.. _core: Core ==== .. automodule:: solar_utils.core .. document private functions Libraries --------- Solar Utils depends on two libraries that must be compiled in the same folder as ``core.py``. The library extension depends on the system platform. Windows uses dynamically linked libraries, ``.dll``, Linux uses shared objects, ``.so`` and Mac OS X (*aka Darwin*) uses dynamic libraries, ``.dylib``. Also both Linux and Darwin libraries have ``lib`` prefixed to the library name. solposAM ++++++++ A library compiled from `NREL's SOLPOS 2.0 `_ that exports functions called by :func:`solposAM`. .. data:: SOLPOSAMDLL spectrl2 ++++++++ A library compiled from `NREL's SPECTRL2 V.2 `_ that imports :data:`SOLPOSAMDLL` and exports functions called by :func:`spectrl2`. .. data:: SPECTRL2DLL solposAM -------- .. autofunction:: solposAM spectrl2 -------- .. autofunction:: spectrl2 _int2bits --------- .. autofunction:: _int2bits Used to decipher the return value error codes from SOLPOS and SPECTRL2.