Source code for yubiotp.modhex

Implementation of `modhex encoding <>`_,
which uses keyboard-independent characters.


    hex digit:    0123456789abcdef
    modhex digit: cbdefghijklnrtuv

from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from functools import partial

from six import int2byte, iterbytes

__all__ = ['modhex', 'unmodhex', 'is_modhex', 'hex_to_modhex', 'modhex_to_hex']

[docs]def modhex(data): """ Encode a string of bytes as modhex. >>> modhex(b'abcdefghijklmnop') == b'hbhdhehfhghhhihjhkhlhnhrhthuhvic' True """ return hex_to_modhex(hexlify(data))
[docs]def unmodhex(encoded): """ Decode a modhex string to its binary form. >>> unmodhex(b'hbhdhehfhghhhihjhkhlhnhrhthuhvic') == b'abcdefghijklmnop' True """ return unhexlify(modhex_to_hex(encoded))
[docs]def is_modhex(encoded): """ Returns ``True`` iff the given string is valid modhex. >>> is_modhex(b'cbdefghijklnrtuv') True >>> is_modhex(b'cbdefghijklnrtuvv') False >>> is_modhex(b'cbdefghijklnrtuvyy') False """ if any(c not in modhex_chars for c in encoded): return False elif len(encoded) % 2 != 0: return False else: return True
[docs]def hex_to_modhex(hex_str): """ Convert a string of hex digits to a string of modhex digits. >>> hex_to_modhex(b'69b6481c8baba2b60e8f22179b58cd56') == b'hknhfjbrjnlnldnhcujvddbikngjrtgh' True >>> hex_to_modhex(b'6j') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Illegal hex character in input """ try: return b''.join(int2byte(hex_to_modhex_char(b)) for b in iterbytes(hex_str.lower())) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Illegal hex character in input')
[docs]def modhex_to_hex(modhex_str): """ Convert a string of modhex digits to a string of hex digits. >>> modhex_to_hex(b'hknhfjbrjnlnldnhcujvddbikngjrtgh') == b'69b6481c8baba2b60e8f22179b58cd56' True >>> modhex_to_hex(b'hbhdxx') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Illegal modhex character in input """ try: return b''.join(int2byte(modhex_to_hex_char(b)) for b in iterbytes(modhex_str.lower())) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Illegal modhex character in input') # # Internals #
def lookup(alist, key): try: return next(v for k, v in alist if k == key) except StopIteration: raise ValueError() hex_chars = b'0123456789abcdef' modhex_chars = b'cbdefghijklnrtuv' hex_to_modhex_map = list(zip(iterbytes(hex_chars), iterbytes(modhex_chars))) modhex_to_hex_map = list(zip(iterbytes(modhex_chars), iterbytes(hex_chars))) hex_to_modhex_char = partial(lookup, hex_to_modhex_map) modhex_to_hex_char = partial(lookup, modhex_to_hex_map)