TwitterAPI 2.2 documentation


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class TwitterAPI.TwitterRestPager.TwitterRestPager(api, resource, params=None)

Continuous (stream-like) pagination of response from Twitter REST API resource.

  • api – An authenticated TwitterAPI object
  • resource – String with the resource path (ex. search/tweets)
  • params – Dictionary of resource parameters
get_iterator(wait=5, new_tweets=False)

Iterate response from Twitter REST API resource. Resource is called in a loop to retrieve consecutive pages of results.

  • wait – Integer number (default=5) of seconds wait between requests. Depending on the resource, appropriate values are 5 or 60 seconds.
  • new_tweets – Boolean determining the search direction. False (default) retrieves old results. True retrieves current results.

JSON objects containing statuses, errors or other return info.

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