Source code for SpectralToolbox.HeterogeneousSparseGrids

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of SpectralToolbox.
# SpectralToolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the LGNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SpectralToolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LGNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the LGNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SpectralToolbox.  If not, see <>.
# DTU UQ Library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 The Technical University of Denmark
# Scientific Computing Section
# Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Daniele Bigoni

__revision__ = filter(str.isdigit, "$Revision: 101 $")

__author__ = "Daniele Bigoni"
__copyright__ = """Copyright 2012, Daniele Bigoni"""
__credits__ = ["Daniele Bigoni"]
__maintainer__ = "Daniele Bigoni"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

import sys

# import progressbar

import numpy as np

import scipy.special

import itertools

from SpectralToolbox import Misc

[docs]class HSparseGrid: """ Heterogeneous Sparse Grid class """ polys = [] Ns = [] tol = [] sdout = [] def __init__(self, polys, Ns, tol=None, sdout=sys.stderr): """ Constructor of Heterogeneous Sparse Grid object (this does not allocate the sparse grid) :param polys: orthogonal polynomials to be used as basis functions :type polys: list of :py:class:`Spectral1D.Poly1D` :param Ns: accuracy for each dimension. It can be a list of accuracies or a single accuracy, in which case uniform accuracy is assumed :type Ns: list of integers :param float tol: tolerance to be used when comparing points of the grid (optional, default=:py:func:`Misc.machineEpsilon()`) :param stream sdout: default output stream for the class (optional,default=``sys.stderr``) .. note:: one of the following must hold: len(polys)==len(Ns) or len(Ns)==1, in which case the same order is used for all the directions. **Example** >>> from SpectralToolbox import HeterogeneousSparseGrids as HSG >>> pH = Spectral1D.Poly1D(Spectral1D.HERMITEP_PROB,None) >>> pL = Spectral1D.Poly1D(Spectral1D.JACOBI,[0.0,0.0]) >>> polys = [pH,pL] >>> Ns = [2,4] >>> sg = HSG.HSparseGrid(polys,Ns) """ self.sdout = sdout self.tol = tol or Misc.machineEpsilon() # Check consistency of arguments if type(Ns) != int and len(polys) != len(Ns): print("Size of parameters not consistent: either type(Ns)==int or len(polys) == len(Ns)") raise NameError("Input Error.") self.polys = polys if type(Ns) == int: self.Ns = np.tile(Ns,len(self.polys)) else: self.Ns = Ns
[docs] def sparseGrid(self,heter=False): """ Generates the full and partial sparse grids :param bool heter: if :py:data:`Ns` is homogeneous, this parameter will force the output of the partial sparse grid as well :return: tuple :py:data:`(XF,WF,X)` containing: * :py:data:`XF`: full grid points * :py:data:`WF`: full grid weights * :py:data:`X`: partial grid points **Example** >>> (XF,W,X) = sg.sparseGrid() [SG] Sparse Grid Generation [============================================] 100% [SG] Sparse Grid Generation: 0.01s """ d = len(self.polys) k = np.max(self.Ns) heterogeneous = np.any(self.Ns<k) or heter # Compute the number of multi-index elements idxs = Misc.MultiIndex(d,k) # # Initialize the progress bar # bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(idxs), # widgets=[progressbar.Bar( # '=', '[SG] Sparse Grid Generation [', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) # bar.start() # Generate list of nodes and weights for univariate formulas quadLists = [] for i_d in range(d): qList = [] for j_N in range(k+1): qList.append(self.polys[i_d].GaussQuadrature(j_N)) quadLists.append(qList) ''' Preallocation of memory for points and weights. The allocated memory is doubled all the times the allocated memory if filled. A counter is used to keep track of the last data position. Starting size is set to 10. ''' X_full_exp = Misc.ExpandingArray(np.zeros((0,d)),maxIncrement=min(k**d,10**5)) if heterogeneous: X_part_exp = Misc.ExpandingArray(np.zeros((0,d)),maxIncrement=min(k**d,10**5)) W_exp = Misc.ExpandingArray(np.zeros(0),maxIncrement=min(k**d,10**5)) for (counter,idx) in enumerate(idxs): # bar.update(counter) bq = (-1)**(d+k-np.sum(idx+1)) * scipy.special.binom(d-1,np.sum(idx+1)-k-1) xs = [] wKron = 1. for idx_i in range(d): (x,w) = quadLists[idx_i][idx[idx_i]] xs.append(x) wKron = np.kron(wKron,w) xKron = np.asarray(list(itertools.product(*xs))) lenX_full = X_full_exp.shape()[0] X_full_exp.concatenate(xKron,axis=0) if heterogeneous and np.all(idx<=self.Ns): lenX_part = X_part_exp.shape()[0] X_part_exp.concatenate(xKron,axis=0) W_exp.concatenate(bq * wKron, axis=0) # Sort perm_full = Misc.argsort_insertion(X_full_exp.getAllocArray(),self.tol,start_idx=lenX_full,end_idx=X_full_exp.shape()[0]) X_full_exp.getDataArray()[:] = X_full_exp.getAllocArray()[perm_full,:].copy() if heterogeneous and np.all(idx<=self.Ns): perm_part = Misc.argsort_insertion(X_part_exp.getAllocArray(),self.tol,start_idx=lenX_part,end_idx=X_part_exp.shape()[0]) X_part_exp.getDataArray()[:] = X_part_exp.getAllocArray()[perm_part,].copy() W_exp.getDataArray()[:] = W_exp.getAllocArray()[perm_full].copy() # Remove repetitions and add weights keep = [0] lastkeep = 0 for i in range(1,X_full_exp.shape()[0]): if[i,],X_full_exp.getAllocArray()[i-1,],self.tol) == 0: W_exp.getAllocArray()[lastkeep] += W_exp.getAllocArray()[i] else: lastkeep = i keep.append(i) X_full_exp.getAllocArray()[:len(keep),] = X_full_exp.getAllocArray()[keep,] X_full_exp.trim(X_full_exp.shape()[0]-len(keep),axis=0) W_exp.getAllocArray()[:len(keep)] = W_exp.getAllocArray()[keep] W_exp.trim(W_exp.shape()[0]-len(keep),axis=0) if heterogeneous and np.all(idx<=self.Ns): keep = [0] lastkeep = 0 for i in range(1,X_part_exp.shape()[0]): if[i,],X_part_exp.getAllocArray()[i-1,],self.tol) != 0: lastkeep = i keep.append(i) X_part_exp.getAllocArray()[:len(keep),] = X_part_exp.getAllocArray()[keep,] X_part_exp.trim(X_part_exp.shape()[0]-len(keep),axis=0) # bar.finish() # print("[SG] Sparse Grid Generation: %.2fs" % (bar.last_update_time-bar.start_time)) if heterogeneous: return (X_full_exp.getDataArray(), W_exp.getDataArray(), X_part_exp.getDataArray()) else: return (X_full_exp.getDataArray(), W_exp.getDataArray(), X_full_exp.getDataArray())
[docs] def sparseGridInterp(self,X,fX,XF): """ Interpolate values of the Sparse Grid using 1D Polynomial interpolation along cuts. :param X: partial grid on which a function has been evaluated :type X: 2d-array of floats :param fX: values for the points in the partial grid :type fX: 1d-array of floats :param XF: full grid on which to interpolate :type XF: 2d-array of floats :return: :py:data:`fXF` the interpolated values on the full grid :rtype: 1d-array of floats ..note:: The partial and full grid must be overlapping **Example** >>> fXF = sg.sparseGridInterp(X,fX,XF) [SG] Sparse Grid Interpolation [=========================================] 100% [SG] Sparse Grid Interpolation: 0.00s """ tol = 2. * Misc.machineEpsilon() if X.shape[1] != XF.shape[1]: print("[SG] Sparse Grid Interpolation: Error! Dimensions of full and partial grid are not consistent\n") return if X.shape[0] != fX.shape[0]: print("[SG] Sparse Grid Interpolation: Error! Dimensions of partial nodes and value are not consistent\n") d = X.shape[1]; # Points on the full grid and on the actual interpolated grid, projected on d-1 dimensions XF_mD = np.zeros((XF.shape[0],XF.shape[1]-1)) fXF = np.zeros(XF.shape[0]) ''' Find not overlapping points (rules are ordered) ''' bool_idxs_over = Misc.findOverlapping(XF,X,tol) if np.sum(bool_idxs_over) != X.shape[0]: print("[SG] Sparse Grid Interpolation: Error! The selected grids are not overlapping. Functionality not implemented yet\n") ''' insert values of partial grid in correct position in the full grid ''' fXF[bool_idxs_over] = fX counter = 0 # Counts the number of interpolated values N_not_over = np.sum(np.logical_not(bool_idxs_over)) # bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_not_over+1, # widgets=[progressbar.Bar( # '=', '[SG] Sparse Grid Interpolation [', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) # bar.start() # bar.update(counter) if N_not_over > 0: for i_d in range(d): XF_mD[:,:i_d] = XF[:,:i_d] XF_mD[:,i_d:] = XF[:,i_d+1:] ''' find the unique coordinates of cuts ''' vals = Misc.unique_cuts(XF_mD[np.logical_not(bool_idxs_over)]) ''' check for each value if the quadrature is up to the maximum accuracy ''' for i_val, val in enumerate(vals): bool_idxs_not_over_cut = Misc.almostEqualList(XF_mD[np.logical_not(bool_idxs_over),],val,self.tol) bool_idxs_over_cut = Misc.almostEqualList(XF_mD[bool_idxs_over,],val,self.tol) if np.sum(bool_idxs_not_over_cut) != 0 and np.sum(bool_idxs_over_cut) >= self.Ns[i_d]+1: ''' The quadrature is not up to the maximum accuracy for this cut ''' ''' Apply 1D interpolation ''' X_base = XF[bool_idxs_over,i_d][bool_idxs_over_cut] fXF_base = fXF[bool_idxs_over][bool_idxs_over_cut] XF_interp = XF[np.logical_not(bool_idxs_over),i_d][bool_idxs_not_over_cut] fXF_interp = self.polys[i_d].PolyInterp(X_base,fXF_base,XF_interp,self.Ns[i_d]) fXF[np.where(np.logical_not(bool_idxs_over))[0][bool_idxs_not_over_cut]] = fXF_interp ''' Add new data for following interpolations ''' bool_idxs_over[np.where(np.logical_not(bool_idxs_over))[0][bool_idxs_not_over_cut]] = True ''' Update the counter ''' counter += np.sum(bool_idxs_not_over_cut) # bar.update(counter) # bar.finish() # print("[SG] Sparse Grid Interpolation: %.2fs\n" % (bar.last_update_time-bar.start_time)) if counter != N_not_over: print("Error: incomplete interpolation. The target function has not been computed for some non overlapping points\n") return fXF