Stoner Package

Core Module


Stoner.Core.StonerLoadError An exception thrown by the file loading routines in the Stoner Package.
Stoner.Core.DataFile(*args, **kargs) Stoner.Core.DataFile is the base class object that represents
Stoner.Core.DataArray A sub class of with a copy of the setas attribute to allow indexing by name.
Stoner.Core.typeHintedDict(*args, **kargs) Extends a blist.sorteddict to include type hints of what each key contains.


Stoner.Core.isNone(iterator) Returns True if input is None or an empty iterator, or an iterator of None.
Stoner.Core.all_size(iterator[, size]) Check whether each element of iterator is the same length/shape.
Stoner.Core.all_type(iterator, typ) Determines if an interable omnly contains a common type.

Analysis Module


Stoner.Analysis.AnalyseFile(*args, **kargs) Stoner.Analysis.AnalyseFile extends Stoner.Core.DataFile with numpy and scipy passthrough functions.


Plot Module

Stoner.PlotFormats.DefaultPlotStyle(**kargs) Produces a default plot style.
Stoner.Plot.PlotFile(*args, **kargs) Extends DataFile with plotting functions.
Stoner.Plot.hsl2rgb(h, s, l) Converts from hsl colourspace to rgb colour space with numpy arrays for speed.
Stoner.Plot.index_types tuple() -> empty tuple
Stoner.Plot.int_types tuple() -> empty tuple
Stoner.Plot.python_v3 bool(x) -> bool
Stoner.Plot.string_types tuple() -> empty tuple

Folders Module

Stoner.Folders.DataFolder(*args, **kargs) Implements a class that manages lists of data files (e.g.
Stoner.Folders.PlotFolder(*args, **kargs) A subclass of DataFolder with extra methods for plotting lots of files.
Stoner.Folders.index_types tuple() -> empty tuple
Stoner.Folders.int_types tuple() -> empty tuple
Stoner.Folders.python_v3 bool(x) -> bool
Stoner.Folders.string_types tuple() -> empty tuple

FileFormats Module

Generic Fomats

CSVFile(*args, **kargs) A subclass of DataFiule for loading generic deliminated text fiules without metadata.
SPCFile(*args, **kargs) Extends DataFile to load SPC files from Raman
TDMSFile(*args, **kargs) A first stab at writing a file that will import TDMS files
OVFFile(*args, **kargs) A class that reads OOMMF vector format files and constructs x,y,z,u,v,w data.
EasyPlotFile(*args, **kargs) A class that will extract as much as it can from an EasyPlot save File.

Instrument Formats

BigBlueFile(*args, **kargs) Extends CSVFile to load files from BigBlue
FmokeFile(*args, **kargs) Extends DataFile to open Fmoke Files
QDSquidVSMFile(*args, **kargs) Extends DataFile to load files from The SQUID VSM
RigakuFile(*args, **kargs) Loads a .ras file as produced by Rigaku X-ray diffractormeters
VSMFile(*args, **kargs) Extends DataFile to open VSM Files
MokeFile(*args, **kargs) Class that extgends DataFile to load files from the Leeds MOKE system.
XRDFile(*args, **kargs) Loads Files from a Brucker D8 Discovery X-Ray Diffractometer
LSTemperatureFile(*args, **kargs) A class that reads and writes Lakeshore Temperature Calibration Curves.

Facility Outputs

BNLFile(*params) Creates BNLFile a subclass of DataFile that caters for files in the SPEC format given by BNL (specifically u4b beamline but hopefully generalisable).
MDAASCIIFile(*args, **kargs) Reads files generated from the APS.
OpenGDAFile(*args, **kargs) Extends DataFile to load files from RASOR
RasorFile(*args, **kargs) Just an alias for OpenGDAFile
SNSFile(*args, **kargs) This reads the ASCII exported Poalrised Neutron Rfeflectivity reduced files from BL-4A line at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Lab.

PlotFormats Module


Stoner.PlotFormats.DefaultPlotStyle(**kargs) Produces a default plot style.
Stoner.PlotFormats.GBPlotStyle(**kargs) Template developed for Gavin’s plotting.
Stoner.PlotFormats.JTBPlotStyle(**kargs) Template class for Joe’s Plot settings.
Stoner.PlotFormats.JTBinsetStyle(**kargs) Template class for Joe’s Plot settings.
Stoner.PlotFormats.PRBPlotStyle(**kargs) A figure Style for making figures for Phys Rev * Jounrals.
Stoner.PlotFormats.SketchPlot(**kargs) Turn on xkcd plot style.
Stoner.PlotFormats.TexEngFormatter([unit, ...]) An axis tick label formatter that emits Tex formula mode code so that large numbers are registered as times 10^{power} rather than ysing E notation.
Stoner.PlotFormats.TexFormatter An axis tick label formatter that emits Tex formula mode code so that large numbers are registered as times 10^{power} rather than ysing E notation.
Stoner.PlotFormats.ThesisPlotStyle(**kargs) Template class for Joe’s Plot settings.


Stoner.PlotFormats.normal([loc, scale, size]) Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.

See also the stylesheets available in the stylelib directory.

plotutils Module



Stoner.plotutils.errorfill(x, y[, yerr, ...]) Plot data with errors marked by a filled region.

Fit Module

lmfit Model Classes

Stoner.Fit.Arrhenius(*args, **kwargs) Arrhenius Equation without T dependendent prefactor.
Stoner.Fit.BDR(*args, **kwargs) BDR model tunnelling.
Stoner.Fit.BlochGrueneisen(*args, **kwargs) BlochGrueneiseen Function for fitting R(T).
Stoner.Fit.FluchsSondheimer(*args, **kwargs) Evaluate a Fluchs-Sondheumer model function for conductivity.
Stoner.Fit.FowlerNordheim(*args, **kwargs) Fowler Nordhiem Model of electron tunnelling.
Stoner.Fit.KittelEquation(*args, **kwargs) Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field.
Stoner.Fit.Langevin(*args, **kwargs) “The Langevin function for paramagnetic M-H loops/
Stoner.Fit.ModArrhenius(*args, **kwargs) Arrhenius Equation with a variable T power dependent prefactor.
Stoner.Fit.NDimArrhenius(*args, **kwargs) Arrhenius Equation without T dependendent prefactor for various dimensions.
Stoner.Fit.Simmons(*args, **kwargs) Simmons model of electron tunnelling.
Stoner.Fit.StretchedExp(*args, **kwargs) A stretched exponential fuinction.
Stoner.Fit.Strijkers(*args, **kwargs) strijkers Model for point-contact Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy.
Stoner.Fit.TersoffHammann(*args, **kwargs) TersoffHamman model for tunnelling through STM tip.
Stoner.Fit.VFTEquation(*args, **kwargs) Vogel-Flucher-Tammann (VFT) Equation without T dependendent prefactor.
Stoner.Fit.WLfit(*args, **kwargs) Weak localisation

Bare functions

Stoner.Fit.arrhenius(x, A, DE) Arrhenius Equation without T dependendent prefactor.
Stoner.Fit.bdr(V, A, phi, dphi, d, mass) BDR model tunnelling.
Stoner.Fit.blochGrueneisen(T, thetaD, rho0, A, n) BlochGrueneiseen Function for fitting R(T).
Stoner.Fit.cfg_data_from_ini(inifile[, filename]) Read an inifile and load and configure a DataFile from it.
Stoner.Fit.cfg_model_from_ini(inifile[, ...]) Utility function to configure an lmfit Model from an inifile.
Stoner.Fit.fluchsSondheimer(t, l, p, sigma_0) Evaluate a Fluchs-Sondheumer model function for conductivity.
Stoner.Fit.fowlerNordheim(V, A, phi, d) Fowler Nordhiem Model of electron tunnelling.
Stoner.Fit.kittelEquation(H, gamma, M_s, H_k) Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field.
Stoner.Fit.langevin(H, M_s, m, T) “The Langevin function for paramagnetic M-H loops/
Stoner.Fit.linear(x, intercept, slope) Simple linear function
Stoner.Fit.modArrhenius(x, A, DE, n) Arrhenius Equation with a variable T power dependent prefactor.
Stoner.Fit.nDimArrhenius(x, A, DE, n) Arrhenius Equation without T dependendent prefactor for various dimensions.
Stoner.Fit.powerLaw(x, A, k) Power Law Fitting Equation.
Stoner.Fit.quadratic(x, a, b, c) A Simple quadratic fitting function.
Stoner.Fit.simmons(V, A, phi, d) Simmons model of electron tunnelling.
Stoner.Fit.stretchedExp(x, A, beta, x_0) A stretched exponential fuinction.
Stoner.Fit.strijkers(V, omega, delta, P, Z) strijkers Model for point-contact Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy.
Stoner.Fit.tersoffHammann(V, A) TersoffHamman model for tunnelling through STM tip.
Stoner.Fit.vftEquation(x, A, DE, x_0) Vogel-Flucher-Tammann (VFT) Equation without T dependendent prefactor.
Stoner.Fit.wlfit(B, s0, DS, B1, B2) Weak localisation

The following modules offer specialised file and foler formats.

HDF5 Module

Stoner.HDF5.HDF5File(*args, **kargs) A sub class of DataFile that sores itself in a HDF5File or group.
Stoner.HDF5.HDF5Folder(*args, **kargs) A sub class of Stoner.Folders.DataFolder that provides a method to load and save data from a single HDF5 file with groups.
Stoner.HDF5.HGXFile(*args, **kargs) A subclass of DataFile for reading GenX HDF Files.
Stoner.HDF5.SLS_STXMFile(*args, **kargs) Load images from the Swiss Light Source Pollux beamline.
Stoner.HDF5.index_types tuple() -> empty tuple
Stoner.HDF5.int_types tuple() -> empty tuple
Stoner.HDF5.python_v3 bool(x) -> bool
Stoner.HDF5.string_types tuple() -> empty tuple

Zip Module


Stoner.Zip.ZipFile(*args, **kargs) A sub class of DataFile that sores itself in a zip file.
Stoner.Zip.ZipFolder(*args, **kargs) A sub class of Stoner.Folders.DataFolder that provides a method to load and save data from a single Zip file.


Stoner.Zip.test_is_zip(filename[, member]) Recursively searches for a zipfile in the tree.

Util Module


Stoner.Util.Data(*args, **kargs) A merged class of AnalyseFile and PlotFile which also has the FielFormats loaded redy for use.


Stoner.Util.format_error(value, error[, ...]) This handles the printing out of the answer with the uncertaintly to 1sf and the value to no more sf’s than the uncertainty.
Stoner.Util.format_error(value, error[, ...]) This handles the printing out of the answer with the uncertaintly to 1sf and the value to no more sf’s than the uncertainty.
Stoner.Util.hysteresis_correct(data, **kargs) Peform corrections to a hysteresis loop.
Stoner.Util.ordinal(value) Format an integer into an ordinal string.
Stoner.Util.split_up_down(data[, col, folder]) Splits the DataFile data into several files where the column  col is either rising or falling