Source code for SpectralToolbox.Stroud

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of SpectralToolbox.
# SpectralToolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the LGNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SpectralToolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LGNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LGNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SpectralToolbox.  If not, see <>.
# DTU UQ Library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 The Technical University of Denmark
# Scientific Computing Section
# Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Daniele Bigoni

__revision__ = filter(str.isdigit, "$Revision: 84 $")

__author__ = "Daniele Bigoni"
__copyright__ = """Copyright 2012, Daniele Bigoni"""
__credits__ = ["Daniele Bigoni"]
__maintainer__ = "Daniele Bigoni"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

import numpy as np

GAUSSIAN = 'Gaussian'
BETA = 'Beta'
GAMMA = 'Gamma'

[docs]class Stroud: """ Initialization of the Stroud integral points generator. This method generates an instance of the Stroud class, to be used in order to generate N-dimensional cubature rules with respect to the selected weight. Available weight types can be selected using their string name or by predefined attributes * 'Gaussian' or ``Stroud.GAUSSIAN`` * 'Beta' or ``Stroud.BETA`` * 'Gamma' or ``Stroud.GAMMA`` Additional parameters are required for some weights. +--------------+--------------+ | Weight | Parameters | +==============+==============+ | Gaussian | None | +--------------+--------------+ | Beta | (alpha,beta) | +--------------+--------------+ | Gamma | alpha | +--------------+--------------+ See :cite:`Stroud1957` and :cite:`Xiu2008` for details. Args: weight (Stroud.AVAIL_WEIGHTS): type of the multidimensional weight for the formula. params (object): The parameters needed by the selected weight """ weight = [] params = [] def __init__(self, weight, params): if weight in AVAIL_WEIGHTS: if (weight == BETA): if len(params) != 2: print("The number of parameters inserted for the weight of type '%s' is not correct" % weight) return if (weight == GAMMA): if len(params) != 1: print("The number of parameters inserted for the weight of type '%s' is not correct" % weight) return else: print("The selected type of weight is not included in the toolbox") return self.weight = weight; self.params = params;
[docs] def stroud2(self,n): """ stroud2(): Generates n+1 equally weighted points for the degree 2 Stroud formula. Syntax: ``x = stroud2(n)`` Input: * ``n`` = (int) number of dimensions of the integration formula. Output: * ``x`` = (float, nd-array (n+1,n)) ``n+1`` quadrature nodes. * ``w0`` = (float) weight (equal for all the points) """ # Compute the Gaussian nodes I0 = 1. if (n % 2 == 0): k = np.tile(np.arange(0.,n+1,1.),(n,1)).T r = np.tile( np.tile(np.arange(1.,np.floor(n/2)+1,1.),(2,1)).T.ravel(), (n+1,1)) x = 2*r*k*np.pi/(n+1.) x[:,0:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.cos(x[:,0:n+1:2]) x[:,1:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.sin(x[:,1:n+1:2]) else: k = np.tile(np.arange(0.,n+1,1.),(n-1,1)).T r = np.tile( np.tile(np.arange(1.,np.floor(n/2)+1,1.),(2,1)).T.ravel(), (n+1,1)) x = 2*r*k*np.pi/(n+1.) x[:,0:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.cos(x[:,0:n+1:2]) x[:,1:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.sin(x[:,1:n+1:2]) x = np.hstack( (x, np.reshape((-1)**np.arange(1.,n+2), (n+1,1)) ) ) if (self.weight == BETA): I0 = 2. * n alpha = self.params[0] beta = self.params[1] x = 1./(alpha + beta + 2.) * (2.* np.sqrt( ((alpha + 1.)*(beta+1.))/(alpha+beta+3.) ) * x - (alpha - beta) ) if (self.weight == GAMMA): I0 = 1. alpha = self.params[0] x = -np.sqrt(alpha + 1.) * x + (alpha + 1.) w0 = I0/(n+1) return (x,w0)
[docs] def stroud3(self,n): """ stroud2(): Generates 2n equally weighted points for the degree 3 Stroud formula. Syntax: ``x = stroud3(n)`` Input: * ``n`` = (int) number of dimensions of the integration formula. Output: * ``x`` = (float, nd-array (n+1,n)) ``n+1`` quadrature nodes. * ``w0`` = (float) weight (equal for all the points) Description: The method is available only for distributions in symmetric regions, thus only for integrals with Gaussian weights and symmetric Beta weights (alpha=beta) in R^n """ if ((self.weight == GAMMA) or ((self.weight == BETA) and (self.params[0] != self.params[1]))): print("There is no degree 3 Stroud formula for the selected type of weight") return # Compute the gaussian nodes I0 = 1. if (n % 2 == 0): k = np.tile(np.arange(0.,2*n,1.),(n,1)).T r = np.tile( np.tile(np.arange(1.,np.floor(n/2)+1,1.),(2,1)).T.ravel(), (2*n,1)) x = (2.*r-1.)*k*np.pi/n x[:,0:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.cos(x[:,0:n+1:2]) x[:,1:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.sin(x[:,1:n+1:2]) else: k = np.tile(np.arange(0.,2*n,1.),(n-1,1)).T r = np.tile( np.tile(np.arange(1.,np.floor(n/2)+1,1.),(2,1)).T.ravel(), (2*n,1)) x = (2.*r-1.)*k*np.pi/n x[:,0:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.cos(x[:,0:n+1:2]) x[:,1:n+1:2] = np.sqrt(2) * np.sin(x[:,1:n+1:2]) x = np.hstack( (x, np.reshape((-1)**np.arange(1.,2*n+1), (2*n,1)) ) ) if (self.weight == BETA): I0 = 2. * n alpha = self.params[0] x = 1. / np.sqrt( 2. * alpha + 3. ) * x w0 = I0/(2*n) return (x,w0)