Convert an attribute name in the form:
# direct predicate
# inverse predicate
<!-- direct predicate -->
<!-- inverse predicate -->
The function returns two values, the uri representation and True if it’s a direct predicate or False if its an inverse predicate.
Adds spaces to a camel case string. Failure to space out string returns the original string.
True if it’s a direct attribute
>>> util.is_attr_direct('foaf_name')
>>> util.is_attr_direct('is_foaf_name_of')
Same as uri_split, but instead of the base of the uri, returns the registered namespace for this uri
>>> print util.namespace_split('http://mynamespace/ns#some_property')
(rdflib.URIRef('http://mynamespace/ns#'), 'some_property')
Returns a string of the given URI under the form namespace:symbol, if namespace is registered, else returns an empty string
Inverse of attr2rdf, return the attribute name, given the URI and whether it is direct or not.
>>> print rdf2attr('',True)
>>> print rdf2attr('',False)
Split the uri into base path and remainder, the base is everything that comes before the last #‘ or / including it
>>> print util.uri_split('http://mynamespace/ns#some_property')
('NS1', 'some_property')
returns a class object from the supplied uri, used uri_to_class to get a valid class name
>>> print util.uri_to_class('http://mynamespace/ns#some_class')
handy function to convert a uri to a Python valid class name
>>> # prints Ns1some_class, where Ns1 is the namespace (not registered, assigned automatically)
>>> print util.uri_to_classname('http://mynamespace/ns#some_class')
the function generates a unique subject in the provided namespace based on the uuid.uuid4() method, If namespace is not specified than the default SURF namespace is used
>>> print util.uuid_subject(ns.SIOC)