Source code for xd.docker.parameters

"""Module containing helper classes and functions for handling Docker Remote
API parameters."""

import collections
import re

from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Dict, List
import ipaddress

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

IPAddress = Union[ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address]
Command = Union[str, Sequence[str]]
Signal = Union[int, str]
ApiVersion = Tuple[int, int]

__all__ = ['IPAddress', 'Command', 'Signal', 'ApiVersion',
           'Hostname', 'Domainname', 'MacAddress', 'Username',
           'Repository', 'RepoTags', 'ContainerName',
           'Env', 'Port', 'PortBinding', 'VolumeMount', 'VolumeBinding',
           'ContainerLink', 'Cpuset',
           'HostnameIPMapping', 'VolumesFrom', 'RestartPolicy',
           'DeviceToAdd', 'Ulimit', 'LogConfiguration',
           'AuthConfig', 'CredentialAuthConfig', 'TokenAuthConfig',
           'ContainerConfig', 'HostConfig']

[docs]def json_update(obj: Dict[str, Any], values: Dict[str, Any], json_fields: Sequence[Tuple[str, Tuple[int, int], str]], api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): """Update JSON object (dict). This function is used to update a JSON object (a dict) with name/value pairs from the values argument, based on the specification in json_fields and api_version arguments. Arguments: obj: JSON object to update. values: Name/value pairs to update with. json_fields: Specification of supported JSON object name/value pairs, including information on which API version they are supported in. api_version: API version to update for. """ for json_name, value_name, version_limit in json_fields: if isinstance(values, dict): value = values.get(value_name) else: value = getattr(values, value_name) if isinstance(value, str): pass elif isinstance(value, Parameter): value = value.json(api_version) elif isinstance(value, collections.Sequence): value = [v.json() if isinstance(v, Parameter) else str(v) if isinstance(v, ipaddress._IPAddressBase) else v for v in value] if value is None: continue if version_limit is not None: min_version, max_version = version_limit if api_version and ( (min_version and api_version < min_version) or (max_version and api_version > max_version)): raise ValueError('%s not supported by Remote API %s' % ( json_name, '.'.join([str(i) for i in api_version]))) obj[json_name] = value return obj
[docs]class Parameter(object): """Base class for all XD Docker parameter classes.""" def __str__(self): return str(self.json())
[docs] def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): """Return Docker Remote API JSON representation. Arguments: api_version: Docker Remote API version. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Hostname(Parameter): """Hostname. A Hostname instance represents a network hostname. A hostname must not contain dots ('.'). To specify a fully qualified domain name, use :class:`.Domainname`. Arguments: hostname: Hostname. Attributes: hostname (str): Hostname. """ HOSTNAME_RE = re.compile(r'[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$') def __init__(self, hostname: str): if not self.HOSTNAME_RE.match(hostname): raise ValueError('invalid hostname: %s' % hostname) self.hostname = hostname def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return self.hostname
[docs]class Domainname(Hostname): """Domain name. A Domainname instance represents a network domain name. Arguments: domainname: Domain name. Attributes: domainname (str): Domain name. """ DOMAINNAME_RE = re.compile(r'%s(?:\.%s)*$' % ( Hostname.HOSTNAME_RE.pattern[:-1], Hostname.HOSTNAME_RE.pattern[:-1])) def __init__(self, domainname: str): if not self.DOMAINNAME_RE.match(domainname): raise ValueError('invalid domainname: %s' % domainname) self.domainname = domainname def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return self.domainname
[docs]class MacAddress(Parameter): """Ethernet MAC address. A MacAddress instance represents an Ethernet MAC address. Arguments: addr: MAC address (fx. '01:02:03:04:05:06'). Attributes: addr (str): MAC address (fx. '01:02:03:04:05:06'). """ MACADDRESS_RE = re.compile('[0-9a-fA-F]{2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){5}$') def __init__(self, addr: str): if not self.MACADDRESS_RE.match(addr): raise ValueError('invalid MAC address: %s' % addr) self.addr = addr def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return self.addr
[docs]class Username(Parameter): """User name. A Username instance represents a UNIX user name. Arguments: username: User name. Attributes: username (str): User name. """ USERNAME_RE = re.compile(r'[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*$') def __init__(self, username: str): if not self.USERNAME_RE.match(username): raise ValueError('invalid username: %s' % username) self.username = username def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return self.username
[docs]class Repository(Parameter): """Repository name (and optionally tag) parameter. A Repository instance is used to represent a Docker repository name, or repository name and tag. Arguments: repo: Repository name, or name and tag (separated by ':'). Attributes: name (str): Repository name. tag (Optional[str]): Repository tag. """ NAME_RE = re.compile( r'(?:(?:%s:\d+/)?|/)?' % (Domainname.DOMAINNAME_RE.pattern[:-1]) + r'[a-z0-9-_\.]+(?:(?:/[a-z0-9-_\.]+)+)?$') TAG_RE = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$') NAME_AND_TAG_RE = re.compile(r'(%s):(%s)?$' % ( NAME_RE.pattern[:-1], TAG_RE.pattern[:-1])) def __init__(self, repo: str): if self.NAME_RE.match(repo): = repo self.tag = None return name_and_tag = self.NAME_AND_TAG_RE.match(repo) if name_and_tag: = self.tag = return raise ValueError('invalid repository name: %s' % repo) def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): if self.tag: return "%s:%s" % (, self.tag) else: return
[docs]class RepoTags(Parameter): """List of repository name and tags. A RepoTags instance is used to represent a list of repository name and tags. Arguments: repos: List of repository name and tags (separated by ':'). Attributes: repos (List[Repository]): List of repository name and tags. """ def __init__(self, repos: List[str]): self.repos = [Repository(repo) for repo in repos if repo != '<none>:<none>'] def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return [str(repo) for repo in self.repos]
[docs]class ContainerName(Parameter): """Container name parameter. A ContainerName instance is used to represent a Docker container name. Arguments: name: Container name Attributes: name (str): Container name. """ NAME_RE = re.compile(r'/?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$') def __init__(self, name: str): if self.NAME_RE.match(name): = name return raise ValueError('invalid container name: %s' % name) def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return
[docs]class Env(Parameter): """Environment variables. An Environment instance contains the environment variables for a Docker container. Arguments: env: Environment variables, name/value pairs. Attributes: env (Mapping[str, str]): Environment variables, name/value pairs. """ KEY_RE = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$') def __init__(self, env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]=None): self.env = env if env: for k in env: if not isinstance(k, str): raise TypeError('Env variable name must be string: %s' % type(k)) if not self.KEY_RE.match(k): raise ValueError('Invalid Env variable name: %s' % k) def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): if self.env is None: return None else: return ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in self.env.items()]
def validate_network_port(port: int, protocol: str): if port <= 0 or port > 65535: raise ValueError('port must be > 0 and <= 65535') if protocol not in ('tcp', 'udp'): raise ValueError("protocol must be either 'tcp' or 'udp'")
[docs]class Port(Parameter): """Network port. A Port instance represents a network port (TCP or UDP). Arguments: port: Port number. protocol: Protocol ('tcp' or 'udp'). Attributes: port (int): Port number. protocol (str): Protocol ('tcp' or 'udp'). """ def __init__(self, port: int, protocol: str='tcp'): validate_network_port(port, protocol) self.port = port self.protocol = protocol def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return '%d/%s' % (self.port, self.protocol)
[docs]class PortBinding(Parameter): """Docker container port binding. A PortBinding instance represents a binding of a network port of a Docker container to a host port. Arguments: port: Container port number. protocol: Protocol ('tcp' or 'udp'). host_ip: Host IP address. host_port: Host port number (defaults to container port number). Attributes: port (int): Container port number (1 ... 65535). protocol (str): Protocol ('tcp' or 'udp'). host_ip (Optional[IPAddress]): Host IP address. host_port (int): Host port number (1 ... 65535). """ def __init__(self, port: int, protocol: str='tcp', host_ip: Optional[IPAddress]=None, host_port: Optional[int]=None): validate_network_port(port, protocol) self.port = port self.protocol = protocol self.host_ip = host_ip if host_port is None: host_port = port elif host_port <= 0 or host_port > 65535: raise ValueError('host_port must be > 0 and <= 65535') self.host_port = host_port def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): host_binding = {'HostPort': str(self.host_port)} if self.host_ip is not None: host_binding['HostIp'] = str(self.host_ip) return {'%d/%s' % (self.port, self.protocol): [host_binding]}
[docs]class VolumeMount(Parameter): """Volume mount point. A VolumeMount instance represents a container mount point. Arguments: source: Host path. destination: Container path. ro: Read-only mount. label_mode: SELinux label mode ('z' or 'Z'). Attributes: source (str): Source path. destination (str): Destination path. ro (bool): Read-only mount. label_mode (str): SELinux label mode ('', 'z', or 'Z'). """ def __init__(self, source: str, destination: str, ro: bool=False, label_mode: Optional[str]=None): self.source = source self.destination = destination = ro self.label_mode = label_mode or '' def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): mode = 'ro' if else 'rw' if self.label_mode: mode += ',' + self.label_mode return {'Source': self.source, 'Destination': self.destination, 'RW': not, 'Mode': mode}
[docs]class VolumeBinding(Parameter): """Volume binding. A VolumeBinding instance represents a volume binding for a container. The binding can either be to a new volume, an existing host path, or a volume provided by a Docker volume plugin. Arguments: container_path: Container path to bind the volume to. volume: Host path or volume name, identifying the volume to bind to. Host path must start with a '/'. Volume name must not begin with a '/'. ro: Read-only mount. Attributes: container_path (str): Container path to bind the volume to. volume (Optional[str]): Host path or volume name, identifying the volume to bind to. ro (bool): Read-only mount. """ def __init__(self, container_path: str, volume: Optional[str]=None, ro: bool=False): if container_path == '': raise ValueError('invalid container_path') if volume == '': raise ValueError('invalid volume') if ro and not volume: raise ValueError('volume required when ro=True') self.container_path = container_path if volume is None: self.volume = None else: self.volume = volume = ro def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): if not self.volume: return self.container_path if return '%s:%s:ro' % (self.volume, self.container_path) else: return '%s:%s' % (self.volume, self.container_path)
[docs]class Cpuset(Parameter): """List of CPUs. A Cpuset instance represents a set of CPU or memory nodes, for use when specifying where to run a container. Arguments: cpuset: Cpuset specification. See `cpuset(7)`_ for syntax. Attributes: cpuset (str): Cpuset specification. .. _cpuset(7): """ CPUSET_LIST_RE = re.compile(r'(\d|[1-9]\d+)([,-](\d|[1-9]\d+))*$') def __init__(self, cpuset: str): if not self.CPUSET_LIST_RE.match(cpuset): raise ValueError('invalid cpuset: %s' % cpuset) self.cpuset = cpuset def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return self.cpuset
[docs]class HostnameIPMapping(Parameter): """Hostname to IP address mapping. A HostnameIPMapping instance represents a mapping from a hostname to an IP address (IPv6 or IPv4). Arguments: hostname: Hostname. ip: IP address. Attributes: hostname (Hostname): Hostname. ip (IPAddress): IP address. """ def __init__(self, hostname: Union[Hostname, str], ip: Union[IPAddress, str]): if isinstance(hostname, Hostname): self.hostname = hostname else: self.hostname = Domainname(hostname) if isinstance(ip, ipaddress._IPAddressBase): self.ip = ip else: self.ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return '%s:%s' % (self.hostname.json(api_version), self.ip)
[docs]class VolumesFrom(Parameter): """Docker container to inherit volumes from. A VolumesFrom instance represents a single docker container to inherit volumes from. Arguments: name: Container name. ro: Mount volumes read-only (default is read/write). Attributes: name (ContainerName): Container name. ro (Optional[bool]): Mount volumes read-only. """ def __init__(self, name: Union[ContainerName, str], ro: Optional[bool]=None): if isinstance(name, str): name = ContainerName(name) = name = ro def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): if is None: return else: return '%s:%s' % (, 'ro' if else 'rw')
[docs]class RestartPolicy(Parameter): """Restart policy for when the container exits. A RestartPolicy instance represents the restart policy to use when container exits. Arguments: policy: One of 'always', 'unless-stopped', or 'on-failure. maximum_retry_count: Number of times to retry before giving up (required and only allowed together with 'on-failure') Attributes: policy (str): One of 'always', 'unless-stopped', or 'on-failure'. maximum_retry_count (int): Number of times to retry before giving up (only present when policy is 'on-failure'). """ def __init__(self, policy: str, maximum_retry_count: Optional[int]=None): if policy not in ('always', 'unless-stopped', 'on-failure'): raise ValueError('invalid policy value: %s' % policy) self.policy = policy if policy == 'on-failure': if maximum_retry_count is None: raise TypeError('RestartPolicy("on-failure")' + ' requires maximum_retry_count argument') if maximum_retry_count < 0: raise ValueError('maximum_retry_count must be positive') self.maximum_retry_count = maximum_retry_count def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): d = {'Name': self.policy} if self.policy == 'on-failure': d['MaximumRetryCount'] = self.maximum_retry_count return d
[docs]class DeviceToAdd(Parameter): """Device to add to container. A DeviceToAdd instance represents a device to add to a container. Arguments: path_on_host: Device path on host. path_in_container: Device path in container (defaults to path_on_host). cgroup_permissions: Access permission, composition of 'r' (read), 'w' (write), and 'm' (mknod) (defaults to 'rwm'). Attributes: path_on_host (str): Device path on host. path_in_container (str): Device path in container. cgroup_permissions (str): Access permission, composition of 'r' (read), 'w' (write), and 'm' (mknod). """ def __init__(self, path_on_host: str, path_in_container: Optional[str]=None, cgroup_permissions: str='rwm'): self.path_on_host = path_on_host if path_in_container is None: path_in_container = path_on_host self.path_in_container = path_in_container self.cgroup_permissions = cgroup_permissions def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return {'PathOnHost': self.path_on_host, 'PathInContainer': self.path_in_container, 'CgroupPermissions': self.cgroup_permissions}
[docs]class Ulimit(Parameter): """Ulimit parameter. A Ulimit instance represents a ulimit (user limit) to set in a container. Arguments: name: Name of ulimit. soft: Soft limit. hard: Hard limit (defaults to soft limit). Attributes: name (str): Name of ulimit. soft (str): Soft limit. hard (str): Hard limit. """ def __init__(self, name: str, soft: int, hard: Optional[int]=None): = name self.soft = soft if hard is None: hard = soft self.hard = hard def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return {'Name':, 'Soft': self.soft, 'Hard': self.hard}
[docs]class LogConfiguration(Parameter): """Log configuration for container. A LogConfiguration instance represents configuration of how logging is done for a container. Arguments: type: Logging driver name. config: Driver specific configuration parameters. Attributes: type (str): Logging driver name. config (Dict[str, str]): Driver specific configuration parameters. """ AVAILABLE_TYPES = ( 'json-file', 'syslog', 'journald', 'gelf', 'awslogs', 'none') def __init__(self, type: str, config: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]=None): if type not in self.AVAILABLE_TYPES: raise ValueError("invalid type: " + type) self.type = type if config is None: self.config = config else: self.config = dict(config) def json(self, api_version: Optional[ApiVersion]=None): return {'Type': self.type, 'Config': self.config}
[docs]class AuthConfig(Parameter): """Login information for a docker registry. An AuthConfig instance represents login information for authenticating to a docker repository. """
[docs]class CredentialAuthConfig(AuthConfig): """Credential based login information for a docker registry. A CredentialAuthConfig instance represents credential based login information for authenticating to a docker repository. Arguments: username: User name. password: Password. email: Email address. Attributes: username (str): User name. password (str): Password. email (Optional[str]): Email address. """ def __init__(self, username: str, password: str, email: Optional[str]=None): self.username = username self.password = password = email def json(self, api_version: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None): obj = {'username': self.username, 'password': self.password} if obj['email'] = return obj
[docs]class TokenAuthConfig(AuthConfig): """Token based login information for a docker registry. A TokenAuthConfig instance represents token based login information for authenticating to a docker repository. Arguments: token: Login token. Attributes: token (str): Login token. """ def __init__(self, token: str): self.token = token def json(self, api_version: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None): return {'registrytoken': self.token}
[docs]class RegistryAuthConfig(Parameter): """Docker registry authentication configuration. A RegistryAuthConfig instance represents the login information for one or more docker registries. Arguments: registry_auths: Mapping of registry hostnames to the login information for authenticating to that registry. Only the registry domain name (and port if not the default "443") are required. However (for legacy reasons) the "official" Docker, Inc. hosted registry must be specified with both a "https://" prefix and a "/v1/" suffix even though Docker will prefer to use the v2 registry API. Attributes: registry_auths: Mapping of registry hostnames to login information. """ def __init__(self, registry_auths: Mapping[str, AuthConfig]): self.registry_auths = dict(registry_auths) def json(self, api_version: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None): obj = {} for hostname, auth_config in self.registry_auths.items(): obj[hostname] = auth_config.json(api_version) return obj
[docs]class ContainerConfig(Parameter): """Container configuration parameter. A ContainerConfig instance represents the configuration of a container. Arguments: image: Image to create container from. command: Command to run. entrypoint: Container entrypoint. on_build: Trigger instructions to be executed later (when used as base image for another build). hostname: Hostname to use for the container. domainname: Domain name to use for the container. user: User inside the container. attach_stdin: Attach to stdin. attach_stdout: Attach to stdout. attach_stderr: Attach to stderr. tty: Attach standard streams to a tty. open_stdin: Open stdin. stdin_once: Close stdin after the client disconnects. env: Environment variables. labels: Labels to set on container. working_dir: Working directory for command to run in. network: Whether to enable networking in the container. mac_address: MAC address. exposed_ports: Exposed ports. volumes: List of (in container) paths to use as volumes. stop_signal: Signal to stop container. Attributes: image (str): Image to create container from. command (Optional[Command]): Command to run. entrypoint (Optional[Command]): Container entrypoint. on_build (Optional[Sequence[str]]): Trigger instructions to be executed later (when used as base image for another build). hostname (Optional[Hostname]): Hostname to use for the container. domainname (Optional[Domainname]): Domain name to use for the container. user (Optional[Username]): User inside the container. attach_stdin (Optional[bool]): Attach to stdin. attach_stdout (Optional[bool]): Attach to stdout. attach_stderr (Optional[bool]): Attach to stderr. tty (Optional[bool]): Attach standard streams to a tty. open_stdin (Optional[bool]): Open stdin. stdin_once (Optional[bool]): Close stdin after the client disconnects. env (Optional[Env]): Environment variables. labels (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]): Labels to set on container. working_dir (Optional[str]): Working directory for command to run in. network (Optional[bool]): Whether to enable networking in the container. mac_address (Optional[MacAddress]): MAC address. exposed_ports (Optional[Sequence[Port]]): Exposed ports. volumes (Optional[Sequence[str])): List of (in container) paths to use as volumes. stop_signal (Optional[Union[int, str]]): Signal to stop container. """ def __init__(self, image: str, command: Optional[Command]=None, entrypoint: Optional[Command]=None, on_build: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, hostname: Optional[Union[Hostname, str]]=None, domainname: Optional[Union[Domainname, str]]=None, user: Optional[Union[Username, str]]=None, attach_stdin: Optional[bool]=None, attach_stdout: Optional[bool]=None, attach_stderr: Optional[bool]=None, tty: Optional[bool]=None, open_stdin: Optional[bool]=None, stdin_once: Optional[bool]=None, env: Optional[Union[Env, Mapping[str, str]]]=None, labels: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]=None, working_dir: Optional[str]=None, network: Optional[bool]=None, mac_address: Optional[Union[MacAddress, str]]=None, exposed_ports: Optional[Sequence[Port]]=None, volumes: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, stop_signal: Optional[Union[int, str]]=None): self.image = image self.command = command self.entrypoint = entrypoint self.on_build = on_build if isinstance(hostname, str): hostname = Hostname(hostname) elif isinstance(hostname, Domainname): raise TypeError('hostname cannot be Domainname') self.hostname = hostname if isinstance(domainname, str): domainname = Domainname(domainname) self.domainname = domainname if isinstance(user, str): user = Username(user) self.user = user self.attach_stdin = attach_stdin self.attach_stdout = attach_stdout self.attach_stderr = attach_stderr self.tty = tty self.open_stdin = open_stdin self.stdin_once = stdin_once if isinstance(env, collections.Mapping): env = Env(env) self.env = env self.labels = labels self.working_dir = working_dir = network if isinstance(mac_address, str): mac_address = MacAddress(mac_address) self.mac_address = mac_address self.exposed_ports = exposed_ports self.volumes = volumes self.stop_signal = stop_signal @property def _network_disabled(self): if is None: return None return not @property def _volumes_map(self): if self.volumes is None: return None return {volume: {} for volume in self.volumes} JSON_FIELDS = ( ('Image', 'image', None), ('Cmd', 'command', None), ('Entrypoint', 'entrypoint', ((1, 15), None)), ('OnBuild', 'on_build', ((1, 16), None)), ('Hostname', 'hostname', None), ('Domainname', 'domainname', None), ('User', 'user', None), ('AttachStdin', 'attach_stdin', None), ('AttachStdout', 'attach_stdout', None), ('AttachStderr', 'attach_stderr', None), ('Tty', 'tty', None), ('OpenStdin', 'open_stdin', None), ('StdinOnce', 'stdin_once', None), ('Env', 'env', None), ('Labels', 'labels', ((1, 18), None)), ('WorkingDir', 'working_dir', None), ('NetworkDisabled', '_network_disabled', None), ('MacAddress', 'mac_address', ((1, 15), None)), ('ExposedPorts', 'exposed_ports', None), ('Volumes', '_volumes_map', None), ('StopSignal', 'stop_signal', ((1, 21), None)), ) def json(self, api_version: Tuple[int, int]=(1, 14)): return json_update({}, self, self.JSON_FIELDS, api_version)
[docs]class HostConfig(Parameter): """Docker container host configuration. Arguments: binds: List of volume bindings. links: List of links to other containers. lxc_config: LXC specific configurations. Only valid when using the lxc execution driver. port_bindings: List of port bindings, ie. container ports that exposed as host ports. publish_all_ports: Allocate a random host port for all exposed ports. privileged: Container has full access to host. read_only_rootfs: Mount container root filesystem read only. dns: List of DNS servers to use. dns_options: List of DNS options. dns_search: List of DNS search domains. extra_hosts: A list of hostname to IP mappings to add to container's /etc/hosts file. volumes_from: List of containers to inherit volumes from. cap_add: List of kernel capabilities to add to container. cap_drop: List of kernel capabilities to drop from container. group_add: List of additional groups that the container process will run as. restart_policy: Behavior when container exits. network_mode: Networking mode for the container. devices: List of devices to add to container. ulimits: List of ulimits to set in container. security_opt: List of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux. log_config: Log configuration for container. cgroup_parent: Path to cgroups under which the container's cgroup is created. volume_driver: Driver that this container uses to mount volumes. shm_size: Size of /dev/shm in bytes. memory: Memory limit in bytes. swap: Swap limit in bytes. memory_reservation: Memory soft limit in bytes. kernel_memory: Kernel memory limit in bytes. cpu_shares: CPU shares relative to other containers. cpu_period: Length of a CPU period in microseconds. cpu_quota: Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period. cpuset_cpus: Cgroups cpuset.cpu to use. cpuset_mems: Cgroups cpuset.mem to use. blkio_weight: Relative block io weight (10 ... 1000). memory_swappiness: Memory swappiness behavior (10 ... 100). oom_kill: Enable OOM killer for container. Attributes: binds (Optional[List[VolumeBinding]]): List of volume bindings. links (Optional[List[ContainerLink]]): List of links to other containers. lxc_config (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): LXC specific configurations. Only valid when using the lxc execution driver. port_bindings (Optional[List[PortBinding]]): List of port bindings, ie. container ports that exposed as host ports. publish_all_ports (Optional[bool]): Allocate a random host port for all exposed ports. privileged (Optional[bool]): Container has full access to host. read_only_rootfs (Optional[bool]): Mount container root filesystem read only. dns (Optional[List[IPAddress]]): List of DNS servers to use. dns_options (Optional[List[str]]): List of DNS options. dns_search (Optional[List[str]]): List of DNS search domains. extra_hosts (Optional[List[HostnameIPMapping]]): A list of hostname to IP mappings to add to container's /etc/hosts file. volumes_from (Optional[List[VolumesFrom]]): List of containers to inherit volumes from. cap_add (Optional[List[str]]): List of kernel capabilities to add to container. cap_drop (Optional[List[str]]): List of kernel capabilities to drop from container. group_add (Optional[List[str]]): List of additional groups that the container process will run as. restart_policy (Optional[RestartPolicy]): Behavior when container exits. network_mode (Optional[str]): Networking mode for the container. devices (Optional[List[DeviceToAdd]]): List of devices to add to container. ulimits (Optional[List[Ulimit]]): List of ulimits to set in container. security_opt (Optional[List[str]]): List of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux. log_config (Optional[LogConfiguration]): Log configuration for container. cgroup_parent (Optional[str]): Path to cgroups under which the container's cgroup is created. volume_driver (Optional[str]): Driver that this container uses to mount volumes. shm_size (Optional[int]): Size of /dev/shm in bytes. memory (Optional[int]): Memory limit in bytes. swap (Optional[int]): Swap limit in bytes. memory_reservation (Optional[int]): Memory soft limit in bytes. kernel_memory (Optional[int]): Kernel memory limit in bytes. cpu_shares (Optional[int]): CPU shares relative to other containers. cpu_period (Optional[int]): Length of a CPU period in microseconds. cpu_quota (Optional[int]): Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period. cpuset_cpus (Optional[Cpuset]): Cgroups cpuset.cpu to use. cpuset_mems (Optional[Cpuset]): Cgroups cpuset.mem to use. blkio_weight (Optional[int]): Relative block io weight (10 ... 1000). memory_swappiness (Optional[int]): Memory swappiness behavior (10 ... 100). oom_kill (Optional[bool]): Enable OOM killer for container. """ def __init__(self, binds: Optional[Sequence[VolumeBinding]]=None, links: Optional[Sequence[ContainerLink]]=None, lxc_conf: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]=None, port_bindings: Optional[Sequence[PortBinding]]=None, publish_all_ports: Optional[bool]=None, privileged: Optional[bool]=None, read_only_rootfs: Optional[bool]=None, dns: Optional[Sequence[IPAddress]]=None, dns_options: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, dns_search: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, extra_hosts: Optional[Sequence[ Union[HostnameIPMapping, str]]]=None, volumes_from: Optional[Sequence[ Union[VolumesFrom, str]]]=None, cap_add: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, cap_drop: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, group_add: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, restart_policy: Optional[RestartPolicy]=None, network_mode: Optional[str]=None, devices: Optional[Sequence[ Union[DeviceToAdd, str]]]=None, ulimits: Optional[Sequence[Ulimit]]=None, security_opt: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, log_config: Optional[LogConfiguration]=None, cgroup_parent: Optional[str]=None, volume_driver: Optional[str]=None, shm_size: Optional[int]=None, memory: Optional[int]=None, swap: Optional[int]=None, memory_reservation: Optional[int]=None, kernel_memory: Optional[int]=None, cpu_shares: Optional[int]=None, cpu_period: Optional[int]=None, cpu_quota: Optional[int]=None, cpuset_cpus: Optional[Union[Cpuset, str]]=None, cpuset_mems: Optional[Union[Cpuset, str]]=None, blkio_weight: Optional[int]=None, memory_swappiness: Optional[int]=None, oom_kill: Optional[bool]=None): if binds is not None: binds = list(binds) self.binds = binds if links is not None: links = list(links) self.links = links if lxc_conf is not None: lxc_conf = dict(lxc_conf) self.lxc_conf = lxc_conf if port_bindings is not None: port_bindings = list(port_bindings) self.port_bindings = port_bindings self.publish_all_ports = publish_all_ports self.privileged = privileged self.read_only_rootfs = read_only_rootfs if dns is not None: dns = [ipaddress.ip_address(ip) if isinstance(ip, str) else ip for ip in dns] self.dns = dns if dns_options is not None: dns_options = list(dns_options) self.dns_options = dns_options if dns_search is not None: dns_search = list(dns_search) self.dns_search = dns_search if extra_hosts is not None: extra_hosts = list(extra_hosts) for index, host in enumerate(extra_hosts): if isinstance(host, str): host = host.split(':') if len(host) != 2: raise ValueError('invalid extra_hosts str value: %s' % extra_hosts[index]) extra_hosts[index] = HostnameIPMapping(*host) self.extra_hosts = extra_hosts if volumes_from is not None: volumes_from = list(volumes_from) for index, vf in enumerate(volumes_from): if isinstance(vf, str): volumes_from[index] = VolumesFrom(vf) self.volumes_from = volumes_from if cap_add is not None: cap_add = list(cap_add) self.cap_add = cap_add if cap_drop is not None: cap_drop = list(cap_drop) self.cap_drop = cap_drop if group_add is not None: group_add = list(group_add) self.group_add = group_add if restart_policy is not None: if isinstance(restart_policy, str): restart_policy = RestartPolicy(restart_policy) self.restart_policy = restart_policy self.network_mode = network_mode if devices is not None: devices = list(devices) for index, dev in enumerate(devices): if isinstance(dev, str): devices[index] = DeviceToAdd(dev) self.devices = devices if ulimits is not None: ulimits = list(ulimits) self.ulimits = ulimits if security_opt is not None: security_opt = list(security_opt) self.security_opt = security_opt self.log_config = log_config self.cgroup_parent = cgroup_parent self.volume_driver = volume_driver self.shm_size = shm_size if isinstance(memory, int) and memory < 0: raise ValueError("'memory' limit cannot be negative: " + str(memory)) self.memory = memory if isinstance(swap, int) and swap < 0: swap = -1 elif swap and not memory: raise ValueError("you must set 'memory' limit together with " "'swap'") elif swap == 0: raise ValueError("'swap' cannot be zero") self.swap = swap if isinstance(memory_reservation, int) and memory_reservation < 0: raise ValueError( "'memory_reservation' limit cannot be negative: " + str(memory_reservation)) self.memory_reservation = memory_reservation if isinstance(kernel_memory, int) and kernel_memory < 0: raise ValueError("'kernel_memory' limit cannot be negative: " + str(kernel_memory)) self.kernel_memory = kernel_memory if cpu_shares is not None and cpu_shares <= 0: raise ValueError("'cpu_shares' value must be positive: " + str(cpu_shares)) self.cpu_shares = cpu_shares if cpu_period is not None and cpu_period <= 0: raise ValueError("'cpu_period' value must be positive: " + str(cpu_period)) self.cpu_period = cpu_period if cpu_quota is not None and cpu_quota <= 0: raise ValueError("'cpu_quota' value must be positive: " + str(cpu_quota)) self.cpu_quota = cpu_quota if isinstance(cpuset_cpus, str): cpuset_cpus = Cpuset(cpuset_cpus) self.cpuset_cpus = cpuset_cpus if isinstance(cpuset_mems, str): cpuset_mems = Cpuset(cpuset_mems) self.cpuset_mems = cpuset_mems if blkio_weight is not None and \ (blkio_weight < 10 or blkio_weight > 1000): raise ValueError("'blkio_weight' must be between 10 and 1000: " + str(blkio_weight)) self.blkio_weight = blkio_weight if memory_swappiness is not None and \ (memory_swappiness < 0 or memory_swappiness > 100): raise ValueError( "'memory_swappiness' must be between 0 and 100: " + str(memory_swappiness)) self.memory_swappiness = memory_swappiness self.oom_kill = oom_kill @property def _oom_kill_disable(self): if self.oom_kill is None: return None return not self.oom_kill @property def memory_swap(self): if self.swap is None: return None if self.swap < 0: return -1 else: return self.memory + self.swap @property def _port_bindings_json(self): if self.port_bindings is None: return None bindings = {} for binding in self.port_bindings: bindings.update(binding.json()) return bindings JSON_FIELDS = ( ('Binds', 'binds', None), ('Links', 'links', None), ('LxcConf', 'lxc_conf', None), ('Memory', 'memory', ((1, 18), None)), ('MemorySwap', 'memory_swap', ((1, 18), None)), ('MemoryReservation', 'memory_reservation', ((1, 21), None)), ('KernelMemory', 'kernel_memory', ((1, 21), None)), ('CpuShares', 'cpu_shares', ((1, 18), None)), ('CpuPeriod', 'cpu_period', ((1, 19), None)), ('CpuQuota', 'cpu_quota', ((1, 19), None)), ('CpusetCpus', 'cpuset_cpus', ((1, 18), None)), ('CpusetMems', 'cpuset_mems', ((1, 19), None)), ('BlkioWeight', 'blkio_weight', ((1, 19), None)), ('MemorySwappiness', 'memory_swappiness', ((1, 20), None)), ('OomKillDisable', '_oom_kill_disable', ((1, 19), None)), ('PortBindings', '_port_bindings_json', None), ('PublishAllPorts', 'publish_all_ports', None), ('Privileged', 'privileged', None), ('ReadonlyRootfs', 'read_only_rootfs', ((1, 17), None)), ('Dns', 'dns', None), ('DnsOptions', 'dns_options', ((1, 21), None)), ('DnsSearch', 'dns_search', ((1, 15), None)), ('ExtraHosts', 'extra_hosts', ((1, 15), None)), ('GroupAdd', 'group_add', ((1, 20), None)), ('VolumesFrom', 'volumes_from', None), ('CapAdd', 'cap_add', None), ('CapDrop', 'cap_drop', None), ('RestartPolicy', 'restart_policy', ((1, 15), None)), ('NetworkMode', 'network_mode', ((1, 15), None)), ('Devices', 'devices', ((1, 15), None)), ('Ulimits', 'ulimits', ((1, 18), None)), ('LogConfig', 'log_config', ((1, 18), None)), ('SecurityOpt', 'security_opt', ((1, 17), None)), ('CgroupParent', 'cgroup_parent', ((1, 18), None)), ('VolumeDriver', 'volume_driver', ((1, 21), None)), ('ShmSize', 'shm_size', ((1, 22), None)), ) def json(self, api_version: Tuple[int, int]=(1, 14)): return json_update({}, self, self.JSON_FIELDS, api_version)