Source code for trappy.plotter.EventPlot

#    Copyright 2015-2016 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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The EventPlot is used to represent Events with two characteristics:

    - A name, which determines the colour on the plot
    - A lane, which determines the lane in which the event occurred

In the case of a cpu residency plot, the term lane can be equated to
a CPU and the name attribute can be the PID of the task

from trappy.plotter import AttrConf
import uuid
import json
import os
from trappy.plotter.AbstractDataPlotter import AbstractDataPlotter
from trappy.plotter import IPythonConf
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

if not IPythonConf.check_ipython():
    raise ImportError("Ipython Environment not Found")

from IPython.display import display, HTML
# pylint: disable=R0201
# pylint: disable=R0921

[docs]class EventPlot(AbstractDataPlotter): """ Input Data should be of the format :: { "<name1>" : [ [event_start, event_end, lane], . . [event_start, event_end, lane], ], . . . "<nameN>" : [ [event_start, event_end, lane], . . [event_start, event_end, lane], ], } :param data: Input Data :type data: dict :param keys: List of unique names in the data dictionary :type keys: list :param domain: Domain of the event data :type domain: tuple :param lane_prefix: A string prefix to be used to name each lane :type lane_prefix: str :param num_lanes: Total number of expected lanes :type num_lanes: int :param summary: Show a mini plot below the main plot with an overview of where your current view is with respect to the whole trace :type summary: bool :param stride: Stride can be used if the trace is very large. It results in sampled rendering :type stride: bool :param lanes: The sorted order of lanes :type lanes: list :param color_map: A mapping between events and colours :: { "<name1>" : "colour1", . . . "<nameN>" : "colourN" } Colour string can be: - Colour names (supported colours are listed in - HEX representation of colour, like #FF0000 for "red", #008000 for "green", #0000FF for "blue" and so on :type color_map: dict """ def __init__( self, data, keys, domain, lane_prefix="Lane: ", num_lanes=0, summary=True, stride=False, lanes=None, color_map=None): _data = deepcopy(data) self._html = [] self._fig_name = self._generate_fig_name() # Function to get the average duration of each event avgFunc = lambda x: sum([(evt[1] - evt[0]) for evt in x]) / float(len(x) + 1) avg = {k: avgFunc(v) for k, v in data.iteritems()} # Filter keys with zero average time keys = filter(lambda x : avg[x] != 0, avg) graph = {} graph["lanes"] = self._get_lanes(lanes, lane_prefix, num_lanes, _data) graph["xDomain"] = domain graph["keys"] = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: avg[x], reverse=True) graph["showSummary"] = summary graph["stride"] = AttrConf.EVENT_PLOT_STRIDE graph["colorMap"] = color_map graph["data"] = self._group_data_by_lanes(_data) self._data = json.dumps(graph) # Initialize the HTML, CSS and JS Components self._add_css() self._init_html() def _group_data_by_lanes(self, data): """Group data by lanes. This enables the Javascript code to handle the same event occuring simultaneously in different lanes. """ lane_data = {} for key, value in data.items(): lane_data[key] = defaultdict(list) for tsinfo in value: lane_data[key][tsinfo[2]].append(tsinfo[:2]) return lane_data
[docs] def view(self): """Views the Graph Object""" # Defer installation of IPython components # to the .view call to avoid any errors at # when importing the module. This facilitates # the importing of the module from outside # an IPython notebook IPythonConf.iplot_install("EventPlot") display(HTML(self.html()))
[docs] def savefig(self, path): """Save the plot in the provided path .. warning:: Not Implemented for :mod:`trappy.plotter.EventPlot` """ raise NotImplementedError( "Save is not currently implemented for EventPlot")
def _get_lanes(self, input_lanes, lane_prefix, num_lanes, data): """Populate the lanes for the plot""" # If the user has specified lanes explicitly lanes = [] if input_lanes: lane_map = {} for idx, lane in enumerate(input_lanes): lane_map[lane] = idx for name in data: for event in data[name]: lane = event[2] try: event[2] = lane_map[lane] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Invalid Lane %s" % lane) for idx, lane in enumerate(input_lanes): lanes.append({"id": idx, "label": lane}) else: if not num_lanes: raise RuntimeError("Either lanes or num_lanes must be specified") for idx in range(num_lanes): lanes.append({"id": idx, "label": "{}{}".format(lane_prefix, idx)}) return lanes def _generate_fig_name(self): """Generate a unqiue name for the figure""" fig_name = "fig_" + uuid.uuid4().hex return fig_name def _init_html(self): """Initialize HTML for the plot""" div_js = '' for url in [IPythonConf.D3_PLOTTER_URL, IPythonConf.D3_TIP_URL]: div_js += '<!-- TRAPPY_PUBLISH_SOURCE_LIB = "{}" -->\n'.format(url) div_js += """ <script> /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_IMPORT = "plotter/js/EventPlot.js" */ /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_START */ var req = require.config( { paths: { "EventPlot": '""" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("plotter_scripts/EventPlot/EventPlot") + """', "d3-tip": '""" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("plotter_scripts/EventPlot/d3.tip.v0.6.3") + """', "d3-plotter": '""" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("plotter_scripts/EventPlot/d3.min") + """' }, waitSeconds: 15, shim: { "d3-plotter" : { "exports" : "d3" }, "d3-tip": ["d3-plotter"], "EventPlot": { "deps": ["d3-tip", "d3-plotter" ], "exports": "EventPlot" } } }); /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_STOP */ """ div_js += """ req(["require", "EventPlot"], function() { /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_LINE */ EventPlot.generate('""" + self._fig_name + "', '" + IPythonConf.add_web_base("") + "', " + self._data + """); }); /* TRAPPY_PUBLISH_REMOVE_LINE */ </script> """ self._html.append( '<div id="{}" class="eventplot">\n{}</div>'.format(self._fig_name, div_js)) def _add_css(self): """Append the CSS to the HTML code generated""" base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) css_file = os.path.join(base_dir, "css/EventPlot.css") self._html.append("<style>") with open(css_file, 'r') as css_fh: self._html += [l[:-1] for l in css_fh.readlines()] self._html.append("</style>")
[docs] def html(self): """Return a Raw HTML string for the plot""" return "\n".join(self._html)