Putting it all together, here is the final windows .bat file used to build this project. On linux, it would be pretty much the same with the correct paths to the right python programs and the the $HOME directory set to the correct place where the .pypirc file lives.
Now, with this script, you can simply create and upload your new eggs, source bundles, windows installers, and Sphinx docs with a simple click.
You’ll still need to enter a few ‘y’ commands, but the amount of interaction is pretty minimal. If anyone has found away around this, please, email me.
Contents of upload.bat:
set HOME=C:\Users\Owner\
cd C:\eclipse\workspace\HG_AN_EXAMPLE_PYPI_PROJECT
C:\Python24\python.exe setup.py bdist_egg upload --identity="Andrew Carter" --sign --quiet
C:\Python25\python.exe setup.py bdist_egg upload --identity="Andrew Carter" --sign --quiet
C:\Python26\python.exe setup.py bdist_egg upload --identity="Andrew Carter" --sign --quiet
C:\Python24\python.exe setup.py bdist_wininst --target-version=2.4 register upload --identity="Andrew Carter" --sign --quiet
C:\Python25\python.exe setup.py bdist_wininst --target-version=2.5 register upload --identity="Andrew Carter" --sign --quiet
C:\Python26\python.exe setup.py bdist_wininst --target-version=2.6 register upload --identity="Andrew Carter" --sign --quiet
C:\Python26\python.exe setup.py sdist upload --identity="Andrew Carter" --sign
C:\Python26\python.exe setup.py build_sphinx
C:\Python26\python.exe setup.py upload_sphinx
You can now visit http://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=files&name=an_example_pypi_project&version=0.0.4 to see the files that were uploaded to pypi.