Source code for trappy.plotter.ILinePlotGen

#    Copyright 2015-2016 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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"""This is helper module for :mod:`trappy.plotter.ILinePlot`
for adding HTML and javascript necessary for interactive
plotting. The Linear to 2-D co-ordination transformations
are done by using the functionality in

from trappy.plotter import AttrConf
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import os
from trappy.plotter import IPythonConf
from trappy.plotter.ColorMap import to_dygraph_colors

if not IPythonConf.check_ipython():
    raise ImportError("No Ipython Environment found")

from IPython.display import display, HTML

[docs]def df_to_dygraph(data_frame): """Helper function to convert a :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` to dygraph data :param data_frame: The DataFrame to be converted :type data_frame: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` """ values = data_frame.values.tolist() data = [[x] for x in data_frame.index.tolist()] for idx, (_, val) in enumerate(zip(data, values)): data[idx] += val return { "data": data, "labels": ["index"] + data_frame.columns.tolist(), }
[docs]class ILinePlotGen(object): """ :param num_plots: The total number of plots :type num_plots: int The linear co-ordinate system :math:`[0, N_{plots}]` is mapped to a 2-D coordinate system with :math:`N_{rows}` and :math:`N_{cols}` such that: .. math:: N_{rows} = \\frac{N_{cols}}{N_{plots}} """ def _add_graph_cell(self, fig_name, color_map): """Add a HTML table cell to hold the plot""" colors_opt_arg = ", " + to_dygraph_colors(color_map) if color_map else "" graph_js = '' lib_urls = [IPythonConf.DYGRAPH_COMBINED_URL, IPythonConf.DYGRAPH_SYNC_URL, IPythonConf.UNDERSCORE_URL] for url in lib_urls: graph_js += '<!-- TRAPPY_PUBLISH_SOURCE_LIB = "{}" -->\n'.format(url) graph_js += """ <script> /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_IMPORT = "plotter/js/ILinePlot.js" */ /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_START */ var ilp_req = require.config( { paths: { "dygraph-sync": '""" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("plotter_scripts/ILinePlot/synchronizer") + """', "dygraph": '""" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("plotter_scripts/ILinePlot/dygraph-combined") + """', "ILinePlot": '""" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("plotter_scripts/ILinePlot/ILinePlot") + """', "underscore": '""" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("plotter_scripts/ILinePlot/underscore-min") + """', }, shim: { "dygraph-sync": ["dygraph"], "ILinePlot": { "deps": ["dygraph-sync", "dygraph", "underscore"], "exports": "ILinePlot" } } }); /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_STOP */ ilp_req(["require", "ILinePlot"], function() { /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_LINE */ ILinePlot.generate(""" + fig_name + "_data" + colors_opt_arg + """); }); /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_LINE */ </script> """ cell = '<td style="border-style: hidden;"><div class="ilineplot" id="{}"></div></td>'.format(fig_name) self._html.append(cell) self._js.append(graph_js) def _add_legend_cell(self, fig_name): """Add HTML table cell for the legend""" legend_div_name = fig_name + "_legend" cell = '<td style="border-style: hidden;"><div style="text-align:center" id="{}"></div></td>'.format(legend_div_name) self._html.append(cell) def _begin_row(self): """Add the opening tag for HTML row""" self._html.append("<tr>") def _end_row(self): """Add the closing tag for the HTML row""" self._html.append("</tr>") def _end_table(self): """Add the closing tag for the HTML table""" self._html.append("</table>") def _generate_fig_name(self): """Generate a unique figure name""" fig_name = "fig_" + uuid.uuid4().hex self._fig_map[self._fig_index] = fig_name self._fig_index += 1 return fig_name def _init_html(self, color_map): """Initialize HTML code for the plots""" table = '<table style="border-style: hidden;">' self._html.append(table) if self._attr["title"]: cell = '<caption style="text-align:center; font: 24px sans-serif bold; color: black">{}</caption>'.format(self._attr["title"]) self._html.append(cell) for _ in range(self._rows): self._begin_row() legend_figs = [] for _ in range(self._attr["per_line"]): fig_name = self._generate_fig_name() legend_figs.append(fig_name) self._add_graph_cell(fig_name, color_map) self._end_row() self._begin_row() for l_fig in legend_figs: self._add_legend_cell(l_fig) self._end_row() self._end_table() def __init__(self, num_plots, **kwargs): self._attr = kwargs self._html = [] self._js = [] self._js_plot_data = [] self.num_plots = num_plots self._fig_map = {} self._fig_index = 0 self._single_plot = False if self.num_plots == 0: raise RuntimeError("No plots for the given constraints") if self.num_plots < self._attr["per_line"]: self._attr["per_line"] = self.num_plots self._rows = (self.num_plots / self._attr["per_line"]) if self.num_plots % self._attr["per_line"] != 0: self._rows += 1 self._attr["height"] = AttrConf.HTML_HEIGHT self._init_html(kwargs.pop("colors", None)) def _check_add_scatter(self, fig_params): """Check if a scatter plot is needed and augment the fig_params accordingly""" if self._attr["scatter"]: fig_params["drawPoints"] = True fig_params["strokeWidth"] = 0.0 else: fig_params["drawPoints"] = False fig_params["strokeWidth"] = AttrConf.LINE_WIDTH fig_params["pointSize"] = self._attr["point_size"]
[docs] def add_plot(self, plot_num, data_frame, title="", test=False): """Add a plot for the corresponding index :param plot_num: The linear index of the plot :type plot_num: int :param data_frame: The data for the plot :type data_frame: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` :param title: The title for the plot :type title: str """ datapoints = sum(len(v) for _, v in data_frame.iteritems()) if datapoints > self._attr["max_datapoints"]: msg = "This plot is too big and will probably make your browser unresponsive. If you are happy to wait, pass max_datapoints={} to view()".\ format(datapoints + 1) raise ValueError(msg) fig_name = self._fig_map[plot_num] fig_params = {} fig_params["data"] = df_to_dygraph(data_frame) fig_params["name"] = fig_name fig_params["rangesel"] = False fig_params["logscale"] = False fig_params["title"] = title fig_params["step_plot"] = self._attr["step_plot"] fig_params["fill_graph"] = self._attr["fill"] fig_params["per_line"] = self._attr["per_line"] fig_params["height"] = self._attr["height"] self._check_add_scatter(fig_params) if "group" in self._attr: fig_params["syncGroup"] = self._attr["group"] if "sync_zoom" in self._attr: fig_params["syncZoom"] = self._attr["sync_zoom"] else: fig_params["syncZoom"] = AttrConf.DEFAULT_SYNC_ZOOM if "ylim" in self._attr: fig_params["valueRange"] = self._attr["ylim"] if "xlim" in self._attr: fig_params["dateWindow"] = self._attr["xlim"] fig_data = "var {}_data = {};".format(fig_name, json.dumps(fig_params)) self._js_plot_data.append("<script>") self._js_plot_data.append(fig_data) self._js_plot_data.append("</script>")
[docs] def finish(self): """Called when the Plotting is finished""" display(HTML(self.html()))
[docs] def html(self): """Return the raw HTML text""" return "\n".join(self._html + self._js_plot_data + self._js)