Sijax 0.3.0 documentation


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Comet plugin

Also refer to Client side API functions - sjxComet.request() for a way of invoking the Comet Plugin from the browser.

Upload plugin

Client side API functions - Sijax.request()

You’ve got access to only a handful of functions to use on the client side (in the browser).

The most import and frequently used is Sijax.request(), which makes a new Sijax request to the server.

The signature of Sijax.request() is:

Sijax.request(function_name, [list of arguments], {additional arguments to jQuery.ajax});

The only required argument is the first one - function_name, which specifies which function you want to call.

If no “list of arguments” is specified, the function will be called with no arguments.

The 3rd parameter you can pass to Sijax.request() is the most advanced one, which allows you to override some of the parameters Sijax uses to invoke jQuery.ajax().

Here are several examples:

//Calling a function without arguments

//Calling a function with a single argument
Sijax.request('my_function', ['string argument']);

//Calling a function with 2 arguments
Sijax.request('my_function', ['argument 1', 'argument 2']);

//Calling a function with no arguments, telling the underlying
//jQuery.ajax to use a timeout of 15 seconds
Sijax.request('my_function', [], {"timeout": 15000});

Client side API functions - Sijax.getFormValues()

You often need to submit forms without reloading the page. If you want to use Sijax for that, you would have to extract the fields from the form, create a dictionary and pass that to Sijax.request() (see Client side API functions - Sijax.request()).

Sijax provides a browser helper for that called Sijax.getFormValues() which can extract all the fields from a form on the page and give you a dictionary.

The signature of Sijax.getFormValues() is:


The result is a dictionary/object representing the names of the fields in the form matched by the selector and their values.

Here’s some HTML markup and the result of Sijax.getFormValues():

<form id="my_form">
    <input type="text" name="textbox" value="textbox 1" />
    <input type="text" name="tbx[nested]" value="tbx 2" />
    <input type="text" name="textbox2" value="textbox 1" disabled="disabled" />
    <input type="text" value="textbox with no name" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="cbx" checked="checked" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    var values = Sijax.getFormValues('#my_form');
    The values variable now contains:
        "textbox": "textbox 1",
        "tbx": {"nested": "tbx 2"},
        "cbx": "on"

    Sijax.request('process_form', [values]);

In the above example, we’ve used the #my_form jQuery selector to find our form, but any other jQuery selector would work.

You can see that the value for textbox2 was skipped, because the field was disabled. The value for the third text field was also skipped, because the field is missing a name. If the checkbox were unchecked, it would have been skipped too.

Client side API functions - sjxComet.request()

sjxComet.request() is the analogue of Sijax.request() (see Client side API functions - Sijax.request()) for Comet functions (see Comet Plugin).

In order to use this, you’ll need to include the sijax_comet.js file on your page. More on that in Comet Plugin.

sjxComet.request() has the same signature as Sijax.request() except that it has no third parameter to configure jQuery.ajax(), because Comet functions don’t use AJAX requests.

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