Example 2: Calibration of NetworksΒΆ

Network for calibration example.

Network for calibration example.

This example demonstrates the use of SWMM5-EA in calibration of drainage networks. The simple network shown in the above figure consists of a single watershed connected to an open rectangular channel of 3 m (width) x 1 m (maximum depth) size, flowing into a free outfall. Measured data for the flow time series in the channel is available (below).

The original network file. Measured flow data shown in green squares.

The original network file. Measured flow data shown in green squares. Red line is the flow hydrograph before calibration.

In this example we vary the six parameters.

Parameter Range Variable used
Width of overland flow 100 m20000 m v1
Avg. slope (watershed) 0.0001 %5.0 % v2
Mannings n    
Impervious 0.00010.5 v3
Pervious 0.00010.5 v4
Detention Storage    
Impervious 1 mm10 mm v5
Pervious 1 mm10 mm v6

They are represented in the Project as follows:

Project parameters.

Project parameters used.

Place Holders in SWMM5 input file.

Place Holders in SWMM5 input file.

Following figures show the calibration results at first generation and after 100 generations.

The network file corresponding to the best solution at first generation.

The network file corresponding to the best solution at first generation.

The network file corresponding to the best solution after 100 generations.

The network file corresponding to the best solution after 100 generations.

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