Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

## This file is part of Taurus, a Tango User Interface Library
## Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
## Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.

import fandango,vacca,traceback,taurus
from taurus.qt.qtgui.table.taurusdevicepropertytable import TaurusPropTable

from fandango.qt import DoubleClickable,Dropable
from taurus.external.qt import Qt
from taurus.core import TaurusDevice,TaurusAttribute,TaurusDatabase
from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.utils import PanelDescription

[docs]class VaccaPropTable(DoubleClickable(Dropable(TaurusPropTable))): """ It is a class that inherits from TaurusPropTable, DoubleClickable (fandango) and Dropable (fandango). Shows the Devices Properties, this widget is listening to shareDataManager if any Device has been selected to show its properties This class has the follow functionalities: * Is connected to shareDataManager to share information in the GUI. * Can be edit the property by doubleclick function. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, designMode = False): """ In Init, the class VaccaPropTable check if exist any shareDataManager to subscribe in it. :param parent: :param designMode: :return: """ #super(type(self),self).__init__(parent,designMode) TaurusPropTable.__init__(self,parent,designMode) sdm = vacca.utils.get_shared_data_manager() if sdm: sdm.connectReader('SelectedInstrument',self.setTable,readOnConnect=True) print sorted(a for a in dir(self) if 'check' in a ) if self.checkDropSupport(): self.setSupportedMimeTypes([self.TAURUS_DEV_MIME_TYPE, self.TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE, self.TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE, self.TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE, self.TEXT_MIME_TYPE]) self.setAcceptDrops(True) #self.setModifiableByUser(True) self.setDropEventCallback(self.setTable) self.setModelInConfig(False) self.setClickHook(self.editProperty) @staticmethod
[docs] def getPanelDescription(name='TangoDeviceProperties',model=''): """ :param name: Name for the Panel :param model: Model for the panel :return: """ return PanelDescription(name,classname='',model=model)
[docs] def getModelClass(self): return TaurusDevice
[docs] def setModel(self,model): """ Set Model is the callback used in shareDataManager to manage device selections. :param model: :return: """ try: self.setTable(model) except: traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def setTable(self,model,filters=[]): ''' This method overrides TaurusPropTable.setTable(), which connects with TaurusClassTable This method fill the table with the names of properties and values for the device selected ''' try: model = model and fandango.tango.parse_tango_model(str(model)) if model is None: self.warning('VaccaPropTable.setTable(%s(%s)): MODEL NOT PARSABLE!'%(type(model),model)) return else: try: model = model['device'] except: model = str(model) self.debug('VaccaPropTable.setTable(%s(%s))'%(type(model),model)) #TaurusPropTable.setTable(self,model) Qt.QObject.disconnect(self,Qt.SIGNAL("cellChanged(int,int)"),self.valueChanged) self.db = fandango.get_database() dev_name = str(model) self.list_prop = list(self.db.get_device_property_list(dev_name,'*')) neg = ['polled_attr']+[f[1:] for f in filters if f.startswith('!')] pos = [f for f in filters if not f.startswith('!')] self.list_prop = [p for p in self.list_prop if (not pos or fandango.matchAny(pos,p)) and not fandango.matchAny(neg,p)] self.setRowCount(len(self.list_prop)) for i in range(0,len(self.list_prop)): elem = self.list_prop[i] self.setText(elem,i,0) self.dictionary=self.db.get_device_property(dev_name,self.list_prop) self.debug('Getting %s properties: %s -> %s'%(dev_name,self.list_prop,self.dictionary)) value=self.dictionary[elem] self.debug('VaccaPropTable: property %s is type %s'%(elem,type(value))) USE_TABLES=False if USE_TABLES: self.setPropertyValue(value,i,1) else: if not isinstance(value,str): #not something like an string #if isinstance(value,list):#type(value) is list: heigh1 = len(value) value = '\n'.join(str(v) for v in value) # adding new lines in between elements in the list self.setText(str(value),i,1) self.updateStyle() self.dev_name = dev_name #self.dev_obj = taurus.Device(dev_name) self.setWindowTitle('%s Properties'%dev_name) self.resizeColumnsToContents() self.resizeRowsToContents() except: traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self,event): ''' This function is called when right clicking on qwt plot area. A pop up menu will be shown with the available options. ''''TaurusPropTable.contextMenuEvent()') menu = Qt.QMenu(self) configDialogAction = menu.addAction("Add new property") self.connect(configDialogAction, Qt.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.addProperty) configDialogAction = menu.addAction("Delete property") self.connect(configDialogAction, Qt.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.deleteProperty) configDialogAction = menu.addAction("Edit property") self.connect(configDialogAction, Qt.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.editProperty) menu.addSeparator() cmd = 'updateDynamicAttributes' if 'DynamicAttributes' in self.list_prop else 'init' configDialogAction = menu.addAction("Execute "+cmd+"()") self.connect(configDialogAction, Qt.SIGNAL("triggered()"), lambda d=self.dev_name,c=cmd: vacca.utils.YesNoDialog('Warning', 'Are you sure that %s supports %s() command?'%(self.dev_name,c)) and taurus.Device(d).command_inout(c)) menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) del menu
[docs] def getDefaultIcon(): """ :return: The Default Icon Path. """ import vacca.utils path = 'image/widgets/Properties.png' return vacca.utils.vpath(path)
@classmethod def __test__(klass,arg=None): from PyQt4 import Qt qapp = Qt.QApplication([]) i = klass() print i print klass if arg: i.setTable(arg) qapp.exec_()
__doc__ = vacca.get_autodoc(__name__,vars()) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys VaccaPropTable.__test__(*sys.argv[1:])