Source code for aquaduct.traj.selections

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from itertools import izip_longest

import numpy as np

import MDAnalysis as mda

from aquaduct.geom.convexhull import SciPyConvexHull
from aquaduct.geom.convexhull import is_point_within_convexhull
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import int2range, are_rows_uniq
from aquaduct.utils.maths import make_default_array

[docs]class Selection(object): """ def __init__(self,selection,selection_string=None): self.selection_object = selection self.selection_string = selection_string """
[docs] def center_of_mass(self): # should return numpy (3,) array raise NotImplementedError("This is abstract class. Missing implementation in a child class.")
[docs] def iterate_over_residues(self): # should iterate over residues in the selection returning object of the same type raise NotImplementedError("This is abstract class. Missing implementation in a child class.")
[docs] def unique_resids(self): # should return array of resids raise NotImplementedError("This is abstract class. Missing implementation in a child class.")
[docs] def unique_resids_number(self): return len(self.unique_resids(ikwid=True))
[docs] def atom_positions(self): # should return numpy (x,3) array raise NotImplementedError("This is abstract class. Missing implementation in a child class.")
[docs] def center_of_mass_of_residues(self): # should resturn list of lists or generator of center of masses return (R.center_of_mass().tolist() for R in self.iterate_over_residues())
[docs] def get_convexhull_of_atom_positions(self): # should return modified ConvexHull object return SciPyConvexHull(self.atom_positions())
[docs] def contains_residues(self,other,convex_hull=False,map_fun=None): # Checks if this selection contains other. # If convex_hull is False it checks if residues of this selection matches to other. # If convex_hull is True it checks if residues of other selection are within convex hull of this. # Returns list of bool values. # Parameter map_fun is optional map function. If it is None, regular map will be used. if map_fun is None: map_fun = map if convex_hull: other_coords = list(other.center_of_mass_of_residues()) chull = self.get_convexhull_of_atom_positions() return map_fun(is_point_within_convexhull, izip_longest(other_coords, [], fillvalue=chull)) else: # check if other selection is empty if other.unique_resids_number() == 0: return [] this_uids = self.unique_resids(ikwid=True) return [res_other.unique_resids(ikwid=True) in this_uids for res_other in other.iterate_over_residues()]
[docs] def containing_residues(self,other,*args,**kwargs): # Convienience wrapper for contains_residues. #def get_res_in_scope(is_res_in_scope, res): other_new = None for iris, other_residue in zip(self.contains_residues(other, *args, **kwargs), other.iterate_over_residues()): if iris: if other_new is None: other_new = other_residue else: other_new += other_residue return other_new
[docs] def uniquify(self): # should change selection to unique atoms only raise NotImplementedError("This is abstract class. Missing implementation in a child class.")
[docs] def __add__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError("This is abstract class. Missing implementation in a child class.")
[docs] def first_resid(self): return self.resids.tolist()[0]
# TODO: decide if methods should be properties or not
[docs]class SelectionMDA(mda.core.AtomGroup.AtomGroup, Selection):
[docs] def iterate_over_residues(self): return (self.__class__(R) for R in self.residues)
[docs] def unique_resids(self, ikwid=False): # TODO: do something with this method! assert ikwid, "This causes bugs! Avoid this method or take special care in using its results. If you want to use it pass additional variable ikwid = True." return np.unique(self.resids)
[docs] def atom_positions(self): # check if positions are correct if len(self.atoms): positions = self.positions if not are_rows_uniq(positions): logger.warning('Some atoms have the same positions, your data might me corrupted.') return make_default_array(positions) logger.warning('Selection comprises no atoms, check your settings.') return make_default_array([])
[docs] def __add__(self, other): if other is not None: return SelectionMDA(self._atoms + other._atoms) return SelectionMDA(self._atoms)
[docs] def uniquify(self): self.__init__(mda.core.AtomGroup.AtomGroup(set(self._atoms)))
[docs]class CompactSelectionMDA(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, sMDA): self.indices = map(lambda x: x + 1, map(int, sMDA.indices))
[docs] def toSelectionMDA(self, reader): sMDA = None for pr in int2range(self.indices).split(): if sMDA is None: sMDA = reader.parse_selection('bynum ' + pr) else: sMDA += reader.parse_selection('bynum ' + pr) return sMDA