Linear Error Propagation ========================= This example shows how ALGOPY can be used for linear error propagation. Consider the error model .. math:: y = x + \epsilon where :math:`x` a vector and :math:`\epsilon` a random vector that is normally distributed with zero mean and covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma^2`. The :math:`y` is the observed quantity and :math:`x` is a real vector representing the "true" value. One defines some estimator :math:`\hat x` for :math:`x`, e.g. the arithmetic mean :math:`\hat x = \sum_{i=1}^{N_m} y_i`. We assume that confidence region of the estimate :math:`\hat x` is known and has an associated confidence region described by its covariance matrix .. math:: \Sigma^2 = \mathbb E[(\hat x - E[\hat x])(\hat x - E[\hat x])^T] The question is: What can we say about the confidence region of the function :math:`f(y)` when the confidence region of :math:`y` is described by the covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma^2`? .. math:: f: \mathbb R^N \rightarrow \mathbb R^M \\ \hat x \mapsto \hat x = f(\hat x) For affine (linear) functions .. math:: z = f(y) = Ay + b the approach is described in the wikipedia article . Nonlinear functions are simply linearized about the estimate :math:`\hat y` of :math:`\mathbb E[y]`. In the vicinity of :math:`\hat y`, the linear model approximates the nonlinear function often quite well. To linearize the function, the Jacobian :math:`J(\hat y)` of the function :math:`f(\hat y)` has to be computed, i.e.: .. math:: z \approx f(y) = f(\hat y) + J(\hat y) (y - \hat y) The covariance matrix of :math:`z` is defined as .. math:: C = \mathbb E[z z^T] = \mathbb E[ J y y^T J^T] = J \Sigma^2 J^T \; . That means if we know :math:`J(y)`, we can approximately compute the confidence region if :math:`f(\hat y)` is sufficiently linear. To compute the Jacobian one can use the forward or the reverse mode of AD. .. literalinclude::