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Tensor Train Vectors

class TensorToolbox.core.TTvec(A, store_location='', store_object=None, store_freq=1, store_overwrite=False, multidim_point=None)

Constructor of multidimensional tensor in Tensor Train format [3]

  • A (Candecomp,ndarray,TT,TensorWrapper) – Available input formats are Candecomp, full tensor in numpy.ndarray, Tensor Train structure (list of cores), or a Tensor Wrapper.
  • store_location (string) – Store computed values during construction on the specified file path. The stored values are ttcross_Jinit and the values used in the TensorWrapper. This permits a restart from already computed values. If empty string nothing is done. (method==’ttcross’)
  • store_object (string) – Object to be stored (default are the tensor wrapper and ttcross_Jinit)
  • store_freq (int) – storage frequency. store_freq==1 stores intermediate values at every iteration. The program stores data every store_freq internal iterations. If store_object is a SpectralTensorTrain, then store_freq determines the number of seconds every which to store values.
  • multidim_point (int) – If the object A returns a multidimensional array, then this can be used to define which point to apply ttcross to.
build(eps=1e-10, method='svd', rs=None, fix_rank=False, Jinit=None, delta=0.0001, maxit=100, mv_eps=1e-06, mv_maxit=100, kickrank=None)

Common interface for the construction of the approximation.

  • eps (float) – [default == 1e-10] For method==’svd’: precision with which to approximate the input tensor. For method==’ttcross’: TT-rounding tolerance for rank-check.
  • method (string) – ‘svd’ use singular value decomposition to construct the TT representation [3], ‘ttcross’ use low rank skeleton approximation to construct the TT representation [4], ‘ttdmrg’ uses Tensor Train Renormalization Cross to construct the TT representation [5][6], ‘ttdmrgcross’ uses ‘ttdmrg’ with ‘ttcross’ approximation of supercores
  • rs (list) – list of integer ranks of different cores. If None then the incremental TTcross approach will be used. (method==’ttcross’)
  • fix_rank (bool) – determines whether the rank is allowed to be increased (method==’ttcross’)
  • Jinit (list) – list of list of integers containing the r starting columns in the lowrankapprox routine for each core. If None then pick them randomly. (method==’ttcross’)
  • delta (float) – accuracy parameter in the TT-cross routine (method==’ttcross’). It is the relative error in Frobenious norm between two successive iterations.
  • maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations in the lowrankapprox routine (method==’ttcross’)
  • mv_eps (float) – accuracy parameter for each usage of the maxvol algorithm (method==’ttcross’)
  • mv_maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations in the maxvol routine (method==’ttcross’)
  • fix_rank – Whether the rank is allowed to increase
  • kickrank (int) – rank overshooting for ‘ttdmrg’

Used to get the Frobeniuos norm of the underlying data. This needs to be redefined in QTTvec in order to get the Frobeniuous norm of the real tensor.

get_ttdmrg_real_subtensor(C, idx)

Used to get the real subtensor of the underlying data. This needs to be redefined in QTTvec in order to get the subtensor of the real tensor.

inner_ttcross(rs, Jinit, delta, maxit, mv_eps, mv_maxit, store_init=True)

Construct a TT representation of A using TT cross

  • rs (list) – list of upper ranks (A.ndim)
  • Jinit (list) – list (A.ndim-1) of lists of init indices
  • mv_eps (float) – MaxVol accuracy
  • mv_maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations for MaxVol
  • store_init (bool) – indicates whether to store the init Jinit (see outer_ttcross)
interpolate(Ms=None, eps=1e-08, is_sparse=None)

Interpolates the values of the TTvec at arbitrary points, using the interpolation matrices Ms.

  • Ms (list) – list of interpolation matrices for each dimension. Ms[i].shape[1] == self.shape()[i]
  • eps (float) – tolerance with which to perform the rounding after interpolation
  • is_sparse (list) – is_sparse[i] is a bool indicating whether Ms[i] is sparse or not. If ‘None’ all matrices are non sparse

TTvec interpolation

Return type:


>>> from DABISpectralToolbox import DABISpectral1D as S1D
>>> Ms = [ S1D.LinearInterpolationMatrix(X[i],XI[i]) for i in range(d) ]
>>> is_sparse = [True]*d
>>> TTapproxI = TTapprox.interpolate(Ms,eps=1e-8,is_sparse=is_sparse)
project(Vs=None, Ws=None, eps=1e-08, is_sparse=None)

Project the TTvec onto a set of basis provided, using the Generalized Vandermonde matrices Vs and weights Ws.

  • Vs (list) – list of generalized Vandermonde matrices for each dimension. Ms[i].shape[1] == self.shape()[i]
  • Ws (list) – list of weights for each dimension. Ws[i].shape[0] == self.shape()[i]
  • eps (float) – tolerance with which to perform the rounding after interpolation
  • is_sparse (list) – is_sparse[i] is a bool indicating whether Ms[i] is sparse or not. If ‘None’ all matrices are non sparse

TTvec containting the Fourier coefficients

Return type:


>>> from DABISpectralToolbox import DABISpectral1D as S1D
>>> P = S1D.Poly1D(S1D.JACOBI,(0,0))
>>> x,w = S1D.Quadrature(10,S1D.GAUSS)
>>> X = [x]*d
>>> W = [w]*d
>>> # Compute here the TTapprox at points X
>>> TTapprox = TTvec(....)
>>> # Project
>>> Vs = [ P.GradVandermonde1D(x,10,0,norm=False) ] * d
>>> is_sparse = [False]*d
>>> TTfourier = TTapprox.project(Vs,W,eps=1e-8,is_sparse=is_sparse)





Returns the shape of the tensor represented

ttcross(eps, rs, Jinit, delta, maxit, mv_eps, mv_maxit, fix_rank=False)

Construct a TT representation of A using TT cross. This routine manage the outer loops for incremental ttcross or passes everything to ttcross if rs are specified.

  • eps (float) – tolerance with which to perform the TT-rounding and check the rank accuracy
  • rs (list) – list of upper ranks (A.ndim)
  • Jinit (list) – list (A.ndim-1) of lists of init indices
  • delta (float) – TT-cross accuracy
  • maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations for ttcross
  • mv_eps (float) – MaxVol accuracy
  • mv_maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations for MaxVol
  • fix_rank (bool) – Whether the rank is allowed to increase
ttdmrg(eps, Jinit, maxit, mv_eps, mv_maxit, kickrank=None, cross=False, store_init=True, loop_detection=False)

Construct a TT representation of A using TT-Density matrix renormalization group

  • eps (float) – Frobenious tolerance of the approximation
  • Jinit (list) – listo (A.ndim-1) of lists of init indices
  • maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations of the ttdmrg
  • mv_eps (float) – MaxVol accuracy
  • mv_maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations for MaxVol
  • kickrank (int) – rank overshooting
  • cross (bool) – if True it uses ttcross for the supercores. If False it uses plain SVD.
  • store_init (bool) – whether to store the initial indices used (restarting from the same indices will lead to the same construction).
  • loop_detection (bool) – whether to check for loops. (Never occurred that we needed it)
ttdmrgcross(eps, Jinit, maxit, mv_eps, mv_maxit, kickrank=None, store_init=True, loop_detection=False)

Construct a TT representation of A using TT-Density matrix renormalization group

  • eps (float) – Frobenious tolerance of the approximation
  • Jinit (list) – listo (A.ndim-1) of lists of init indices
  • maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations of the ttdmrg
  • mv_eps (float) – MaxVol accuracy
  • mv_maxit (int) – maximum number of iterations for MaxVol
  • kickrank (int) – rank overshooting
  • cross (bool) – if True it uses ttcross for the supercores. If False it uses plain SVD.
  • store_init (bool) – whether to store the initial indices used (restarting from the same indices will lead to the same construction).
  • loop_detection (bool) – whether to check for loops. (Never occurred that we needed it)