Python’s standard exception class hierarchy.
Exceptions found here are defined both in the exceptions module and the built-in namespace. It is recommended that user-defined exceptions inherit from Exception. See the documentation for the exception inheritance hierarchy.
- exception ArithmeticError¶
Base class for arithmetic errors.
- exception AssertionError¶
Assertion failed.
- exception AttributeError¶
Attribute not found.
- exception BaseException¶
Common base class for all exceptions
- exception BufferError¶
Buffer error.
- exception BytesWarning¶
Base class for warnings about bytes and buffer related problems, mostly related to conversion from str or comparing to str.
- exception DeprecationWarning¶
Base class for warnings about deprecated features.
- exception EOFError¶
Read beyond end of file.
- exception EnvironmentError¶
Base class for I/O related errors.
- errno¶
exception errno
- filename¶
exception filename
- strerror¶
exception strerror
- exception Exception¶
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
- exception FloatingPointError¶
Floating point operation failed.
- exception FutureWarning¶
Base class for warnings about constructs that will change semantically in the future.
- exception GeneratorExit¶
Request that a generator exit.
- exception IOError¶
I/O operation failed.
- exception ImportError¶
Import can’t find module, or can’t find name in module.
- exception ImportWarning¶
Base class for warnings about probable mistakes in module imports
- exception IndentationError¶
Improper indentation.
- exception IndexError¶
Sequence index out of range.
- exception KeyError¶
Mapping key not found.
- exception KeyboardInterrupt¶
Program interrupted by user.
- exception LookupError¶
Base class for lookup errors.
- exception MemoryError¶
Out of memory.
- exception NameError¶
Name not found globally.
- exception NotImplementedError¶
Method or function hasn’t been implemented yet.
- exception OSError¶
OS system call failed.
- exception OverflowError¶
Result too large to be represented.
- exception PendingDeprecationWarning¶
Base class for warnings about features which will be deprecated in the future.
- exception ReferenceError¶
Weak ref proxy used after referent went away.
- exception RuntimeError¶
Unspecified run-time error.
- exception RuntimeWarning¶
Base class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior.
- exception StandardError¶
Base class for all standard Python exceptions that do not represent interpreter exiting.
- exception StopIteration¶
Signal the end from iterator.next().
- exception SyntaxError¶
Invalid syntax.
- filename¶
exception filename
- lineno¶
exception lineno
- msg¶
exception msg
- offset¶
exception offset
- print_file_and_line¶
exception print_file_and_line
- text¶
exception text
- exception SyntaxWarning¶
Base class for warnings about dubious syntax.
- exception SystemError¶
Internal error in the Python interpreter.
Please report this to the Python maintainer, along with the traceback, the Python version, and the hardware/OS platform and version.
- exception TabError¶
Improper mixture of spaces and tabs.
- exception TypeError¶
Inappropriate argument type.
- exception UnboundLocalError¶
Local name referenced but not bound to a value.
- exception UnicodeDecodeError¶
Unicode decoding error.
- encoding¶
exception encoding
- end¶
exception end
- object¶
exception object
- reason¶
exception reason
- start¶
exception start
- exception UnicodeEncodeError¶
Unicode encoding error.
- encoding¶
exception encoding
- end¶
exception end
- object¶
exception object
- reason¶
exception reason
- start¶
exception start
- exception UnicodeError¶
Unicode related error.
- exception UnicodeTranslateError¶
Unicode translation error.
- encoding¶
exception encoding
- end¶
exception end
- object¶
exception object
- reason¶
exception reason
- start¶
exception start
- exception UnicodeWarning¶
Base class for warnings about Unicode related problems, mostly related to conversion problems.
- exception UserWarning¶
Base class for warnings generated by user code.
- exception ValueError¶
Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).
- exception Warning¶
Base class for warning categories.
- exception ZeroDivisionError¶
Second argument to a division or modulo operation was zero.