.9 3.2 1.7 1.7         1.2 1.2
asumov                     2.8 1.3
findindex 19   5.1   1.5           2.0 1.3
Stat Value
Average: 5
Maximum: 19
Minimum: 1.2
Array size: 1000000