Source code for thanatos.questions.universe

import random
import logging

from thanatos import categories
from thanatos.database import universe
from thanatos.questions.base import Question

_log = logging.getLogger('thanatos')

class BorderingRegionsQuestion(Question):
    """ Asks what region boards another given region. """
[docs] name = 'Bordering Regions' description = 'Asks what region borders another region.' category = categories.geography sub_category = categories.geography_regions random_weight = 20 question = 'Which of the following regions borders the {} region?' def ask(self): # Lets start by getting a region to base this all on and call it the source region # Lets ignore WH regions though all_regions = universe.get_all_not_wh_regions(self.db_connection) # Before we pick our source region we need to remove the Jove regions of as they have no gates: all_regions = remove_regions_with_no_gates(all_regions) # Now pick our random source region source_region = random.choice(all_regions) # Next lets find a random region that is connected to the source region, this will be the answer connected_regions = universe.get_all_regions_connected_to_region(self.db_connection, source_region[0]) correct_answer = random.choice(connected_regions) # Now we need to find the possible wrong answers # These regions need to not be connected to the source region # And also not the source region itself regions_to_exclude = [x for x in connected_regions] regions_to_exclude.append(source_region) possible_wrong_answers = list(set(all_regions) - set(regions_to_exclude)) question = self.format_question(correct_answer, possible_wrong_answers, self.question.format(source_region[1])) return question class PoitotFamousForQuestion(Question): """ Asks what Poitot is famous for being. """
[docs] name = 'Poitot' description = 'Asks what the Poitot solar system is famous for being.' category = categories.geography sub_category = categories.geography_miscellaneous random_weight = 1 question = 'Poitot is famous for being...?' def ask(self): correct_answer = (0, 'The only named system in Syndicate.') # It would be great to add more here over time. possible_wrong_answers = [ (1, 'Kind to animals.'), (2, 'A fictional space detective.'), (3, 'Adjacent to F67E-Q.'), ] question = self.format_question(correct_answer, possible_wrong_answers, self.question) return question def remove_regions_with_no_gates(regions): """ Removes all Jove regions from a list of regions.
[docs] :param regions: A list of tuples (regionID, regionName) :type regions: list :return: A list of regions minus those in jove space :rtype: list """ list_of_gateless_regions = [ (10000004, 'UUA-F4'), (10000017, 'J7HZ-F'), (10000019, 'A821-A'), ] for gateless_region in list_of_gateless_regions: if gateless_region in regions: regions.remove(gateless_region) return regions