# Copyright 2014 (C) Adam Greig
# This file is part of Tawhiri.
# Tawhiri is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Tawhiri is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Provide all the balloon models, termination conditions and
functions to combine models and termination conditions.
import calendar
import math
from . import interpolate
_PI_180 = math.pi / 180.0
_180_PI = 180.0 / math.pi
## Up/Down Models #############################################################
[docs]def make_constant_ascent(ascent_rate):
"""Return a constant-ascent model at `ascent_rate` (m/s)"""
def constant_ascent(t, lat, lng, alt):
return 0.0, 0.0, ascent_rate
return constant_ascent
[docs]def make_drag_descent(sea_level_descent_rate):
"""Return a descent-under-parachute model with sea level descent
`sea_level_descent_rate` (m/s). Descent rate at altitude is determined
using an altitude model courtesy of NASA:
For a given altitude the air density is computed, a drag coefficient is
estimated from the sea level descent rate, and the resulting terminal
velocity is computed by the returned model function.
def density(alt):
temp = pressure = 0.0
if alt > 25000:
temp = -131.21 + 0.00299 * alt
pressure = 2.488 * ((temp + 273.1)/(216.6)) ** (-11.388)
elif 11000 < alt <= 25000:
temp = -56.46
pressure = 22.65 * math.exp(1.73 - 0.000157 * alt)
temp = 15.04 - 0.00649 * alt
pressure = 101.29 * ((temp + 273.1)/288.08) ** (5.256)
return pressure / (0.2869*(temp + 273.1))
drag_coefficient = sea_level_descent_rate * 1.1045
def drag_descent(t, lat, lng, alt):
return 0.0, 0.0, -drag_coefficient/math.sqrt(density(alt))
return drag_descent
## Sideways Models ############################################################
[docs]def make_wind_velocity(dataset):
"""Return a wind-velocity model, which gives lateral movement at
the wind velocity for the current time, latitude, longitude and
altitude. The `dataset` argument is the wind dataset in use.
get_wind = interpolate.make_interpolator(dataset)
dataset_epoch = calendar.timegm(dataset.ds_time.timetuple())
def wind_velocity(t, lat, lng, alt):
t -= dataset_epoch
u, v = get_wind(t / 3600.0, lat, lng, alt)
R = 6371009 + alt
dlat = _180_PI * v / R
dlng = _180_PI * u / (R * math.cos(lat * _PI_180))
return dlat, dlng, 0.0
return wind_velocity
## Termination Criteria #######################################################
[docs]def make_burst_termination(burst_altitude):
"""Return a burst-termination criteria, which terminates integration
when the altitude reaches `burst_altitude`.
def burst_termination(t, lat, lng, alt):
if alt >= burst_altitude:
return True
return burst_termination
[docs]def sea_level_termination(t, lat, lng, alt):
"""A termination criteria which terminates integration when
the altitude is less than (or equal to) zero.
Note that this is not a model factory.
if alt <= 0:
return True
[docs]def make_elevation_data_termination(dataset=None):
"""A termination criteria which terminates integration when the
altitude goes below ground level, using the elevation data
in `dataset` (which should be a ruaumoko.Dataset).
def tc(t, lat, lng, alt):
return dataset.get(lat, lng) > alt
return tc
[docs]def make_time_termination(max_time):
"""A time based termination criteria, which terminates integration when
the current time is greater than `max_time` (a UNIX timestamp).
def time_termination(t, lat, lng, alt):
if t > max_time:
return True
return time_termination
## Model Combinations #########################################################
[docs]def make_linear_model(models):
"""Return a model that returns the sum of all the models in `models`.
def linear_model(t, lat, lng, alt):
dlat, dlng, dalt = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
for model in models:
d = model(t, lat, lng, alt)
dlat, dlng, dalt = dlat + d[0], dlng + d[1], dalt + d[2]
return dlat, dlng, dalt
return linear_model
[docs]def make_any_terminator(terminators):
"""Return a terminator that terminates when any of `terminators` would
def terminator(t, lat, lng, alt):
return any(term(t, lat, lng, alt) for term in terminators)
return terminator
## Pre-Defined Profiles #######################################################
[docs]def standard_profile(ascent_rate, burst_altitude, descent_rate,
wind_dataset, elevation_dataset):
"""Make a model chain for the standard high altitude balloon situation of
ascent at a constant rate followed by burst and subsequent descent
at terminal velocity under parachute with a predetermined sea level
descent rate.
Requires the balloon `ascent_rate`, `burst_altitude` and `descent_rate`,
and additionally requires the dataset to use for wind velocities.
Returns a tuple of (model, terminator) pairs.
model_up = make_linear_model([make_constant_ascent(ascent_rate),
term_up = make_burst_termination(burst_altitude)
model_down = make_linear_model([make_drag_descent(descent_rate),
term_down = make_elevation_data_termination(elevation_dataset)
return ((model_up, term_up), (model_down, term_down))
[docs]def float_profile(ascent_rate, float_altitude, stop_time, dataset):
"""Make a model chain for the typical floating balloon situation of ascent
at constant altitude to a float altitude which persists for some
amount of time before stopping. Descent is in general not modelled.
model_up = make_linear_model([make_constant_ascent(ascent_rate),
term_up = make_burst_termination(float_altitude)
model_float = make_wind_velocity(dataset)
term_float = make_time_termination(stop_time)
return ((model_up, term_up), (model_float, term_float))