The surf.plugin.writer Module

class surf.plugin.writer.RDFWriter(reader, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: surf.plugin.Plugin

Super class for all surf Writer plugins.

add_triple(s=None, p=None, o=None, context=None)[source]

Add a triple to the store, in the specified context.

None can be used as a wildcard.


Remove all triples from the store.

If context is specified, only the specified context will be cleared.


Close the plugin.


Enables or disable logging for the current plugin.


Perform index of the triples if such functionality is present.

Return True if operation successful.


True if logging is enabled.


Load triples from supported sources if such functionality is present.

Return True if operation successful.

remove(*resources, **kwargs)[source]

Completely remove the *resources from the store.

remove_triple(s=None, p=None, o=None, context=None)[source]

Remove a triple from the store, from the specified context.

None can be used as a wildcard.


Replace the *resources in store with their current state.

set_triple(s=None, p=None, o=None, context=None)[source]

Replace a triple in the store and specified context.

None can be used as a wildcard.


Return the number of triples in the current store.


Update the *resources to the store - persist.

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