First steps =========== .. _howto: How to create and bootstrap a buildout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a buildout and run the build, you just need **1 file** and **2 commands**: - Create a single ``buildout.cfg`` file. - Be sure you installed all your build dependencies - Bootstrap the buildout with: ``python`` - Run the build with: ``bin/buildout`` The same with more details below : Creating the buildout --------------------- Create a ``buildout.cfg`` file in an empty directory, containing the configuration of the `example 6.1`_ section. .. _dependencies: Installing build dependencies ----------------------------- You basically need typical development tools needed to build all the Python dependency eggs of OpenERP. You can do this by yourself with your system or Linux distribution. Or if you're using a Debian based distribution, we provide a single dependency package you can use to install all dependencies in one shot: Add the following line in your ``/etc/apt/sources.list``:: deb common main If you don't want your system to complain about non-signed packages, have it accept the signing key, e.g. by issuing:: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0xE38CEB07 (sometimes, the key server is too busy, you may need to wait a few minutes and try again) Install the dependency package:: $ sudo aptitude update $ sudo aptitude install openerp-server-system-build-deps You can uninstall this package with ``aptitude`` after the build to automatically remove all un-needed dependencies, but you need to install *run dependencies* before that :: $ sudo aptitude install openerp-server-system-run-deps $ sudo aptitude remove openerp-server-system-build-deps Please note that these package will have your system install the *client* part of PostgreSQL software only. If you want a PostgreSQL server on the same host, that's not in the recipe scope, just install it as well. Bootstrapping the buildout -------------------------- Bootstrapping the buildout consists in creating the basic structure of the buildout, and installing buildout itself in the directory. Once it's been done, everything is under tight control. The easiest way to bootstrap is to use the ```` script:: $ wget As of zc.buildout version 2.2, strong isolation from the system-wide Python installation has been abandoned because of its redundancy with the very popular `virtualenv `_. Besides, the bootstrap actually fails if a version of setuptools older than 0.7 is present system-wide (happens easily enough at the time of this writing). The universal current way of doing is therefore to start from a virtualenv *without setuptools*. For virtualenv >= 1.9, just do:: $ virtualenv sandbox --no-setuptools For older versions of virtualenv:: $ virtualenv sandbox $ sandbox/bin/pip uninstall setuptools pip .. note:: to install virtualenv. * Debian family: sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv * Redhat/Fedora/CenOS family: sudo yum install python-virtualenv Finally, perform the bootstrap with the virtualenv's Python:: $ sandbox/bin/python .. warning:: ```` will fail if you don't already have a valid ``buildout.cfg`` file. Don't hesitate over options, you can bootstrap with a really minimal one and tweak it later. From now on, all buildout related operations, including OpenERP startup script, custom scripts will be protected by the virtualenv. .. note:: nothing, not even ``zc.buildout`` actually gets installed by buildout in such a virtualenv. It's *totally safe* if you're managing several buildouts to share a single such virtualenv among all of them. .. note:: since the bootstrap operation is so sensitive, we recommend package managers to include the precise ```` in their distributed buildout, and to bundle a future-proof shell script, using options such as ``-v``. Running the build ----------------- This is the day-to-day operation. Just run :: $ bin/buildout And rerun to apply any changes you could later make to ``buildout.cfg``. Starting OpenERP ---------------- Just run :: $ bin/start_openerp .. _example 7.0: Example OpenERP 7.0 buildouts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example builds the latest nightly OpenERP 7 version. Note how most Python distribution versions are pinned. While not mandatory, version pinning is an important part of the buildout culture. Note also how even ``zc.buildout`` and the current recipe versions can be pinned:: [buildout] parts = openerp versions = versions find-links = [openerp] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp[bzr]:server version = nightly 7.0 latest [versions] setuptools = 1.1.0 zc.buildout = 2.2.1 zc.recipe.eggs = 2.0.0 anybox.recipe.openerp = 1.7.1 babel = 0.9.6 Pillow = 1.7.1 pywebdav = PyXML = 0.8.4 pyyaml = 3.10 werkzeug = 0.8.3 zsi = 2.0-rc3 feedparser = 5.1.1 gdata = 2.0.16 lxml = 2.3.3 psycopg2 = 2.4.4 pydot = 1.0.28 pyparsing = 1.5.6 python-dateutil = 1.5 python-ldap = 2.4.9 python-openid = 2.2.5 pytz = 2012b vatnumber = 1.0 vobject = 0.8.1c xlwt = 0.7.3 Of course, installing the latest nightly release provided by OpenERP is not really interesting. The flexibility is. Here's an example with the latest versions of the 7.0 Bazaar branches on Launchpad as lightweight checkouts (to avoid hour long downloads). We don't repeat the ``buildout`` and ``versions`` sections:: [openerp] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp[bzr]:server version = bzr lp:openobject-server/7.0 openerp-7.0 last:1 bzr-init=lightweight-checkout addons = bzr lp:openobject-addons/7.0 addons-7.0 last:1 bzr-init=lightweight-checkout bzr lp:openerp-web/7.0 addons-web-7.0 last:1 subdir=addons bzr-init=lightweight-checkout Now imagine how easily one can switch branches and redistribute a ready-to-run buildout on some dedicated support branch, Git mirrors, etc. The next example is on 6.1 and demonstrates both how to add specific addons directories, and how uniform it is. .. _example 6.1: Example OpenERP 6.1 buildout with a custom addon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a very simple example for a latest OpenERP 6.1 nightly and a custom addon hosted on Bitbucket:: [buildout] parts = openerp versions = versions find-links = [openerp] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server version = nightly 6.1 latest addons = hg addons-at default [versions] MarkupSafe = 0.15 Pillow = 1.7.7 PyXML = 0.8.4 babel = 0.9.6 feedparser = 5.1.1 gdata = 2.0.16 lxml = 2.3.3 mako = 0.6.2 psycopg2 = 2.4.4 pychart = 1.39 pydot = 1.0.28 pyparsing = 1.5.6 python-dateutil = 1.5 python-ldap = 2.4.9 python-openid = 2.2.5 pytz = 2012b pywebdav = pyyaml = 3.10 reportlab = 2.5 simplejson = 2.4.0 vatnumber = 1.0 vobject = 0.8.1c werkzeug = 0.8.3 xlwt = 0.7.3 zc.buildout = 1.5.2 zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2 zsi = 2.0-rc3 .. note:: with OpenERP 6.1 the web client is natively included in the server as a simple module. In that case you don't need to write a separate part for the web client, unless that's what you really want to do. Example OpenERP 6.0 buildout (server and clients) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a sample buildout with version specification, 2 OpenERP servers (with one using the latest 6.0 branch on the launchpad) using only NETRPC and listening on 2 different ports, and 2 web clients:: [buildout] parts = openerp1 web1 openerp2 web2 #allow-picked-versions = false versions = versions find-links = [openerp1] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server version = 6.0.3 options.xmlrpc = False options.xmlrpcs = False [web1] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient version = 6.0.3 [openerp2] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp[bzr]:server version = bzr lp:openobject-server/6.0 openobject-server-6.x last:1 options.xmlrpc = False options.xmlrpcs = False options.netrpc_port = 8170 [web2] recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient version = 6.0.3 global.openerp.server.port = '8170' global.server.socket_port = 8180 [versions] MarkupSafe = 0.15 Pillow = 1.7.7 anybox.recipe.openerp = 0.9 caldav = 0.1.10 collective.recipe.cmd = 0.5 coverage = 3.5 distribute = 0.6.25 feedparser = 5.0.1 lxml = 2.1.5 mako = 0.4.2 nose = 1.1.2 psycopg2 = 2.4.2 pychart = 1.39 pydot = 1.0.25 pyparsing = 1.5.6 python-dateutil = 1.5 pytz = 2012b pywebdav = pyyaml = 3.10 reportlab = 2.5 vobject = 0.8.1c z3c.recipe.scripts = 1.0.1 zc.buildout = 1.5.2 zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2 Babel = 0.9.6 FormEncode = 1.2.4 simplejson = 2.1.6 Continuously tested examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other examples are available in the ``buildbot`` subdirectory of the source distribution archive of this recipe (the ``tar.gz`` file that can be downloaded `from the PyPI `_), and are continuously tested in the `anybox buildbot `_ which is powered by `anybox.buildbot.openerp `_. See also :ref:`continuous_integration` for more details about these tested examples. Other sample buildouts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are a few ready-to-use buildouts: (Be sure to install system dependencies_ first) OpenERP with the development branches of the Magento connector addons:: $ hg clone $ cd openerp_connect_magento_buildout $ python $ bin/buildout $ bin/start_openerp OpenERP with the development branches of the Prestashop connector addons:: $ hg clone $ cd openerp_connect_prestashop_buildout $ python $ bin/buildout $ bin/start_openerp