Source code for SpectralToolbox.Spectral1D.OrthogonalPolynomials

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of SpectralToolbox.
# SpectralToolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the LGNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SpectralToolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LGNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LGNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SpectralToolbox.  If not, see <>.
# DTU UQ Library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 The Technical University of Denmark
# Scientific Computing Section
# Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Daniele Bigoni

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from numpy import fft as FFT
import math
from scipy.special import gamma as gammaF
from scipy.special import gammaln as gammalnF
from scipy.misc import factorial

import orthpol

from SpectralToolbox.Spectral1D.Constants import *
from SpectralToolbox.Spectral1D.AbstractClasses import *

__all__ = ['JacobiPolynomial', 'LaguerrePolynomial', 'HermitePhysicistsPolynomial',
           'HermiteProbabilistsPolynomial', 'GenericOrthogonalPolynomial']

[docs]class JacobiPolynomial(OrthogonalPolynomial): r""" Construction of Jacobi polynomials Args: alpha (float): parameter :math:`\alpha > -1` beta (float): parameter :math:`\beta > -1`. span (list): span of the domain normalized (bool): whether to normalize the polynomials. Default=``None`` which leaves the choice at evaluation time. """ eps = orthpol.d1mach(3) def __init__(self, alpha, beta, span=None, normalized=None): super(JacobiPolynomial,self).__init__(normalized) if alpha <= -1 or beta <= -1: raise ValueError("Values alpha and/or beta out of range") self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.bspan = [-1.,1.] if span == None: self.span = self.bspan elif len(span) != 2: raise ValueError("Span must be a list of len 2") elif np.any( np.isinf( span ) ): raise ValueError("Infite not allowed in span for Jacobi polynomial") else: self.span = span
[docs] def RecursionCoeffs(self, N, alpha=None, beta=None): r""" Get coefficients for the Jacobi polynomials up to order ``N`` .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.RecursionCoeffs` """ if alpha == None and beta == None: # Unpack parameters alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta elif None in [alpha,beta]: raise ValueError("alpha and beta must be either both None or "+ "both initialized") if alpha <= -1. or beta <= -1.: raise ValueError("alpha and beta must be bigger than -1") if ( np.isclose(alpha, 0.0, rtol=self.eps, atol=self.eps) and np.isclose(beta, 0.0, rtol=self.eps, atol=self.eps)): # Legendre polynomials (a,b,ierr) = orthpol.drecur(N+1, 1, 0, 0) elif ( np.isclose(alpha, -.5, rtol=self.eps, atol=self.eps) and np.isclose(beta, -.5, rtol=self.eps, atol=self.eps)): # Chebyshev first kind (a,b,ierr) = orthpol.drecur(N+1, 3, 0, 0) elif ( np.isclose(alpha, .5, rtol=self.eps, atol=self.eps) and np.isclose(beta, .5, rtol=self.eps, atol=self.eps)): # Chebyshev second kind (a,b,ierr) = orthpol.drecur(N+1, 4, 0, 0) else: # Jacobi polynomials (a,b,ierr) = orthpol.drecur(N+1, 6, alpha, beta) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL drecur: error flag %d" % ierr) return (a,b)
[docs] def GaussQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Jacobi Gauss quadrature points .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dgauss(N+1, a, b) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dgauss: error flag %d" % ierr) # Normalization and rescaling w /= np.sum(w) if not norm: w *= self.Gamma(0) return (x,w)
[docs] def GaussLobattoQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Jacobi Gauss Lobatto quadrature points .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussLobattoQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dlob(N-1, a, b, -1., 1.) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dlob: error flag %d" % ierr) # Normalization and rescaling w /= np.sum(w) if not norm: w *= self.Gamma(0) return (x,w)
[docs] def GaussRadauQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Jacobi Gauss Radau quadrature points .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussRadauQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dradau(N, a, b, -1.) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dradau: error flag %d" % ierr) # Normalization and rescaling w /= np.sum(w) if not norm: w *= self.Gamma(0) return (x,w)
[docs] def Evaluate(self, x, N, alpha=None, beta=None, norm=True): r""" Evaluate the ``N``-th order Jacobi polynomial Args: x ((:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]): set of ``m`` points where to evaluate the polynomial N (int): order of the polynomial Returns: (:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]) -- polynomial evaluated on the ``x`` points. """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N, alpha, beta) p = orthpol.polyeval(x, N, a, b, norm) if not norm: pend = orthpol.polyeval(np.array([1.]), N, a, b, norm) p *= (gammaF(N+alpha+1)/(gammaF(N+1)*gammaF(alpha+1))) / pend return p
[docs] def GradEvaluate(self, r, N, k=0, norm=True): r""" ``k``-th derivative of the ``N``-th order Jacobi polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GradEvaluate` """ # Unpack parameters if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta r = np.array(r) if (N >= k): num = gammaF(alpha+beta+N+1.+k) den = (2.**k * gammaF(alpha+beta+N+1.)) if num == np.inf and den == np.inf: der_mul = 1. else: der_mul = num / den dP = der_mul * self.Evaluate(r, N-k, alpha+k, beta+k, norm) if norm: dP *= np.sqrt( self.Gamma(N-k,alpha+k,beta+k) / \ self.Gamma(N,alpha,beta) ) else: dP = np.zeros(r.shape) return dP
[docs] def Gamma(self,N,alpha=None,beta=None): r""" Return the normalization constant for the ``N``-th Jacobi polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.Gamma` """ if (alpha is None) and (beta is None): # Unpack parameters alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta if (N == 0) and (alpha == -0.5) and (beta == -0.5): g = np.pi else: g = 2**(alpha+beta+1.) * (gammaF(N+alpha+1.)*gammaF(N+beta+1.)) / (factorial(N,exact=True) * (2.*N + alpha + beta + 1.)*gammaF(N+alpha+beta+1.)) return g
[docs] def FastChebyshevTransform(self,f): """ FastChebyshevTransform(): Returns the coefficients of the Fast Chebyshev Transform. Syntax: ``fhat = FastChebyshevTransform(f)`` Input: * ``f`` = (1d-array,float) function values Output: * ``fhat`` = (1d-array,float) list of Polynomial coefficients .. warning:: It is assumed that the values f are computed at Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto points. .. note:: If f is odd, the vector is interpolated to even Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto points. .. note:: Modification of algorithm (29) from :cite:`Kopriva2009` """ # Unpack parameters alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta if ( AlmostEqual(alpha,-0.5) and AlmostEqual(beta,-0.5) ): N = f.shape[0]-1 # Create Even function fbar = np.hstack([f[::-1], f[1:N]]) # Transform fhat = FFT.ifft(fbar) fhat = np.hstack([fhat[0], 2*fhat[1:N], fhat[N]]) return np.real(fhat)
[docs] def InverseFastChebyshevTransform(self,fhat): """ InverseFastChebyshevTransform(): Returns the coefficients of the Inverse Fast Chebyshev Transform. Syntax: ``f = InverseFastChebyshevTransform(fhat)`` Input: * ``fhat`` = (1d-array,float) list of Polynomial coefficients Output: * ``f`` = (1d-array,float) function values .. note:: If f is odd, the vector is padded with a zero value (highest freq.) .. note:: Modification of algorithm (29) from :cite:`Kopriva2009` """ # Unpack parameters alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta if ( AlmostEqual(alpha,-0.5) and AlmostEqual(beta,-0.5) ): N = fhat.shape[0] # Sort values out for FFT fhat = np.hstack([fhat[0], np.hstack([fhat[1:N-1], fhat[N-1]*2, fhat[-2:0:-1] ])*0.5 ]) f = FFT.fft(fhat) f = f[N-1::-1] f = np.real(f) return f
[docs]class LaguerrePolynomial(OrthogonalPolynomial): r""" Construction of Laguerre polynomials Args: alpha (float): parameter :math:`\alpha`. normalized (bool): whether to normalize the polynomials. Default=``None`` which leaves the choice at evaluation time. """ eps = orthpol.d1mach(3) def __init__(self, alpha, normalized=None): super(LaguerrePolynomial,self).__init__(normalized) if alpha <= -1: raise ValueError("Value alpha out of range") self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def RecursionCoeffs(self, N, alpha=None): r""" Get coefficients for the Laguerre polynomials up to order ``N`` .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.RecursionCoeffs` """ if alpha is None: alpha = self.alpha (a,b,ierr) = orthpol.drecur(N+1, 7, alpha, 0) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL drecur: error flag %d" % ierr) return (a,b)
[docs] def GaussQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Laguerre Gauss quadrature points .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dgauss(N+1, a, b) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dgauss: error flag %d" % ierr) if norm: w /= np.sum(w) return (x,w)
[docs] def GaussRadauQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Laguerre Gauss Radau quadrature points .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussRadauQuadrature` """ x = np.zeros(N+1) w = np.zeros(N+1) j = np.asarray(range(0,N)) a = 2. * j + (self.alpha+1.) + 1. b = - np.sqrt( j[1:] * (j[1:] + (self.alpha+1.) ) ) D = np.diag(b,1) D = D + D.T D = D + np.diag(a,0) x[1:],vec = np.linalg.eig(D) x[1:] = np.sort(x[1:]) lp = self.Evaluate(x[1:],N,norm=False) w[1:] = gammaF(N+self.alpha+1.)/ ((N+self.alpha+1.) * factorial(N)) * \ ( 1. / lp**2. ) # Add x0 and w0 w[0] = (self.alpha+1.) * gammaF(self.alpha+1.)**2. * gammaF(N+1) / \ gammaF(N+self.alpha+2.) if norm: w /= np.sum(w) return (x,w)
[docs] def Evaluate(self, x, N, alpha=None, norm=True): r""" Evaluate the ``N``-th order Laguerre polynomial Args: x ((:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]): set of ``m`` points where to evaluate the polynomial N (int): order of the polynomial Returns: (:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]) -- polynomial evaluated on the ``x`` points. """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized if alpha is None: alpha = self.alpha (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N, alpha) p = orthpol.polyeval(x, N, a, b, norm) if not norm: pend = orthpol.polyeval(np.array([0.]), N, a, b, norm) p *= (gammaF(N+alpha+1)/(gammaF(N+1)*gammaF(alpha+1))) / np.abs(pend) return p
[docs] def GradEvaluate(self, r, N, k=0, norm=True): r""" ``k``-th derivative of the ``N``-th order Laguerre polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GradEvaluate` """ # Unpack parameters if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized alpha = self.alpha if N >= k: dP = self.Evaluate(r, N-k, alpha+k, norm) if norm: dP *= np.sqrt( self.Gamma(N-k, alpha+k) / \ self.Gamma(N, alpha) ) else: dP = np.zeros(r.shape) return dP
[docs] def Gamma(self,N,alpha=None,beta=None): r""" Return the normalization constant for the ``N``-th Laguerre polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.Gamma` """ if alpha is None: # Unpack parameters alpha = self.alpha g = gammaF(N+alpha+1.) / gammaF(N+1.) return g
[docs]class HermitePhysicistsPolynomial(OrthogonalPolynomial): r""" Construction of the Hermite Physicists' polynomials Args: normalized (bool): whether to normalize the polynomials. Default=``None`` which leaves the choice at evaluation time. """ def __init__(self, normalized=None): super(HermitePhysicistsPolynomial,self).__init__(normalized)
[docs] def RecursionCoeffs(self, N): r""" Get coefficients for the Hermite Physicists' polynomials up to order ``N`` .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.RecursionCoeffs` """ (a,b,ierr) = orthpol.drecur(N+1, 8, 0, 0) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL drecur: error flag %d" % ierr) return (a,b)
[docs] def GaussQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Hermite Physicists' Gauss quadrature points .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dgauss(N+1, a, b) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dgauss: error flag %d" % ierr) if norm: w /= np.sum(w) return (x,w)
[docs] def Evaluate(self, x, N, norm=True): r""" Evaluate the ``N``-th order Hermite Physicists' polynomial Args: x ((:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]): set of ``m`` points where to evaluate the polynomial N (int): order of the polynomial Returns: (:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]) -- polynomial evaluated on the ``x`` points. """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) p = orthpol.polyeval(x, N, a, b, norm) if not norm: p *= 2.**N return p
[docs] def GradEvaluate(self, r, N, k=0, norm=True): r""" ``k``-th derivative of the ``N``-th order Hermite Physicists' polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GradEvaluate` """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized if N >= k: fact = np.exp( gammalnF(N+1) - gammalnF(N-k+1) ) dP = 2.**k * fact * self.Evaluate(r, N-k, norm) if norm: dP *= np.sqrt( self.Gamma(N-k) / \ self.Gamma(N) ) else: dP = np.zeros(r.shape) return dP
[docs] def Gamma(self,N,alpha=None,beta=None): r""" Return the normalization constant for the ``N``-th Hermite Physicists' polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.Gamma` """ return math.sqrt(np.pi) * 2.**N * factorial(N,exact=True)
[docs]class HermiteProbabilistsPolynomial(OrthogonalPolynomial): r""" Construction of the Hermite Probabilists polynomials Args: normalized (bool): whether to normalize the polynomials. Default=``None`` which leaves the choice at evaluation time. """ def __init__(self, normalized=None): super(HermiteProbabilistsPolynomial,self).__init__(normalized)
[docs] def RecursionCoeffs(self, N): r""" Get coefficients for the Hermite Probabilists' polynomials up to order ``N`` .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.RecursionCoeffs` """ a = np.zeros(N+1) b = np.hstack([[np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)],np.arange(1,N+1,dtype=float)]) return (a,b)
[docs] def GaussQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Hermite Probabilists' Gauss quadrature points .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dgauss(N+1, a, b) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dgauss: error flag %d" % ierr) if norm: w /= np.sum(w) return (x,w)
[docs] def Evaluate(self, x, N, norm=True): r""" Evaluate the ``N``-th order Hermite Probabilists' polynomial Args: x ((:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]): set of ``m`` points where to evaluate the polynomial N (int): order of the polynomial Returns: (:class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [``m``]) -- polynomial evaluated on the ``x`` points. """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) p = orthpol.polyeval(x, N, a, b, norm) return p
[docs] def GradEvaluate(self, r, N, k=0, norm=True): r""" ``k``-th derivative of the ``N``-th order Hermite Probabilists' polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GradEvaluate` """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized if N >= k: dP = np.exp( gammalnF(N+1) - gammalnF(N-k+1) ) * \ self.Evaluate(r, N-k, norm) if norm: dP *= np.sqrt( self.Gamma(N-k) / self.Gamma(N) ) else: dP = np.zeros(r.shape) return dP
[docs] def Gamma(self,N,alpha=None,beta=None): r""" Return the normalization constant for the ``N``-th Hermite Probabilists' polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.Gamma` """ return math.sqrt(2.*np.pi) * factorial(N,exact=True)
[docs]class GenericOrthogonalPolynomial(OrthogonalPolynomial): r""" Construction of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a generic measure Args: mu (float (float x, int i)): function returning the mass value at the point ``x`` of interval ``i`` of the continuous spectrum. endl (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [``mc``]): left endpoints of the intervals in the continuous spectrum. endr (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [``mc``]): right endpoints of the intervals in the continuous spectrum. mc (int): number of component intervals in the continuous part of the spectrum. mp (int): number of points in the discrete part of the spectrum. If the measure has no discrete part, set mp=0. xp (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [``mp``]): abscissas of the points in the discrete spectrum. yp (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [``mp``]): jumps of the points in the discrete spectrum. ncapm (int): maximum integer N0 irout (int): selects the routine for generating the recursion coefficients from the discrete inner product; ``irout=1`` selects the routine ``sti``, ``irout!=1`` selects the routine ``lancz``. normalized (bool): whether to normalize the polynomials. Default=``None`` which leaves the choice at evaluation time. .. note:: Parameters ``iq``, ``quad``, ``idelta`` in :cite:`Gautschi1994` are suppressed. Instead the routine ``qgp`` of ORTHPOL :cite:`Gautschi1994` is used by default (``iq=0`` and ``idelta=2``) """ eps = orthpol.d1mach(3) def __init__(self, mu, endl, endr, mc=1, mp=0, xp=None, yp=None, ncapm=500, irout=1, normalized=None): super(GenericOrthogonalPolynomial,self).__init__(normalized) = mu self.endl = endl if (endl[0] != -np.inf) else endl[1:] self.endr = endr if (endr[-1] != np.inf) else endr[:-1] self.finl = (endl[0] != -np.inf) self.finr = (endr[-1] != np.inf) self.ncapm = ncapm = mc = mp self.xp = np.array([]) if xp == None else xp self.yp = np.array([]) if yp == None else yp self.irout = irout # Default values = 0 self.idelta = 2 # Caching space for recurrence coefficients self.cached_alphabeta = None
[docs] def RecursionCoeffs(self, N): r""" Get the recursion coefficients up to order ``N`` .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.RecursionCoeffs` """ if (self.cached_alphabeta == None) or (N > self.cached_alphabeta['N']): # Compute alpha and beta coefficients. (alphaCap, betaCap, ncapCap, kountCap, ierrCap, ieCap) = orthpol.dmcdis(N+1, self.ncapm,,, self.xp, self.yp,, self.eps,, self.idelta, self.irout, self.finl, self.finr, self.endl, self.endr ) self.cached_alphabeta = {'N': N, 'alpha': alphaCap, 'beta': betaCap} else: alphaCap = self.cached_alphabeta['alpha'] betaCap = self.cached_alphabeta['beta'] return (alphaCap,betaCap)
[docs] def GaussQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Gauss quadrature points. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dgauss(N+1, a, b) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dgauss: error flag %d" % ierr) if norm: w /= np.sum(w) return (x,w)
[docs] def GaussLobattoQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Gauss Lobatto quadrature points. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussLobattoQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dlob(N-1, a, b, self.endl[0], self.endr[-1]) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dlob: error flag %d" % ierr) # Normalization and rescaling if norm: w /= np.sum(w) return (x,w)
[docs] def GaussRadauQuadrature(self, N, norm=False): r""" Gauss Radau quadrature points. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GaussRadauQuadrature` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) end = self.endl[0] if (self.endl[0] != -np.inf) else self.endr[-1] (x,w,ierr) = orthpol.dradau(N, a, b, end) if ierr != 0: raise RuntimeError("ORTHPOL dlob: error flag %d" % ierr) # Normalization and rescaling if norm: w /= np.sum(w) return (x,w)
[docs] def Evaluate(self, x, N, norm=True): r""" Evaluate the ``N``-th order polynomial .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.Evaluate` """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) p = orthpol.polyeval(x, N, a, b, norm) return p
[docs] def GradEvaluate(self, r, N, k=0, norm=True): r""" ``k``-th derivative of the ``N``-th order polynomial. .. warning:: no derivatives are implemented for this type of polynomials. Works only with ``k==0``. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GradEvaluate` """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized if k > 0: raise NotImplemented("Not implemented for this class") else: return self.Evaluate(r, N, norm)
[docs] def GradVandermonde(self, r, N, k=0, norm=True): r""" .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.GradVandermonde` """ if self.normalized is not None: norm = self.normalized self.RecursionCoeffs(N) # Pre-cache recursion coefficients return super(GenericOrthogonalPolynomial, self).GradVandermonde(r, N, k, norm)
[docs] def Gamma(self, N, alpha=None, beta=None): r""" Return the normalization constant for the ``N``-th polynomial. .. seealso:: :func:`OrthogonalPolynomial.Gamma` """ (a,b) = self.RecursionCoeffs(N) g = orthpol.numeric_gamma(N, a, b) return g