irbempy - Python interface to IRBEM library

module wrapper for irbem_lib Reference for this library D. Boscher, S. Bourdarie, P. O’Brien, T. Guild, IRBEM library V4.3, 2004-2008

Most functions in this module use an options list to define the models used and the settings that define the quality level of the result. The options list is a 5-element list and is defined as follows.


  • 1st element: 0 - don’t compute L* or phi ; 1 - compute L*; 2- compute phi

  • 2nd element: 0 - initialize IGRF field once per year (year.5);

    n - n is the frequency (in days) starting on January 1st of each year (i.e. if options(2nd element)=15 then IGRF will be updated on the following days of the year: 1, 15, 30, 45 …)

  • 3rd element: resolution to compute L* (0 to 9) where 0 is the recomended value to ensure a

    good ratio precision/computation time (i.e. an error of ~2% at L=6). The higher the value the better will be the precision, the longer will be the computing time. Generally there is not much improvement for values larger than 4. Note that this parameter defines the integration step (theta) along the field line such as dtheta=(2pi)/(720*[options(3rd element)+1])

  • 4th element: resolution to compute L* (0 to 9). The higher the value the better will be

    the precision, the longer will be the computing time. It is recommended to use 0 (usually sufficient) unless L* is not computed on a LEO orbit. For LEO orbit higher values are recommended. Note that this parameter defines the integration step (phi) along the drift shell such as dphi=(2pi)/(25*[options(4th element)+1])

  • 5th element: allows to select an internal magnetic field model (default is set to IGRF)
    • 0 = IGRF

    • 1 = Eccentric tilted dipole

    • 2 = Jensen&Cain 1960

    • 3 = GSFC 12/66 updated to 1970

    • 4 = User-defined model (Default: Centred dipole + uniform [Dungey open model] )

    • 5 = Centred dipole

The routines also require specification of the external magnetic field model. The default is the Tsyganenko 2001 storm-time model. The external model is always specified using the extMag keyword and the following options exist.


  • ‘0’ = No external field model

  • ‘MEAD’ = Mead and Fairfield

  • ‘T87SHORT’ = Tsyganenko 1987 short (inner magnetosphere)

  • ‘T87LONG’ = Tsyganenko 1987 long (valid in extended tail region)

  • ‘T89’ = Tsyganenko 1989

  • ‘OPQUIET’ = Olsen-Pfitzer static model for quiet conditions

  • ‘OPDYN’ = Olsen-Pfitzer static model for active conditions

  • ‘T96’ = Tsyganenko 1996

  • ‘OSTA’ = Ostapenko and Maltsev

  • ‘T01QUIET’ = Tsyganenko 2001 model for quiet conditions

  • ‘T01STORM’ = Tsyganenko 2001 model for active conditions

  • ‘T05’ = Tsyganenko and Sitnov 2005 model

  • ‘ALEX’ = Alexeev model

  • ‘TS07’ = Tsyganenko and Sitnov 2007 model

Many of these models have limits placed on the valid range of input parameters, and outside these limits invalid (NaN) values will be returned.

  • MEAD : Mead & Fairfield [1975] (uses 0<=Kp<=9 - Valid for rGEO<=17. Re)

  • T87SHORT: Tsyganenko short [1987] (uses 0<=Kp<=9 - Valid for rGEO<=30. Re)

  • T87LONG : Tsyganenko long [1987] (uses 0<=Kp<=9 - Valid for rGEO<=70. Re)

  • T89 : Tsyganenko [1989] (uses 0<=Kp<=9 - Valid for rGEO<=70. Re)

  • OPQUIET : Olson & Pfitzer quiet [1977] (default - Valid for rGEO<=15. Re)

  • OPDYNOlson & Pfitzer dynamic [1988] (uses 5.<=dens<=50., 300.<=velo<=500.,

    -100.<=Dst<=20. - Valid for rGEO<=60. Re)

  • T96Tsyganenko [1996] (uses -100.<=Dst (nT)<=20., 0.5<=Pdyn (nPa)<10.,

    |ByIMF| (nT)<=10., |BzIMF| (nT)<=10. - Valid for rGEO<=40. Re)

  • OSTAOstapenko & Maltsev [1997] (uses dst,Pdyn,BzIMF, Kp)

    T01QUIET: Tsyganenko [2002a,b] (uses -50.<Dst (nT)<20., 0.5<Pdyn (nPa)<=5., |ByIMF| (nT)<=5., |BzIMF| (nT)<=5., 0.<=G1<=10., 0.<=G2<=10. - Valid for xGSM>=-15. Re)

  • T01STORM: Tsyganenko, Singer & Kasper [2003] storm (uses Dst, Pdyn, ByIMF, BzIMF, G2, G3 -

    there is no upper or lower limit for those inputs - Valid for xGSM>=-15. Re)

  • T05Tsyganenko & Sitnov [2005] storm (uses Dst, Pdyn, ByIMF, BzIMF,

    W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6 - no upper or lower limit for inputs - Valid for xGSM>=-15. Re)

  • TS07 : Tsyganenko and Sitnov [2007] model. Uses specially calculated coefficient files.


Josef Koller, Steve Morley

Copyright 2010 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.

This module provides a Python interface to the IRBEM (formerly known as ONERA-DESP) library.

Reference for this library

D. Boscher, S. Bourdarie, P. O’Brien, T. Guild, IRBEM library V4.3, 2004-2008

Authors: Josef Koller, Steve Morley

Copyright 2010 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.

get_AEP8(energy, loci[, model, fluxtype, ...])

will return the flux from the AE8-AP8 model

get_Bfield(ticks, loci[, extMag, options, ...])

Return magnetic field vector (in GEO) and magnitude

get_Lm(ticks, loci, alpha[, extMag, intMag, ...])

Return the MacIlwain L value for a given location, time and model

get_Lstar(ticks, loci[, alpha, extMag, ...])

This will call make_lstar1 or make_lstar_shell_splitting_1 from the irbem library and will lookup omni values for given time if not provided (optional).

find_Bmirror(ticks, loci, alpha[, extMag, ...])

call find_mirror_point from irbem library and return a dictionary with values for Blocal, Bmirr and the GEO (cartesian) coordinates of the mirror point

find_footpoint(ticks, loci[, extMag, ...])

call find_foot_point1 from irbem library and return a dictionary with values for Bmin and the GEO (cartesian) coordinates of the magnetic equator

find_magequator(ticks, loci[, extMag, ...])

call find_magequator from irbem library and return a dictionary with values for Bmin and the GEO (cartesian) coordinates of the magnetic equator

coord_trans(loci, returntype, returncarsph)

thin layer to call coor_trans1 from irbem lib this will convert between systems GDZ, GEO, GSM, GSE, SM, GEI, MAG, SPH, RLL


will return the coordinate system type as string

prep_irbem([ticks, loci, alpha, extMag, ...])

Prepare inputs for direct IRBEM-LIB calls.

Shieldose2(*args, **kwargs)

A class for performing dose calculations using Shieldose2