Parameters: |
- A (Candecomp,ndarray,TT,TensorWrapper) – Available input formats are Candecomp, full tensor in numpy.ndarray, Tensor Train structure (list of cores), or a Tensor Wrapper.
- W (list) – list of 1-dimensional ndarray containing the weights for each dimension.
- store_location (string) – Store computed values during construction on the specified file path. The stored values are ttcross_Jinit and the values used in the TensorWrapper. This permits a restart from already computed values. If empty string nothing is done. (method==’ttcross’)
- store_object (string) – Object to be stored (default are the tensor wrapper and ttcross_Jinit)
- store_freq (int) – storage frequency. store_freq==1 stores intermediate values at every iteration. The program stores data every store_freq internal iterations. If store_object is a SpectralTensorTrain, then store_freq determines the number of seconds every which to store values.
- multidim_point (int) – If the object A returns a multidimensional array, then this can be used to define which point to apply ttcross to.