Simpycity Modules

simpycity.config.port = None

libpq connection parameter

simpycity.config.database = None

libpq connection parameter

simpycity.config.debug = False

print debug output


Return a libpq connection string using the variables defined in this file.

simpycity.config.handle_factory(*args, **kwargs)

Simpycity calls this to get a handle when it needs one. It may be useful to redefine this function with one that returns an existing instance of Handle, so that your application only opens one – or a controlled number of – database connections.

Returns:instance of simpycity.handle.Handle = None

libpq connection parameter

simpycity.config.password = None

libpq connection parameter

simpycity.config.port = None

libpq connection parameter

simpycity.config.user = None

libpq connection parameter

class simpycity.handle.Cursor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: psycopg2.extras.DictCursor

Add per-row callback option to standard cursor.

class simpycity.handle.Handle(dsn=None, config=None, isolation_level=None)

Bases: object

A base Simpycity handle. a Handle is the wrapper object around a psycopg connection.

cursor(*args, **kwargs)
Parameters:cursor_factory – Override default Cursor
Returns:psycopg2 cursor

Open the connection if not already open.


A generator function

class simpycity.handle.TypedCursor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.handle.Cursor

A cursor for result sets having only a single (typically composite) column. Rather than a row being a tuple, it is simply the value of the one column.

class simpycity.core.Function(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.core.meta_query

Abstract a Postgresql function.

form_query(columns, options={})
  • columns (str) – literal sql string for list of columns
  • options (dict) – dict supporting a single key “direct” as in the constructor

sql string

exception simpycity.core.FunctionError

Bases: BaseException

Bare exception, used for naming purposes only.

class simpycity.core.FunctionSingle(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.core.Function

A Postgresql function that returns a single value.

class simpycity.core.FunctionTyped(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.core.Function

A Postgresql function that returns row(s) having only a single (typically composite) column

class simpycity.core.FunctionTypedSingle(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.core.FunctionSingle, simpycity.core.FunctionTyped

A Postgresql function that returns a single row having a single (typically composite) column

class simpycity.core.Property(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.core.FunctionTypedSingle

Enjoys special handling in SimpleModel.__getattribute__ When a SimpleModel attribute references an instance of this class, its __call__ attribute is executed immediately and the result returned. That means in __init__, args must be empty, or the args must be mappable by name to the model’s table attribute.

class simpycity.core.Query(name, args=[], handle=None, callback=None)

Bases: simpycity.core.meta_query

select query access to a Postgresql table or view.

class simpycity.core.QuerySingle(name, args=[], handle=None, callback=None)

Bases: simpycity.core.Query

A select query on a table or view that returns a single row

class simpycity.core.QueryTyped(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.core.Query

A select query on a table or view that returns composite row values

class simpycity.core.QueryTypedSingle(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.core.QuerySingle, simpycity.core.QueryTyped

A select query on a table or view that returns a single composite row value

class simpycity.core.Raw(name, args=[], handle=None, callback=None)

Bases: simpycity.core.meta_query

Execute arbitrary sql.

class simpycity.core.meta_query(name, args=[], handle=None, callback=None)

Bases: object

Base object for sql query-like objects For internal use only.


Commits the query, using the internal self.handle.

form_query(columns, options={})

Subclass function to create the query based on the columns provided at instance time. :param list columns: List of columns to return :param dict options: A dict, which responds to the following keys:

  • columns: Alters what columns are selected by the query.
  • handle: Overrides the instance handle with a customized version.
  • callback: Override the instance callback with a customized version.
Returns:sql string

Permanently resets the handle.


Override this for special handling in simpycity.model.SimpleModel.__getattribute__ If True, __call__ will be executed if a reference is made to a SimpleModel attribute that is this instance.


Rolls back the query, using the internal self.handle.

class simpycity.model.SimpleModel(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: simpycity.model.Construct

The basic simple model class. Implements the barest minimum of Model functionality to operate. SimpleModel expects one of:

  • __load__ to be a FunctionSingle or QuerySingle that loads an instance, based on primary key, from the database.
  • __lazyload__ to be a FunctionSingle that loads an instance from the database, depending on the existance of a value for loaded_indicator, which should be a member of table that will only be populated after the instance is fully loaded.
static merge_base_attrs(attrs)
Parameters:attrs (dict) – If one of the attrs is named “base_”, assume that attribute is an instance of SimpleModel mapped on a Postgresql composite type, and that the base_ instance is of a superclass of this class. Expand the attributes of the base_ type and assign to class attributes.

psycopg2’s type casting uses namedtuple() and that forbids a name to start with underscore, so we end it with _ instead

pg_type = None

If table is empty and this is a tuple of two members (schema, type) then register_composite() will calculate table by executing a query to Postgres at runtime.

classmethod register_composite(name, handle=None, factory=None)

Maps a Postgresql type to this class. If the class’s table attribute is empty, and the class has an attribute pg_type of tuple (schema, type), it is calculated and set by querying Postgres. Register inherited/inheriting classes in heirarchical order. Every time a SQL function returns a registered type (including array elements and individual columns, recursively), this class will be instantiated automatically.

The object attributes will be passed to the provided callable in a form of keyword arguments.

  • name (str) – the name of a PostgreSQL composite type, e.g. created using the CREATE TYPE command
  • handle (simpycity.handle.Handle) –
  • factory (psycopg2.extras.CompositeCaster) – use it to customize how to cast composite types

the registered CompositeCaster instance responsible for the conversion



Performs the __save__ method, if it has been declared. If not, this function raises a CannotSave exception. .save() does not implicitly commit the model. To commit, it must be done manually.

table = []

Declare a list of columns to become class attributes. Or leave empty, and define pg_type.