Text Validators
Most validators work with text. These checkers check against fomatting rules
class xcheck.TextCheck(name, **kwargs)
TextCheck(name[, min_length, max_length, pattern])
TextCheck validates text or elements with string values
Parameters: |
- min_length (integer) – Minimum length of text (default 0)
- max_length (integer or INF) – Maximum length of text (default INF)
- pattern – regex that can be used to check the text (default None)
class xcheck.EmailCheck(name, **kwargs)
EmailCheck(name [allow_none, allow_blank])
Creates a checker specializing in email addresses
Parameters: |
- allow_none (boolean (default True)) – allows NoneType or case-insensitive ‘none’ instead of an email address
- allow_blank (boolean (default False)) – allows an empty or blank string instead of an email address
class xcheck.URLCheck(name, **kwargs)
UrlCheck(name [, allow_none, allow_blank])
Creates a checker specializing in URLs
Parameters: |
- allow_none (boolean (default True)) – allows NoneType or case-insensitive ‘none’ instead of a URL
- allow_blank (boolean (default False)) – allows an empty or blank string instead of a URL
This checker uses the :py:mod:urlparse module from the Python