Source code for abcpy.summaryselections

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model

[docs]class Summaryselections(metaclass = ABCMeta): """This abstract base class defines a way to choose the summary statistics. """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, n_samples = 1000, seed = None): """The constructor of a sub-class must accept a non-optional model, statistics calculator and backend which are stored to self.model, self.statistics_calc and self.backend. Further it accepts two optional parameters n_samples and seed defining the number of simulated dataset used for the pilot to decide the summary statistics and the integer to initialize the random number generator. Parameters ---------- model: abcpy.models.Model Model object that conforms to the Model class. statistics_cal: abcpy.statistics.Statistics Statistics object that conforms to the Statistics class. backend: abcpy.backends.Backend Backend object that conforms to the Backend class. n_samples: int, optional The number of (parameter, simulated data) tuple generated to learn the summary statistics in pilot step. The default value is 1000. seed: integer, optional Optional initial seed for the random number generator. The default value is generated randomly. """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def transformation(self, statistics): raise NotImplemented
[docs]class Semiautomatic(Summaryselections): """This class implements the semi auomatic summary statistics choice described in Fearnhead and Prangle [1]. [1] Fearnhead P., Prangle D. 2012. Constructing summary statistics for approximate Bayesian computation: semi-automatic approximate Bayesian computation. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. B 74:419–474. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, statistics_calc, backend, n_samples = 1000, seed = None): self.model = model self.statistics_calc = statistics_calc self.backend = backend self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) self.model.prior.reseed(self.rng.randint(np.iinfo(np.uint32).max, dtype=np.uint32)) rc = _RemoteContextSemiautomatic(self.backend, self.model, self.statistics_calc) # main algorithm seed_arr = self.rng.randint(1, n_samples*n_samples, size=n_samples, dtype=np.int32) seed_pds = self.backend.parallelize(seed_arr) sample_parameters_statistics_pds =, seed_pds) sample_parameters_and_statistics = self.backend.collect(sample_parameters_statistics_pds) sample_parameters, sample_statistics = [list(t) for t in zip(*sample_parameters_and_statistics)] sample_parameters = np.array(sample_parameters) sample_statistics = np.concatenate(sample_statistics) self.coefficients_learnt = np.zeros(shape=(sample_parameters.shape[1],sample_statistics.shape[1])) regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True) for ind in range(sample_parameters.shape[1]):, sample_parameters[:,ind]) self.coefficients_learnt[:,ind] = regr.coef_
[docs] def transformation(self, statistics): if not statistics.shape[1] == self.coefficients_learnt.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Mismatch in dimension of summary statistics') return,self.coefficients_learnt)
class _RemoteContextSemiautomatic: """ Contains everything that is sent over the network like broadcast vars and map functions """ def __init__(self, backend, model, stat_calc): self.model = model self.stat_calc = stat_calc def _sample_parameter_statistics(self, seed): """ Samples a single model parameter and simulates from it until distance between simulated outcome and the observation is smaller than eplison. Parameters ---------- seed: int value of a seed to be used for reseeding Returns ------- np.array accepted parameter """ self.model.prior.reseed(seed) self.model.sample_from_prior() return (self.model.get_parameters(), self.stat_calc.statistics(self.model.simulate(1)))