
Notifications are used to record which events have happend. They are most useful for testing where one wants to schedule some notifications at a specific time and test if the operator reacted as expected.

class rx.notification.Notification

Represents a notification to an observer.

static createOnNext(value)

Creates an OnNextNotification that yields value.

static createOnError(exception)

Creates an OnErrorNotification that yields exception.

static createOnCompleted()

Creates an OnCompletedNotification.

accept(observerOrOnNext, onError=None, onCompleted=None)

Accepts an observer or the methods onNext, onError, onCompleted and invokes either onNext, onError, onCompleted depending on which type of Notification it is. This is an abstract method that is implemented by OnNextNotification, OnErrorNotification, and OnCompletedNotification.

class rx.notification.OnNextNotification(value)

Represents an OnNextNotification notification to an observer.

class rx.notification.OnErrorNotification(exception)

Represents an OnNextNotification notification to an observer.

class rx.notification.OnCompletedNotification

Represents an OnNextNotification notification to an observer.

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