
SFChat server
SFChat server provides connection between chat participants. It works like a phone or an internet provider. SFChat server starts chat, generates chat token, moves messages from chat users.
invitation code
A unique identifier alphanumeric string with length 24 characters. It is used to identify chat. Such identifier is _id in MongoDB chat collection. Therefore an invitation code must be sent through the secure channel e.g mobile phone, email, etc.
system message
It is a type of message that is sent to participant by SFChat to inform about a chat status, errors, etc.
long pulling
It is technique that is used to reduce the number of request to the server
chat creator
It is a person who creates a new chat and sends an invitation code to another participant
chat joiner
It is a person who join the chat conversation by using an invitation code
chat token
The same value as the invitation code
user token
A unique identifier of user. This identifier is generated during the authorization process. It helps to identify the user and the chat. It’s generated by ObjectId() in MongoDB.
message token
A unique identifier of message. It’s used for handle message delivery process. It’s generated by ObjectId() in MongoDB.