Source code for automaton

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains the Automaton class

import numpy as np

[docs]class Automaton(object): """ Define an automaton with parameters - Input: :param int nbL: the number of letters :param int nbS: the number of states :param list initial: the initial vector :param list final: the final vector :param list transition: the transitions tables """ def __init__(self, nbL=0, nbS=0, initial=[], final=[], transitions=[]): # The number of letters self.nbL = nbL # The number of states self.nbS = nbS # The vector containing the initial weight of each state self.initial = initial # The vector containing the final weight of each state = final # The list of arrays defining the transitions self.transitions = transitions # Flag if the absolute convergence of the automaton has been calculated # or not self.__convcalculated = False self.__isAbsConv = False @property def final(self): """The vector containing the final weight of each state""" return self.__final @final.setter def final(self, final_values): if (not isinstance(final_values, np.ndarray) or final_values.dtype.type != np.float_): mess = "final_values should be a numpy.array of float.\n" mess += "Actual : " + str(final_values) raise TypeError(mess) if len(final_values) != self.nbS: raise ValueError("final_values length should be " + str(self.nbS)) self.__final = final_values self.__convcalculated = False @property def initial(self): """The vector containing the initial weight of each state""" return self.__initial @initial.setter def initial(self, initial_values): if (not isinstance(initial_values, np.ndarray) or initial_values.dtype.type != np.float_): raise TypeError("initial_values should be a numpy.array of float" + str(initial_values)) if len(initial_values) != self.nbS: raise ValueError("initial_values length should be " + str(self.nbS)) self.__initial = initial_values self.__convcalculated = False @property def transitions(self): """The list of arrays defining the transitions""" return self.__transitions @transitions.setter def transitions(self, transitions_values): if not isinstance(transitions_values, list): raise TypeError("transitions_values should be a list") if len(transitions_values) != self.nbL: raise ValueError("The length of transitions_values should be " + str(self.nbL)) for x in transitions_values: if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or x.dtype != np.float_: raise TypeError("transitions_values should contain" + " numpy.array of float") if (len(x.shape) != 2 or x.shape[0] != x.shape[1] or x.shape[0] != self.nbS): mess = "Elements of transitions_value should " mess += "be {0:d}x{0:d} square matrices." mess = mess.format(self.nbS) raise ValueError(mess) self.__transitions = transitions_values self.__convcalculated = False @property def nbS(self): """The number of states""" return self.__nbS @nbS.setter def nbS(self, nbS_value): if (nbS_value == int(nbS_value) and nbS_value > 0): self.__nbS = int(nbS_value) self.__convcalculated = False else: raise ValueError("Error in new nbS value.") @property def nbL(self): """The number of letters""" return self.__nbL @nbL.setter def nbL(self, nbL_value): if (nbL_value == int(nbL_value) and nbL_value > 0): self.__nbL = int(nbL_value) self.__convcalculated = False else: raise ValueError("Error in new nbL value.") @property def isAbsConv(self): """Does the automaton meet the sufficient condition to be absolutely convergent""" if not self.__convcalculated: self._calcAbsConv() self.__convcalculated = True return self.__isAbsConv @isAbsConv.setter def isAbsConv(self, isAbsConvL_value): pass def __rmul__(self, coeff): """ Multiplication of an automaton by a scalar - Input: :param scalar coeff: the coefficient of multiplication - Output: :returns: An automaton instance :rtype: Automaton """ initial = coeff*self.initial return(Automaton(self.nbL, self.nbS, initial,, self.transitions)) def __add__(self, automaton): """ Computes self + automaton self and automaton are built on the same alphabet - Input: :param Automaton automaton: automaton to add - Output: :returns: An automaton instance :rtype: Automaton """ if self.nbL != automaton.nbL: raise ValueError("Can't add Automaton with different alphabets") else: initial = np.concatenate((self.initial, automaton.initial)) final = np.concatenate((, nbS = self.nbS + automaton.nbS nbL = self.nbL transitions = [np.zeros((nbS, nbS)) for _ in range(nbL)] for i in range(len(transitions)): transitions[i][0:self.nbS, 0:self.nbS] =\ self.transitions[i][0:self.nbS, 0:self.nbS] transitions[i][self.nbS:nbS, self.nbS:nbS] =\ automaton.transitions[i][0:automaton.nbS, 0:automaton.nbS] return Automaton(nbL, nbS, initial, final, transitions) @staticmethod
[docs] def SimpleExample(): """ A Probabilistic Automaton with two states and two letters. - Output: :returns: An automaton instance example with simple values :rtype: Automaton """ initial = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) final = np.array([1/2, 1/6]) transitions = [np.array([[1/6, 1/12], [1/6, 1/6]]), np.array([[0, 1/4], [1/6, 1/3]])] return Automaton(2, 2, initial, final, transitions)
[docs] def transformation(self, source="classic", target="prefix"): """ Takes an automaton as input and transforms it. - Input: :param str source: "prefix", "factor" or "classic" (default) :param str target: "prefix" (default), "factor" or "classic" - Output: :returns: The result automaton instance :rtype: Automaton The transformation is done according to the source and target parameters. .. warning:: it does not check the convergence """ A = Automaton(self.nbL, self.nbS, self.initial,, self.transitions) m_sigma = np.zeros(self.nbS) for m in self.transitions: m_sigma = m_sigma + m m = np.eye(self.nbS) - m_sigma im = np.linalg.inv(m) if source == "classic": if target == "prefix" or target == "factor": =, if target == "factor": A.initial =, im) elif target == "classic": if source == "prefix" or source == "factor": =, if source == "factor": A.initial =, m) return A
[docs] def BuildHankels(self, lrows=[], lcolumns=[]): """ Return all Hankel (denses) matrices built on lrows and lcolumns - Input: :param list lrows: :param list lcolumns: - Output: :returns: list of all Hankel matrices built on lrows and lcolumns :rtype: list """ nbrows = len(lrows) nbcolumns = len(lcolumns) lh = [np.zeros((nbrows, nbcolumns)) for _ in range(self.nbL + 1)] dval = {} # dictionary of already calculated values for i in range(nbrows): for j in range(nbcolumns): w = lrows[i] + lcolumns[j] if w in dval: lh[0][i, j] = dval[w] else: lh[0][i, j] = self.val(w) dval[w] = lh[0][i, j] for x in range(self.nbL): w = lrows[i] + (x,) + lcolumns[j] if w in dval: lh[x+1][i, j] = dval[w] else: lh[x+1][i, j] = self.val(w) dval[w] = lh[x+1][i, j] return lh
[docs] def mirror(self): """ Compute the mirror automaton - Input: :param Automaton self: Automaton(nbL, nbS, initial, final, transitions) - Output: :returns: mA = Automaton(nbL, nbS, final, initial, Newtransitions) where Newtransitions[x] = transpose(transitions[x]) :rtype: Automaton """ Newtransitions = [] for x in range(self.nbL): Newtransitions.append(np.transpose(self.transitions[x])) return Automaton(self.nbL, self.nbS,, self.initial, Newtransitions)
[docs] def val(self, word): """ Compute the value computed by the automaton on word - Input: :param Automaton self: weighted automaton :param str word: a string - Output: :returns: probability r_A(w) :rtype: float """ u = self.initial final = for x in word: u =, self.transitions[x]) return, final)
[docs] def HouseholderReflector(x): """ the vector which defines the Householder for x - Input: :param vector x: a vector in :math:`R^k` different from 0 - Output: :returns: :math:`v = u/||u||` where :math:`u_1 = x_1 + sign(x_1)||x||` and :math:`u_i = x_i` for :math:`i \\geq 2` :rtype: vector """ u = x.copy() s = 1 if x[0] >= 0 else -1 u[0] = x[0] + s * np.linalg.norm(x) return u/np.linalg.norm(u)
[docs] def mulHouseholderReflector(u, v): """ the product of u by the HouseholderReflector nxn matrix based on v - Input: :param vector u: row vector of :math:`R^n` :param vector v: vector of :math:`R^k` (k<=n) - Output: :returns: w, row vector of :math:`R^n`, :math:`w = uP(v)` where :math:`P(v)=[I_{n-k} 0; 0 R]\in R^{n \\times n}` and :math:`R=I_k-2v^T.v` :rtype: vector """ n = len(u) w = u.copy() k = len(v) r =[n-k:n], v) w[n-k:n] = w[n-k:n] - 2*r*v return w
[docs] def HouseholderReductionFw(self, tau): """ algorithm (Fig. 3) from the paper Stability and complexity of Minimising Probabilistic Automata by Kiefer and Wachter - Input: :param Automaton self: an object of the automaton class :param float tau: error tolerance parameter >=0 - Output: :returns: The canonical forward reduction computed to the tolerance tau :rtype: Automaton """ alpha = self.initial # initial vector n = len(alpha) # initial dimension v = Automaton.HouseholderReflector(alpha/np.linalg.norm(alpha)) # vP1\in R^n lv = [v] # list of Householder reflectors l = 0 j = 1 # new number of dimensions e = np.zeros(n) e[0] = 1 f = Automaton.mulHouseholderReflector(e, v) # f \in R^n F = np.zeros([n, n]) # the projection matrix F[j-1, :] = f transNew = [np.zeros([n, n]) for x in range(self.nbL)] # new transitions while l < j: l += 1 for x in range(self.nbL): f = F[l-1, :] u =, self.transitions[x]) # f_lM(a) u\in R^n for v in lv: u = Automaton.mulHouseholderReflector(u, v) # u \in R^n transNew[x][l-1, :] = u if (j+1 <= n and np.linalg.norm(transNew[x][l-1][j:n]) > tau): j += 1 v = Automaton.HouseholderReflector(transNew[x][l-1][j-1:n]) # v \in R^{n-j} lv.append(v) transNew[x][l-1, :] = Automaton.mulHouseholderReflector( transNew[x][l-1, :], v) f = np.zeros(n) f[j-1] = 1 for v in reversed(lv): f = Automaton.mulHouseholderReflector(f, v) F[j-1, :] = f F = F[:j, :] for x in range(self.nbL): transNew[x] = transNew[x][:j, :j] iF = np.linalg.pinv(F) alphaNew =, iF) etaNew =, return Automaton(self.nbL, j, alphaNew, etaNew, transNew)
[docs] def minimisation(self, tau): """ compute an equivalent minimal automaton, to the precision tau - Input: :param Automaton self: - Output: :returns: B, equivalent to A with a minimal number of states :rtype: Automaton """ A = self.HouseholderReductionFw(tau) A = A.mirror() A = A.HouseholderReductionFw(tau) return A.mirror()
def _calcAbsConv(self): """ a sufficient condition to be absolutely convergent - Input: :param Automaton self: - Output: :returns: False if :math:`\\Sigma r_|A|(w)` is not convergent and True otherwise. It may happen that A is abs conv and that the return value is False :rtype: bool """ m = np.zeros([self.nbS, self.nbS]) for x in range(self.nbL): m = m + abs(self.transitions[x]) if max(abs(np.linalg.eigvals(m))) < 1: self.__isAbsConv = True else: self.__isAbsConv = False
[docs] def sum(self): """ the sum of a rational series """ m = np.zeros([self.nbS, self.nbS]) for x in range(self.nbL): m = m + self.transitions[x] return, np.linalg.inv(np.eye(self.nbS)-m)),
[docs] def load_Spice_Automaton(adr): """ Load an automaton from a SPiCe file and returns an object of the class Automaton; works for PFA and PDFA - not for HMM. """ states = set() # set of states letters = set() # alphabet dinit = {} # dictionary of (initial state, initial value) dfinal = {} # dictionary of (final state, final value) trans1 = {} # [(state,letter), total weight] ; sum_l w(q,l) = 1 trans2 = {} # [(state,letter,state) weight] ; sum_q' w(q,l,q')=1 f = open(adr, "r") f.readline() line = f.readline() # load dinit while line and line.find("F") == -1: line = line.replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ') l = line.split() q = int(l[0]) states.add(q) dinit[q] = float(l[1]) line = f.readline() line = f.readline() # load dfinal while line and line.find("S") == -1: line = line.replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').replace(',', ' ') l = line.split() q = int(l[0]) states.add(q) dfinal[q] = float(l[1]) line = f.readline() line = f.readline() # load trans1 while line and line.find("T") == -1: line = line.replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').replace(',', ' ') l = line.split() q = int(l[0]) states.add(q) x = int(l[1]) letters.add(x) trans1[(q, x)] = float(l[2]) line = f.readline() line = f.readline() # load trans2 while line and line.find("(") != -1: line = line.replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').replace(',', ' ') l = line.split() q1 = int(l[0]) states.add(q1) x = int(l[1]) letters.add(x) q2 = int(l[2]) states.add(q2) trans2[(q1, x, q2)] = float(l[3]) line = f.readline() f.close() nbl = max(list(letters)) + 1 # size of the alphabet nbs = max(list(states)) + 1 # number of states init = np.zeros(nbs) # initial states for q in dinit.keys(): init[q] = dinit[q] final = np.zeros(nbs) # final states for q in dfinal.keys(): final[q] = dfinal[q] trans = [np.zeros([nbs, nbs]) for x in range(nbl)] for (q1, x, q2) in trans2: if (q1, x) in trans1.keys(): trans[x][q1, q2] = trans2[q1, x, q2] * trans1[q1, x] *\ (1-final[q1]) A = Automaton(nbl, nbs, init, final, trans) return A
[docs] def calc_prefix_completion_weights(self, prefix): """ a sufficient condition to be absolutely convergent - Input: :param Automaton self: Be careful that A should be a prefix transformation of an Automata. (see :func:`~automaton.Automaton.transformation`) :param List prefix: list of integers representing a prefix - Output: :returns: a dictionary with all alphabet letters as keys. The associated values are the weights of being the next letter. :rtype: dict """ if not self.isAbsConv: raise ValueError("The automaton absolute convergence is not true.") # Symbol -1 corresponds to the end of the sequence # If the weight is negative it does not carry any semantic p_w = self.val(prefix) toReturn = {} for i in range(self.nbL): w = self.val(prefix+[i]) p_w -= w toReturn.update({i: max(w, 0)}) toReturn.update({-1: max(p_w, 0)}) return toReturn
if __name__ == '__main__': A = Automaton.SimpleExample() A = A.transformation() d = A.calc_prefix_completion_weights([-1]) print(d)